Not my dad

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"You're just like me." Joker groaned out. "No. I'm better than you. Get it right clown." Lucy said. Lucy was soon tackled out of the flames. "Get off of me!" She shouted. "You've had enough." Batman said. "No!" Lucy shouted. She struggled but soon got of the Bat's grip. Lucy threw her flames at Batman. Batman dodged her attacks. She ran back into the flames but Joker was gone. "Fuck!" Lucy shouted. More anger and this time sadness mixed inside of her. She screamed at the very top of her lungs. Tears pouring down her face.

The flames began rising higher and higher. Batman grabbed her and dragged her out. She kicked and cried. "Enough!" Batman shouted. He sedated her. She collapsed in his arms. He took her back to the Batcave.
When she woke up she was strapped to a table. Her kicking and screaming started again. "Lucy stop." Bruce said. She didn't care to listen. "Here let me ease your mind." Raven said and went to touch lucy.

"Don't touch me!" She shouted. Raven stepped away and put her hands down. "Do you even understand what you did tonight?" Bruce asked. "Yes I know what I was doing! I'm more than aware of what I've done." Lucy said. Mira walked over to lucy. "Lulu just le-" "Get away from me." Lucy snapped. "Lulu we are just trying to he-" "I don't want anyone's Fucking help." Lucy hissed.

Jason came over to Mira and moved her away. He rubbed her back and comforted her. Lucy grabbed at the leather that held her down and set it on fire. She didn't care if she burned herself, she just wanted out. She was freed from the leather that held her wrist and quickly burned the ones holding her ankles. "Stop!" Everyone shouted at her. Running towards her to stop her but she quickly got off the table.

Bruce threw a batarang in her direction it didn't hit her. He missed on purpose. It was only meant to scare her. She stopped and looked at him. "I won't miss next time." He said dryly. "Put me out of my misery then." Lucy said. "You don't mean that." Harley said. "Of course I mean it. I can't do this shit anymore! I'm so fucking angry!" Lucy shouted. "At who?" Mira asked.

"At everyone!" She shouted. She started to breath heavily. Harley rushed over to her daughter. "Easy." Harley cooed at her daughter and rubbed her back. Lucy fell to her knees and held herself. "She's doing it again." Mira said and Damian ran over to Lucy. "Again?" Tim asked. "At school she was acting like this sorta." Mira said. "Raven can help you. Just let her beloved." Damian said. "Can I?" Raven asked. Lucy nodded her head.

Raven walked over to lucy and placed her hands on both sides of Lucy's head. Lucy closed her eyes. Raven took a deep breath. Her hands glowed. Raven started to see into Lucy's mind. She could see all her sad memories, Raven felt bad for Lucy cause she knew what it was like to feel like a monster. She understood the pain. Raven finished and Lucy seemed more at ease. "Thank you." Damian said. Raven nodded.

Lucy looked at Raven and without words having to be exchanged they knew they were going to have a talk later. "What were you thinking?" Bruce asked. "I wasn't." Lucy said. "Lucy I am tired of this! You seem to just attack everyone." Bruce said. "I'm angry and the only way I want to use my anger is to beat the shit out of certain people." Lucy said. "She could go ou-" "After this she has definitely not earned the right to go out." Bruce said cutting Dick off.

"I don't want to go out anyways! What I wanna do is kill the clown!" Lucy shouted. "We don't kill." Bruce said. "IM NOT APART OF THAT SHIT, I DONT HAVE TO FOLLOW YOUR RULES!" Lucy shouted. "You are apart of this family, you are my child so you have to follow my rules." Bruce said. "IM NOT YOUR DAUGHTER!" Lucy shouted. Silence fell and tension was running high. Jason wanted to make a joke but he sorta knew better.

He looked at Tim who clearly wanted to make a joke as well. "You're not my dad." Tim said. "Tim!" Dick shouted. "I'm glad it wasn't me." Jason said. "You were fucking thinking it though." Tim said. Jason nodded. "You never adopted me instead you threw me out." Lucy said. "It's not like that." Bruce said. "It's not? Bruce you literally sent me to live with other people when I could have stayed here. I was happy here! I loved being here, sadly that didn't matter. You made me go away." Lucy said.

"I didn't feel as if I was a good fit for you at the time and I definitely wasn't. You could have been kidnapped and tortured cause of me." Bruce said. "I can learn to understand that but it still hurts the you forgot me. You and the rest of the idiots" "Thats us!" Tim shouted excitedly. "Drake." Damian said. "Sorry." "Yes that's you, you forgot me and it hurt. You guys were all I had at the time. You all know what it's like to lose your parents so with my mother gone and the only thing that I knew as a decent father was gone as well. I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest." Lucy said.

Maybe she was being dramatic about everything but it couldn't be helped. She's in pain.

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