How To Save A Life

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Song for this chapter:
- Sign of the Times by Harry Styles
- 2U by Justin Bieber and David Guetta
- Never Let Go by Bobby Bazini

Virginie's Point of View

January 9th

"Just stop your crying, it's a sign of the times"
"Just stop your crying, it will be alright"

It's the only lyrics I know and it's the only ones I sing in my head, again and again, sitting on the ground against the bed. My head rests on the side of the mattress and I have been looking blankly at the ceiling, listening to this song over and over again for about two hours straight.

I feel empty. I think I have cried all the water in my body and I am all dried up now, for maybe an hour. Everything seems pointless and unfair and cruel as my whole soul swims in deep shades of melancholia.

I haven't been able to fall back asleep after my sister's call. I didn't know what to do. I have never felt more helpless in my entire life. I don't know how long I have cried in bed until I couldn't think about anything else to do but get my ass up and pack. I really have no choice but to go back home, to my family. They need me right now, and if it weren't for luck, I would have lost my Dad yesterday.

Bie called me to let me know about two major accidents. First, my Dad was in a terrible car crash, in the winter storm going on soon yesterday morning, on his way to work. Thankfully, he isn't injured badly, but his new Prius is completely lost with no hope to repair it.

Just knowing that breaks my heart. My Dad could have died right then and there and I wouldn't have known nothing. Even if I would have known, I couldn't have gotten anywhere near him as we are not even on the same continent. I hate just thinking about it. I want my parents. I want to be able to see them as I please and I can't believe I almost lost my Dad...

I thought that was the worst thing that could ever happened, but Bie wasn't done. It seems that, a couple of days earlier, Grandma was sent to the hospital because her cancer has gotten worst.

I started crying as my sister was talking, I couldn't believe anything like that could be real until she explained everything and started crying too.

My Dad has always kept us in the dark about his Mom's cancer. All we ever knew is that she was having treatments and that it was going to be alright. I realised, a few weeks before I headed back to London to be with Matt, that her treatments were becoming more and more recurrent, but Dad always said that it was going to be alright. But he got a call the other day, Bie said, from my Grandma's neighbour and best friend, that her state was getting worse than ever and that she wouldn't last long, so the hospital was keeping her there. At that point, Bie was crying as well as me. She said her organs were failing her and that she was slowly vomiting them through black bile.

It's horrible, I know. And I can't believe I am only hearing of this right now. And I can't do fucking anything about it! I am stuck here, supposed to sleep, when she could never wake up. I have never been more scared in my life.

I made the decision to go back home as quickly as I could. If there would have been flights for Montreal so soon, I would have already been on it, but there's none until later today. So I packed my stuff and I am ready to leave, but every minute, every second, I am apart from them breaks my heart. I can only assume how scared Dad must be. He learned the imminent death of his Mom and almost lost his own life soon after. This is cruel! How can life be this cruel to him?!

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