Request: Happy Birthday part 2

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Harry's Point of View

January 1st (almost five years after the wedding)

"Are you sure your having contractions?" Nadyne asks Gyns as I run everywhere in the house to get her coat and her boots before we leave for the hospital.

"Believe me Mom, I tried farting the pain out, it didn't work." She jokes with a very proud tone almost giggling, but everyone in the house is freaked out. It's a happy kind of freaked out, but still. "I think my water broke on the plane. I didn't say anything because I was so ashamed that I had peed in my pants. I am so happy it turns out that it wasn't the case. It's almost a joke how many times I need to pee in a day."

I wasn't there when she got into labour with Robyn, I don't know what it's like. I have never lived it with her. I'm panicking. That's yet another baby that comes out quicker than the due date. I think Gyns and I are good only at making impatient babies. Robyn came two weeks early. This time it's three. Will it cause any health issues with the baby? Will it complicate the delivery?

The only memory I can refer to is when Kirsten had her child. She was very hormonal. She was snapping at the nurses, at Gyns, and pretty much everyone. She was histeric during her contractions and it took forever for the baby to actually be born. It took all day. I have no idea what to expect with Gyns...

"Baby? Bring the suitcase with us. If we're going to be stuck at the hospital for hours, at least I want to have the party there and give my presents." My wife asks me as I'm all over the place.

Nadyne takes care of getting Gyns out of bed as Stephane gets Robyn ready to go. I let them walk out of the bedroom before I go get the suitcase Gyns asked.

"Would you please bring my purse as well, Love. I have my old hospital card in it and little jars of purée for Robyn in case he-" She stops midsentence because of the strength of the contraction she is having. She tries to keep the pain in, but she lets out soft cries of pain.

I start to get very overwhelmed with everything. Is the oven still on? Is there any candle burning? We have no car seats! What will we do?! When I join everyone to Stephane's car, he has wrapped the seat belt on the carry on seat we brought with us. I put the bags in the boot of the car and I join my wife on the backseat, ready to put to the test every parenting book I have read.

Of course, I didn't tell any of that to Gyns. I didn't want her to know I have bought and now read four books on parenting advices since she has told me she was expecting the first time. I wanted to surprise her with my incredible knowledge. Instead, I ended up absent most of the time of Robyn's early months. I didn't get to show off the way that I love to. And since she has told me, maybe half an hour ago, that our little girl was coming, I seem to have forgotten everything. I have had a bag ready at home for the last month with snacks, games, floral scented candles, wipes, a teddy bear and even nail polish to do her nail if need be so that the first pictures with the baby look perfect.

That was one of the most ridiculously hilarious thing she said to me. We were laying on her hospital bed with baby Robyn between us when she said "You are now a Dad, Harry". It was a perfect moment and after a while I wanted to immortilise that moment and take our first family picture. Once I took it, I looked at it for minutes and couldn't help the tears falling from my eyes. I felt so proud. I had suddenly realised how very real this was. We were finally a family. Gyns and I's bond grew even closer with our little boy. So when I showed her our picture, the first thing she said --and it was so spontaneous-- was that she was happy she had had her nails painted and that it looked good. I started laughing so hard it woke Robyn up.

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