Eddsworld Crew x Reader : Share? Part two (NOT FINAL)

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Eddsworld crew X Reader
Y/N = Your Name
H/L = Hair length
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color
N/N = Nick Name
F/N = Friend Name
F/C = Favorite color
S/F/C = Second Favorite Color
F/D = Favorite Drink
F/F = Favorite Food
T/F = Type of Flower
F/S = Favorite song
F/M = Favorite Movie
B/N = Bully name
O/F = Online friend
D/B = Dog breed

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Requested by the author of the story
Y'all not commenting lol
Your Pov
I got really excited I can't even barely breathe once the plane found its distention it lands on the platform and I was practically smiling like an idiot, couldn't even control myself from my actions.And the other people looks at me and some say 'Clam down' 'mommy look!' I shall not clam down because I'm really excited.

NO ONE can ever change my emotion! (Bish Tord can oh wait....... ->:3 break ya heart if he cheats on u) and once the speaker went of "Alright ladies and gentlemen you may stand and get your things" I got of first and the others did and I got my bag pack, and I turn my head just to meet a long line in front of me ME! (I hate long lines...). (KARMMMMAAAAA)


I groaned causing the others to glare at me.Like cold death glares daggers...

Geez to much? I sighed and started to walk little steps because the line isn't disappearing at all. This is taking forever why does karma has to do this to meeeee.

As I rolled my eyes and cut the line by pushing them out of the way of my way.

"EXCUSE BITCHESS!" I yelled as I pushed the people out of my way of my freedom.but I was blocked by a horned guy in my way he's wearing a red hoodie. "Excuseeee meeee!!!!!" I yelled at him and I started to push him out of the way causing him to fall on the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?" I heard him yelled in his accent it sounds familiar that I can't put my finger on it.(BISHHH WHYY) (You : YOUR WRITING MY SCRIPT FOR FUCKS SAKE!)I ignore that the fact he fell on his ass.

I just rolled my eyes "You have ears why can't you hear I'm yelling at you to move out the way!" I yelled at him and I sprinted out of the plane "IMMM FREEEE!!!" And I heard others yelling "YOU SKIP THE DAMN LINE LADY!" I heard one of them say."WHATEVER!!!" I yelled back. And I started running to the immigration to get my suitcase (I'm sorry if i, wrong lol) and started to think the fact that guy I pushed looked familiar to me.

Tords Pov
I sighed and I stood up and started to groan and exited my plane from (your country) just to find if there's any gifts for my injured soldiers birthday and I the fact the red leader haven't find any gifts.

And how come that voice that girl that pushed me,Earlier sounds familiar that I remembered at highschool... maybe just karma hitting me again.ignoring the fact I'm bumping into people lost in my thoughts.

"Come on Tord can't you just find a simple gift!" I yelled at myself for not getting a simple damn gift and as I walked outside of the transport to the center of the airport and I see others on their phones,some are getting others,some are yelling on their phone.And kids just playing like nothing is fucken going on here.

And I looked around just to see Paul.

Running towards me panting. "S-sir d-did you find a g-gift?" He shuttered at his own words.I shook my head as a no,"We can find another country for a gift" Paul spoke.As he stopped panting from his running all of that.

"Do you want me to waste my time just to find a gift for him?!?"

I yelled and he widen his eyes I mean only his one eye since,His other was covered by the bandage.

"n-no" he replied to me, shuttering again.

I sighed and walked towards the immigration just to get my suitcase and Paul followed me.

Your Pov

I looked on my suitcase being moved , I grabbed my suitcase and sighed and put out my phone and checked the time.


MESSAGE from Eddie Gould (Cola freaK) :
Hello Y/n? Are you online right now? Because you haven't texted me in a while now...

I looked at the text that sent me,I ignore it and I heard footsteps.

"Paul get my suitcase"

"Yes sir"

I looked where the voices came from , As I looked I see the horned guy I pushed earlier.He was with someone (TOMTORD >:3) that has a bandaged over their other eye . his hair is brown dark,And he has a beard? Old man? (HAHAHAHAHAH).

I ignore it and drag my suitcase out of the immigration and started going to f/r (favorite restaurant) to eat before I travel to edds house

I wonder how he would react?


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