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Virginie's Point of View

January 6th

"I don't know how long it has been since we've been literally all alone."  He looks at me though the bathroom mirror, his arms romantically embracing my shoulders.  "I like the intimacy."

"Me too.  I missed it."  I smile back at him as he covers my wet body with a towel.

"It feels like we can have our own routine now, like we can finally start the rest of lives."  He whispers to my ear and rests his cheek against the side of my head.

"You seem to forget that tomorrow we have to face the world."

"I know it seems frightening, but Jeff knows people who can make it go away.  We'll probably have to do some major marketing to distract the fans, but mostly the medias.  As soon as we'll get seen together, it won't be easy."  He warns me and hides his face in my neck.  I know he doesn't want to face this as much I dread it.

"I don't want to be the secret anymore.  I don't want to keep away from you when I have just gotten you back."  I plead and look to my side, where his face stays hidden, but I need to look into his eyes.

"I have never wanted to get you mixed up in all of this.  I wanted to keep my private life to myself as it is the only thing I thought I had control on, but, unfortunately, I was very wrong."

"Look...  I won't try and fake to be strong, because you know I am terrified inside, but there's nothing we can do about it.  It's done, the secrets are out.  I think we should focus on the positive outcome from all of this."

"Which is?"

"We are getting justice done by doing what is right.  If there's something that the shrink told me multiple times, it's that what happened to me is not my fault.  What is happening now is not our fault." 

I find his eyes again as he lifted his face through my words.  He seems so lost and insecure.  Maybe I am naive to think always so optimistic, but I know we will see the light one day and we'll be done with all the drama in our life.  For now, I just want us to be happy and forget the world for the rest of the day.

I look intently at his features, my eyes sliding on every little wrinkle to the beard growing on his upper lip and chin. 

"Your bruises have scarred.  I am happy."  I smile again and take his hands in mine, kiss them quickly, and slowly slide myself out of his embrace to face him.  "Today is our day.  Let's forget about the world, leave your phone here to charge and come take a walk with me outside."

He returns my smile and lets me hug him before I take his hand and walk through the house to our bedroom upstairs. It still feels surreal that we are back together. It always seemed in my head like it was all a dream. I was happy to have felt his love once. Now, I get to have it again, for ever this time.

I walk to the closet and randomly pick one of Harry's shirt and put it on my bare skin and slide some panties on as well as a pair of jeans. He follows me closely and I lean on my side to watch him get dressed full of adoration for him. I get lost in my memories. I look at the ground and I can't help but to bite my lip. We had sex in here. Cindy caught us, but I was too drunk to even care. That was a good day.

When I look up, I find myself alone. I absentmindedly look for socks to wear and leave the room to put them on. I sit on the bed and slide each foot as I hear Harry coming back, putting his phone on the nightstand as I asked. I have already forgotten where I put mine, but I don't care. Since he is back in my life, I really want to make the most of our time together. And with all the drama going on on the web, I really don't want to have to deal with any of it.

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