Bye bye

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(This is my first batman fanfiction or well Damian fanfiction or whatever you wanna call it. I hope you all enjoy. I promise to get better as time goes on but enjoy and vote and comment and other stuff!)

Police sirens blaring into the night as Harley Quinn was holding on to her daughter while running in a alley way. "Mommy where's daddy?" Little five year old Lucy asked. "I aint sure but don't worry bout that baby. Mama is gonna get us outta here." Harley said while running. "Where to then?" Little Lucy asked. "I ain't to sure yet baby." Harley said holding her daughter closer. "Lets head to auntie cat." Lucy said. "Oh that pussy cat and I ain't on good terms right now so sorry we ain't goin there." Harley said. "You two aint ever on good terms." Lucy said mimicking her mothers speach.

"Oh hush now I may love ya and all but I'll still spank ya." Harley said. Lucy looked up at her mother and sighed. As she was running someone swooped down and blocked Harley's way. Lucy turned her head and saw why her mother had stopped running. "Oh it's you bat freak!" Lucy shouted. Batman sighed. "Harley give up. You've got no where to go." Batman said. "I ain't goin to jail B-man!" Harley shouted at him. "Harley I don't want to fight you." Batman said. Harley sighed to herself and looked at her daughter. She held Lucy tighter and stroked her hair. "I can't go. What am gonna do with her?" Harley asked.

Lucy looked at her mother. "I'll make sure she gets into a good foster home." Batman said. "Foster home?" Lucy asked. Harley held on to her daughter not wanting to let go. Batman walked over to Harley and reached out for Lucy. "Mama?" Lucy asked. Harley kissed her daughters head. "I love ya Lucy and don't ya ever forget that." Harley said. "I won't forget. I love you too." Lucy said. "When I get out of jail I'm gonna be good. I'll find ya and we will be together again and I won't ever do somethin bad again." Harley said. "Promise mama." Lucy said.

There was a screeching sound and the sirens were now exactly where they stood. "I promise. Now you listen to me B-man you make sure she is well taken care of! If I ever find out that the people taken care of her hit or somethin I'll kill ya and them too. You watch her and you make sure she is treated right." Harley said. Commissioner Gordon came walking up behind Harley. Batman signalled him to stop. "You be good ya hear me?" Harley asked Lucy. "Ok mama." Lucy said. Harley nodded and gave Lucy her baby girl to Batman. Batman took Lucy and she looked up at him.

Commissioner Gordon then moved after he had saw that Batman had the child and he took out his handcuffs. He handcuffed Harley then began to take her back to his car. Harley didn't put up a fight she just looked over her shoulder at her daughter. "Mommy!" Lucy shouted. She tried to get out of Batman's hold but he wasn't letting her go. "Mommy! Let her go!" Lucy shouted. She started crying her little eyes out. "I'll see you soon." Harley said quietly. Batman began to walk away and he called for the Batmobile. Lucy just kept crying. The Batmobile pulled up to the sidewalk.

Batman walked up to the passenger side of the car and buckled Lucy up and closed the door. He got in the driver's seat. Lucy sadness began to mix with anger and well she started kicking and hitting things. "Lucy stop." Batman said. "No! No! I want my mama!" Lucy shouted still crying and kicking. He buckled himself up and began to drive. Lucy cried herself to sleep as he was driving. Batman looked over to her and sighed in relief. He was glad that she had cried herself to sleep. Batman made it to the batcave and unbuckled himself.

He got out the car. "Ah master Bruce you've returned." Alfred said. Bruce walked to the other side of the car and got Lucy out. "Hello Alfred." Bruce said. He held Lucy in his arms and took off his mask. "Oh I see you've brought a guest. You should have told me, I would have a room set up for her and everything." Alfred said. "This was last minute." Bruce said. "So who is she?" Alfred asked. "This is Lucy." Bruce said. "She's got a interesting outfit." Alfred said. He was right. For goodness sake she had a green tutu, black leggings and a red shirt that had red and black dimonds. Her blonde hair in pigtails and a face of white clown makeup along with a little mask but her makeup was ruined do to her crying.

"May I ask why you have miss Lucy?" Alfred asked. "This is Harley's daughter. She's now in jail and well I'm taking care of her for now until I find a suitable foster home." Bruce said. "I'll take her from here master Bruce." Alfred said. Bruce nodded and gave her to Alfred. Lucy was seeming to be a heavy sleeper. Alfred made his way out of the batcave. As Alfred was about to walk up the stairs he ran into Dick Grayson. "Alfred what's with the child?" Dick asked. "Master Dick this is Lucy Quinn the daughter of Harley and the Joker she shall be our guest for a while." Alfred said. Dick looked at the child closely. "Oh I remember her now. That's the little one that stabbed me in the arm." Dick said.

"This little miss is the one that stabbed you master Dick?" Alfred asked. Dick nodded. "For a small thing she is truly the devil." Dick said. Lucy snuggled into Alfred and she began to wake up. "Mommy?" Lucy asked. "My sincerest apologizes miss Lucy but your mother isn't here." Alfred said. Lucy pouted. "Dude you let a what four year old stab you? Come on." Jason Todd the second oldest Wayne son said. "I am five for ya info stupid face." Lucy said sticking her tongue out. "How do you feel about a five year old calling you stupid Jason?" Dick asked. "Shut up Dick. Who you callin stupid face you little orphan." Jason said. "Hey! That is too far." Dick said.

"Orphan?' Lucy asked looking at Alfred. "Don't worry about it miss Lucy. Master Jason that is no way to treat our guest." Alfred said. "We are all orphans in this house. Where's Tim?" Jason asked. "Apologize to the kid." Dick said. "My name is Lucy. It ain't kid ya got it?" Lucy asked. "Yup that's Harley's daughter alright." Dick said. "Who daughter?" Jason and Tim asked. Tim was just walking into the house. He had went on a quick coffee run. Alfred sighed. "Alright. Miss Lucy this is master Dick, master Jason and master Tim. Miss Lucy is our guest for a while and she is the daughter of Harley Quinn." Alfred said and made sure to point out who is who to Lucy.

"I had no idea tha psycho had a baby." Tim said. Little Lucy took off her shoe which were little black flats and threw her left shoe at Tim. "Ow!" Tim shouted. "Miss Lucy that was not nice." Alfred said. "He started it." Lucy said. "See I told you she was the devil." Dick said.

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