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Virginie's Point Of View

December 3rd

All I think about is how cold I am. My elbow rests on the side of the door against the window. It's cold and uncomfortable, but I want to feel as far from Harry as I can in Robin's little car. With my forehead pressed against my hand, my stare gets lost looking at the shoes I'm wearing. They are Harry's and way too long for my little feet. Plus, they make me look ridiculous. It's unbearable. I'm already enough ashamed as it is. He made me wear his pink converse. I hate them.

I look at them thoroughly. Their shape is weird, which goes with the shape of H's feet. They are awfully long and the tip of them his larger than it should be. His toes are weird, but then again, so are mine. Whose toes look good? Needless to say, they don't fit me, at all. They are stained with dirt at the tip of each of them and examining them distracts me from how cold I really feel.

I see Harry leaning next to me to look at the road between Robin and Anne's seats. Anne insisted on joining us and Robin quickly offered to drive us. Honestly, I want to stay with Anne because she knows how to make me feel good and loved again. Robin is just bringing a smile to my face. He has been really my source of happiness today, which was ruined by Harry for I don't know what reason, but it consumes me with anxiety.

I look through my window from the backseat behind Anne's and focus on the buildings I see as we get closer to the city of Manchester. Nerves are really getting a hold of my body and I can't seem to stop my toes from moving to a steady beat in the weighting silence of the vehicle. I put my thumb to my lips and start biting it gently until the stress becomes unbearable and I start chewing the side of my nail.

"Don't take the exit, we are not going to the airport." Harry says to Robin and it tears me out violently of my thoughts.

I look at him for the first time since he told me to get in the car that I had no choice but to accompany him. I don't know why I listened to him. I could have chosen to stay with his Mom and be strong, but that's something I'm not anymore.

Where are we going? I didn't think I could get anymore nervous today, but he seems to surprise me, yet again, and it isn't in a good way. I look at him, completely lost. What does he intend to do? He doesn't even look at me and talks directly to Robin, being very bossy.

"We are going back to her hotel."

I couldn't be more frightened. I breathe in and immediately turn completely towards the side window. Why is he doing this? Robin looks at me through the rear mirror and I can't help but to let a tear fall down my eye. What is going on? Before I can realise it, we are getting in the parking and I shake my head from left to right not believing Harry could do something like this to me. Doesn't he care about me anymore?

Harry puts on a pair of sunglasses and a beanie. He slides his hood on his head as Robin pulls in the parking. I just can't breathe. This is where it all happened. This is where I never thought I would be back. And Harry brings it all back.

"Come on." He says to me, taking off his seat belt and opening his door in a hurry.

He gets out and I glare at him. If eyes could kill, he would be dead now. I turn to him, clearly not obeying him this time, because my fears are stronger than anything he could ever mean to me. And right now, he doesn't mean much to have betrayed me that way.

"Are you fucking out of your mind Harry?" I let out and I feel bad to surprise Robin and Anne that way, but I don't get way they don't say anything to support me right now. "Do you really think I'm stupid enough to get back in there?"

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