The Spark In Desperation

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Virginie's Point of View

January 24th

We are almost arrived in Holmes Chapel.  Barely a word was spoken.  Through most of the ride, I succumbed under the down of the adrenaline that was rushing through my veins during the investigation.  I have never felt more nervous in my life.

Harry has been driving silently, looking intently at the road, his fist tightly clenched at the wheel.  His mind seemed to be running a million miles an hour.  Under no consideration he wants me to go back to my home country.  And it scares the shit out of me.  I have already been given a chance with the 48 hours time lapse to head back to Canada.  What could he do in that period of time to guaranty my stay here?  I don't want to go to prison.

48 hours.

The timing is so horrible.   I can't believe this short amount of time is critical for both me and Robin.  What am I saying?!  How selfish am I?!  Robin could die.  It has nothing to do with my misfortune.  It is not slightly ressembling.  He could leave this world forever, leaving a hole in so many of the lives of the people he loves and the people that loves him.  I can't imagine not having him in my life.  He has been so precious to me.  I can't begin to imagine what Anne must be feeling.  I would be out of my mind to lose my precious Harry.


I look at him with the biggest sadness in my heart.  Through everything we have been through, I don't know how he thinks anymore.  I think we are both lost.  How could we not be?

I reach for him and rub my hand gently on his thigh.  He looks my way a second and slide his sight on my hands.  He intertwines immediately our fingers together and bring our hands to his lips.

"I won't lose you.  Not again."  He whispers against my skin, my body shivering to his every words.

"Whatever happens, baby, you won't lose me.  In these very hard and unpredictable times, it's the only thing I am sure."  I promise him and hold on tighter to his hand. 

He looks at the road intently as a frown draws itself harder on his features.  I mirror him as I question myself on te thoughts he might be having.

"Why did they 'arrest' you now and not when we visited your family last month?  I mean, what has changed?"  He looks at me furtively.

"The purpose of my trip.  Today, I told them I was coming back to work, when I told the officers, last month, the trip was for pleasure to visit some family.  That was the reason for not having a way back ticket.  I didn't think it through at all.  I should have..."  I sigh deeply and turn slightly the other way to look outside my window.

We are arriving to Holmes Chapel and I am glad.  The air inside this car has been so tense that it has been asphyxiating the both of us.  Harry has been driving recklessly fast to get here and he gets in the driveway just as quickly.  He stops the car and rushes outside.  I follow his pace through the yard, trying to catch him.  He quickly opens the font door and shouts his mother's name, looking f or her.  I get in and close the door behind me.  I take the time to take off my boots and my coat before walking in the house deeper.  I find Harry strongly held in his mother's arms in the kitchen at the back of the house.  He sobs so loudly it shatters what is left of my heart that hasn't been broken already by all the drama we have been facing.

Anne seemed to have been already crying, but Harry's sobs are making her cling onto him harder.  She is grasping any clothing she can to pull him tighter to her.  He nuzzles his head in her neck and his murmurs echoes against her skin.  I feel so helpless looking at them.  I bring him so much worries and problems into his life that he does not even come to me for support, but to his mom. Again, I am being selfish.

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