Chapter 1 - Slipped Away

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WARNING: if you did not read the first story of this sequel WHAT IF? You can not read any further until you have completed the first book. If you have, then carry on :D

-Roxy's POV-

I got up for a first painful day at work. I'm just hoping that I don't bump in to Louis, if I do. I can't be alone because I don't know what I would do.

It's been so long since I've last seen him and I'm not planning on changing are status of ex-lovers to... Let's just leave it at that.

"Hey, you ready?"

Sage questioned as I grabbed my keys,


She grabbed two apples for us to eat on our way down there.

As we both got in the car, I decided to ask her something,

"Why haven't you told me that Louis was in a band that you're doing an autobiography for? Why didn't you tell me that he was here all of this time and I've just been so sheltered to notice?"

I questioned like a mad woman,

"Because I didn't want you to get hung up on a jackass like him again. Once is enough. Besides he doesn't even deserve you. And because I also love hanging out with you, you've become more mature ever since you left his sorry ass."

I laughed as the compliments Sage gives him that truly come from her heart,

"Of course, I'm just freaking out that he's here. I don't know what will happen."

I said as I turned into a Tim Hortons to get our morning coffees,

"I'm sure he'll just ignore you like he always did."

I sighed and nodded in agreement. Maybe nothing will have changed between us even if we dated for that short period of time.

We looked inside Tims as we saw Louis laughing with some red-headed chick. So I wasn't just being paranoid, every time we came here, Sage would get the coffees alone for some unknown reason and I would sit in the car and stare at this stranger for hours wondering if it was Louis and it was.

I tried to turn around to walk back to the car. Sage turned me around and held my hand tight.

"No more running away from you're fears. He can't do anything to you. Plus, we're just getting the coffees and then we're out. Ok?"

I felt like I was about to cry so I but my lip, Sage noticed as she lightly hit my shoulder,

"I'm right here, everything will be alright."

I smiled as I felt that I was reassured, we walked in confidently as we got some eyes on us realizing who we were as we strutted our way to the cashier,

I locked eyes with Louis as Sage did the orders, a little smile crawled on to his lips. What is up with him?

I felt a pain in my shoulder as I looked at Sage.

"Pay attention to me right now, not that jerk."

She pointed her middle finger to Louis as his 'date' turned around, but Sage put her finger down and waved with such an innocent smile and rushed me outside,

"Is this going to happen everyday?"

She bit her lip,

"I think so..."

I sighed as we got back in to our car and drove off to work.

I can't believe even my own best friend was trying to hide me from him. She knows what's best for me and clearly I agree with her more than I do myself right now.

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now