Mates? Fellows? Blokes? Lads? Friends.

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Virginie's Point of View

March 14th

"You do realise you are getting married to my best friend in ten days, right?" Jeff teases me as I try my best to focus and not let him disturb me while the sun is frying me like an egg in a pan.

"Cut the girl some slack, Jeff. You have been teasing her all day." Niall fatherly protects me as I practice my swing.

"She is playing too good. I got to do something to distract her." I smirk to my ball as I address it.

I wait for a couple seconds of silence before I drive my ball and look where it lands. The sun is brightly shining, making it very hard not to furrow my brows as I look at the pink ball flying through the air.

"Nice shot, Gynie." Niall encourages me as I pick up my tee and get of the tee off.

We walk to our golf kart, I quickly place my driver in my bag and join Grimmy. He steps on the gas and I have to remind him again to slow down. He came with us only to drive these things. He loves them. He could drive them all day and I honestly understand his enthusiasm. He weirdly makes this game so much more fun. He always as a comment for everything, not always appropriate but I don't really care. They already fun, as long as they are not about me.

I had an idea when Harry and I were flying to Los Angeles together. Why not swing?! Not with other couples, obviously, but with our friends. I am spending the entire day with his friends as he does the same with mine. For now, only my family and my closest friends are here, which means, he is spending the day with Gemma, Cindy and my sister, Bie.

I keep wondering what they might be doing. I sure wasn't expecting to go golfing today, but the weather is so nice in California and, with Niall, I shouldn't be that surprised. It's so nice to see him again, I missed him so much. I got to meet Nicholas Grimshaw as well for the first time. He sure made quite the unforgettable introduction and I wasn't expecting anything less from him. I think we got along pretty well. He made sure I was in his kart, I think it was to put me under his investigation, as Niall drives with Jeff. I had to remind him to keep quiet lots of times. I think he didnt quite understood the basic rules of golfing, but he seemed to have had fun.

The golf course isn't really the place to talk, so, when the game is over, to Grimmy's biggest joy, we all gather at the clubhouse for dinner. I don't think I'll ever fit in the Californian life style, meaning all these trendy foods. I mean, what is kale?! I order myself a burger and Niall follows. I feel less complexed when Niall eats more than me. We went to Cafe Habana yesterday, H and I, for me to meet Cindy Crawford and her husband to organise the last details of the wedding before we start setting it all up and H ordered a salad with a side of salad. I mean!!!! Who does that?! I kind of felt obligated to eat a salad as well, by association. To my biggest surprise, it was very good. It was worth not taking my usual carbs.

Anne and Mom are spending the day together. It seems like they have really bonded and I couldn't' be more happy about that. Dad wasn't feeling well today, so he stayed home and Anne and Mom cancelled their plans to take care of him. I think he didn't have a good experience with the local cuisine.

After dinner at the country club, Nick is making it his mission to get me drunk. He asked Jeff for the best bar in town. They have brought me home to get me changed and Nick, yet again, was being all over the place. He literally entered my closet and chose a dress for me to wear. I put it on to make him happy, but I felt instantly insecure and a bit traumatised. Wearing a dress and going back to a bar is making me relive what happened to me a couple of months ago. I got really scared, but, as Grimmy goes on and on about how we must celebrate, Jeff was being super understanding. I let him know about my insecurities and he made sure he wasn't going to leave me from sight all night. He doesn't know how grateful I am for everything he does for me and it doesn't feel like he does that only because I am with Harry.

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