Ghost Jon - You can see me?

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Requested by EddsworldQueen
Your Pov
I was talking with my friend Mark he's been nice when I say been because his friend or should I say Old friend died from the giant robot accident that was in town this very town! The red leader and their house has been blown Eduardo and Mark were living with me because their money was blown or was fired in the accident that was happening as I was saying I was talking to Mark at the cafe that I was working for the rent and Mark was working at the library while Eduardo opened one small shop that backfired already... because one costumer came to his shop very first costumer and he was asking if he had any Cola it's not Edd and Eduardo got angry and said to the costumer "WHY ARE YOU COMING TO THE DIET COLA SHOP AND ASKING FOR COLA.?!" He snapped and that's why it backfired already... yeah... as I was saying Mark was talking to me and I see a figure? Blue figure? Maybe the alcohol has been affected yes I drink because of something personal and Eduardo came to the cafe with an angry look on his face I looked at him and raised an eyebrow "What's worng Duray?" I asked he rolled his eyes "Well this costumer tells me why do I sell Diet Coke!!" He yelled angrily I rolled my eyes and told Mark and Eduardo to do something because I'm going to ask the costumers orders  I saw one the blue guy from earlier he was waving I came to him "Hello sir welcome to (INSERT SHIT NAME HERE OR SOMETHING) cafe! What would you like?" I asked nicely.

she was speaking to me?! Wait she can see me?! "Hello sir?" I snapped back I rubbed the back of my neck "sorry it's the first time someone saw me heheh.." I blushed in embarrassment she raised and eyebrow I looked at Mark and Eduardo who were looking at her like she was crazy "How come sir?" She asked I turned to her I pointed to Eduardo and Mark and  she looked where I was pointing "What about them?" She asked "Well I'm their friend I died..." I said sadly she gasped "Your the one who died?" She asked I nodded shyly "Well we can talk later because right now I'm going to drink some more alcohol!" She exclaimed I was sad and she left me here I float and followed her.

am I crazy? Am I REALLY CRAZY?! I looked to Mark "I think the alcohol is affecting..." I said he nodded and Eduardo is shaking his head while he was shocked and is not moving at all "Well I'm going to my work I'll leave Eduardo here.." he said while walking slowly away from Eduardo still not moving I poked him he didn't move huh guess I have myself  a statue! I smiled maybe I can draw someone or something on it I grabbed a marker and I wrote


I giggled and started to work 


My shift was done Eduardo was still frozen and people think it's a new coat and hat holder because I put him near the door or beside the door heheh oops and I dragged Eduardo out of the cafe and I saw Jon wow I'm really drunk "hello?" Jon told I waved my free hand and we talked maybe I'm not drunk after all he was sweet and nice he was talking about how he was when he was still alive I reached my house and opened the door and pushed Eduardo to the couch and locked the door and talked with Jon
"I'm glad I have someone to talk to since I'm a ghost" he smiled

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