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They all sat in the living room watching tv. Lucy was slowly falling asleep when her phone began to ring. She sighed and answered it. "Hello." Lucy said. "Why aren't you at school?" Sabrina said. "Oh you know....not sleeping." Lucy said. "I told you to take your melatonin." Sabrina said. "I don't need it all the time." Lucy said. "You need it most times baby." Sabrina said. "I guess." Lucy said. "Take it sometimes please." Sabrina said. "How's Sam?" Lucy asked.

"He misses you but he's doing good." Sabrina said. "I miss him too." Lucy said. "Make sure to go to school tomorrow please." Sabrina said. "I will." Lucy said. "Okay. I love you." Sabrina said. "I love you too." Lucy said. Lucy ended the call. Bruce walked into his home to find his kids sleeping in various positions. He shook his head. "They've been there since nine." Alfred said. Bruce nodded and went down to the Batcave. Just cause he was down working at his company today doesn't mean he couldn't do Batman work.

Lucy woke up on the floor. Her feet in Jason's face and her hand on Damian's chest. She sat herself up then stood up. She walked into the kitchen. She sat down at the table and raised her hand. Her eyes glowing green, she swiped her hand to the right and she heard the fridge open. She smirked then pointed at the orange juice and made it come to her. She then opened a cabinet to get a cup. The cup came to her, the juice opened its self then poured into the cup.

She drank from the cup while she sent the juice back and closed the cabinet. "I see you've gotten better." Bruce said. Lucy looked up. "Oh yeah. I've been practicing. Zatanna use to help me out. She told me to practice everyday and I did. She also gave me worksheets and things." Lucy said. Bruce nodded. "Coffee. Coffee. Coffee." Tim chanted. "Oh god it's awake." Lucy said. "Tim." Bruce said. "Coffee. Coffee." Tim said. Bruce shook his head. Lucy laughed.

Tim made his way to his coffee machine and began to make his coffee. Soon the rest of the boys came into the kitchen. "Daddy." Lucy called. "Yes." Bruce, Jason and Dick said. "Guys not you." Lucy said and waved them off. "But I'm daddy." Jason said. "So am I." Dick said. "Anyways. Daddy are you coming to the fashion show?" Lucy asked. "The winter fashion show?" Bruce asked. "Yes what other one dad?" Lucy asked. "Are you designing clothes?" Bruce asked. "No Im gonna be a model." Lucy said. "We'll be there." Bruce said. "We already agreed old man." Jason said.

"They did." Lucy said. "I'll be there. I promise." Bruce said. Lucy smiled real big. "May I ask why do I keep finding your undergarments in master Damian's hamper Lucy?" Alfred asked as he walked into the kitchen. "Where else am I suppose to put them?" Lucy asked. "In your own room in your own hamper." Dick said. "That's too much work." Lucy said. "To sleep in your own room?" Jason asked. "I like sleeping next to Dami." Lucy said. "No more sleeping in the same room." Dick said. "Why?" Lucy asked.

"Teen pregnancy!" Tim shouted. "That will never happen." Damian and Lucy said. "Anything is possible." Dick said. "I'm not having a baby. As cute as they are I refuse to push one out." Lucy said. "Good." Jason said. "You for sure don't need a baby." Tim said. "Highly aware." Lucy said. She began to pick at her lip. Damian quickly grabbed her hand. "No." He said. "Leave me alone." Lucy mumbled. Damian shook his head. "Have you talked to my mommy?" Lucy asked. "No I haven't heard from Sabrina." Bruce said.

"No my mommy." Lucy said. "Oh Harley. No I haven't spoken to her." Bruce said. "My daddy." Lucy said. "Yes." Jason and Dick said.
"No." Lucy said. "The last I saw of Joker was sometime back. I tossed him in the asylum." Bruce said. "You tossed him in after I saw him." Lucy said. Bruce nodded. "I heard him in the asylum." Lucy said. "You heard him?" Tim asked. "Yeah I was in class and I was I guess projecting myself into the asylum." Lucy said.

"Magic. Forever fascinating." Tim said. "I saw my mommy. She was with Ivy. Holding hands, smiling and then I heard him. I heard that manic laughter. I know it anywhere." Lucy said. "Holy shit." Jason said. "One time. I remember he hung me upside down on the banister cause I was annoying him. He tied my feet together then tied it to the top of the banister and tossed me over. The first time I was scared, I cried for my mommy. She wasn't home. The next time I wasn't scared, I  just dangled there. In silence." Lucy said.

"I'll never understand how he can do that? I know he's sick but fuck." Tim said. "It wasn't that bad. Just dangling there. Sometimes I believe that I would cut myself down and my dad would beat me or my mom would cut me down and fight with my dad." Lucy said with a shrug. "You and Damian had some fucked up childhoods." Jason said. "Meh we lived." Lucy said. Damian nodded. "What tournament shit did your mom do?" Lucy asked. "I use to have to climb a mountain. The first time I broke my arm but I made it to the top anyways. It was expected of me." Damian said.

"Why?" Lucy asked. "I'm Ra's Al Ghuls grandson." Damian said. "Damn. That's rough buddy." Lucy said. Damian nodded. "But that's why we like each other. We are both fucked up." Lucy said. "That is not a go-" "It's a joke. Damian's a good person. Rough around the edges but" Lucy leaned her head on his shoulder. "When you get past all of that shit you get a kind and generous soul." Lucy said. "Awww." Dick said. Damian just looked away. "So when's the first date?" Bruce asked. Lucy's eyes widen.

"Father!" Damian shouted. "What? I need to prepare you for your first date." Bruce said. "I don't need to be prepared for anything." Damian said. "I have to tell you about the safety of sex." Bruce said. "I don't need that conversation! I've had it already." Damian said. "Your mom told you?" Lucy asked. "Yes we had a long conversation about it." Damian said with a roll of his eyes. "I learned it in class." Lucy said. "I got tons and tons of lectures about protection and then Bruce had Damian." Dick said.

"Oof." Lucy said. "And then you and Damian are gonna have a baby." Tim said. "Why are you trying to put that on me?" Lucy asked. "Because." Tim said. "I hate it here." Lucy said. "Join the club." Jason said. "Where do I sign up?" Lucy asked. "She really is my kid." Jason said.

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