Oh no

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The day of the fashion show had arrived. Lucy was nervous. She was in the back getting dressed. Her first outfit was the green dress that Damian loves. She looked in the mirror and smiled. She looked beautiful. The dress fitted her perfectly, her hair was curled and makeup done. "Hi Lulu. How are you feeling?" Mira asked. "I'm decent." Lucy said. "You'll do great." Mira said. Lucy nodded.

One by one models went up on the stage. "Okay! You're up next." Mira said and dragged Lucy to the side of the stage she was suppose to enter on. Damian was there. Damian took her hand. "You look so beautiful." Damian said. "Thank you beloved." Lucy said softly. Damian smiled. "Go, go, go." Mira said. The two walked out on the stage. Damian let Lucy walk the whole stage by herself while he waited. She smiled and posed.

The other Wayne boys were up in front so was the rest of her family. She was so happy and excited now. She walks back to Damian and he lead her off to the stage and back into the back area. "Beautiful. Go change into that white dress now." Mira said. Lucy nodded and went to go change. "So you and Todd." Damian said. "What about me and JJ?" Mira asked. "Mira he is older than you." Damian said. "I know that Damian, don't have to remind me." Mira said.

"I'm just saying." Damian said. "Nothings even going on Damian. I just sorta flirt I guess." Mira said. "Sorta? Mira, I see the way you two act. It's not just simple flirting I see the way you guys look at each other." Damian said. "Maybe I like him so what? He's not acting on it like that and neither am I." Mira said. "You look at him like how I look at Lucy." Damian said. "Shut up no I don't." Mira said and folded her arms.

Lucy came out in her white dress. "You love her right?" Mira asked. "Of course." Damian said. Mira nodded. "Be gentle with her even though she doesn't show it, she's obviously been hurt. She's damaged, she makes jokes out of it to try and make herself feel better but still be careful with her. She doesn't do this relationship stuff." Mira said. "Of course. I'm still new to this as well. So hopefully her and I can make this work and help each other." Damian said. Mira smiled. "I call at least third invite to the wedding." Mira said.

"Of course. I'm pretty sure you and Lucy will be planning the wedding together basically." Damian said. "Oh definitely." Mira said. Lucy walked over to them. "Go on." Mira said. Damian took her to the stage. As Lucy was walking the stage the lights went out. Some people screamed some didn't. "AHHHH!" When the lights came back on Lucy had been grabbed and moved. She was by the exit. "You are coming with me Baby J." A voice said. Lucy's eyes widen. "Daddy." She said.

She tried to fight her father goons off but a pair of cuffs were placed on her. She tried to use her magic but it didn't work. "You can't do anything with those cuffs." He said. Her father, The Joker stood right in front of her. Lucy's heart began to race. She as usual was powerless against her father. He tossed her into a car. On the inside Damian was freaking out looking for Lucy. "Where did she go?" Mira asked frantically. "I don't know!" Damian shouted.

Sabrina was terrified. Where was her daughter?! She went running around looking forward her and calling her name. "What do we do?" Jason asked. "Let's go to the Batcave and check out the security footage then maybe we can find out who took her." Tim whispered. "I'll get Damian. You guys go." Dick said. Tim nodded. "I'll take care of Sabrina." Kate said. Bruce nodded. "Come on Selina." Bruce said. The two left to his car.

Dick grabbed Damian. "Come we gotta go to the Batcave." Dick whispered. Mira went over to Jason. He gave her a hug. "It's okay." Jason said. Mira started to cry. "We are gonna find her don't worry." Jason said. Mira buried her face in his chest. Dick took Damian to his car. "Jason." Tim said. "I gotta go but I'll call you if I find anything." Jason said. Mira looked up at him. "You're just gonna leave?" Mira asked. "Princess." Jason said. "Where are you going?" She asked.

Jason sighed. He couldn't explain his redhood situation. "Come on." Jason said and lead Mira to the front door. "But my mom." Mira said. Lucy sat in the back of the car afraid. She looked at her father. "Let me go." Lucy said. "Can't do that princess. Don't you wanna see your mother?" Joker asked. "Mommy?" Lucy asked. He nodded. "What did you do to my mommy?" Lucy said. "Nothing yet." Joker said. "What are you planning?" Lucy asked. "I just want to get my family back together again." Joker said.

"I find that hard to believe." Lucy said. "Look princess. It's best for all of us to be together. We can cause so much chaos together. Won't that be fun?" Joker asked. "It used to be fun. When I was younger and didn't know right from wrong but now no it won't be fun." Lucy said. Part of her was lying it would be fun. To be with her parents and maybe cause a bit of chaos. "Oh princess don't lie. You know my dna runs through your veins. You are suppose to be bad." Joker said.

Lucy didn't say anything. He wasn't really wrong. The car stopped and Lucy was dragged out the car. She was taken into a house. It was her old home. She smiled a little. She couldn't lie she missed that house no matter how bad it was it was home. She was tossed on a couch next to her mother. "Mommy." Lucy said. "Baby." Harley said. "Are you okay?" Lucy asked. "I should be asking you that." Harley said. "I'm fine." Lucy said.

Harley sighed. "We aren't a family anymore." Harley said and looked at Joker. "We will always be a family Harley. She's my kid no matter what." Joker said and looked at lucy. "We were never a family." Lucy said. "Let's turn those frowns upside down girls." Joker said. "What do you mean?" Lucy asked. "No." Harley said. "Mommy?" Lucy asked. The girls were carried to separate rooms. "No! No!" Lucy shouted. "Get off of me!" Harley shouted. Lucy was strapped to a table.

"Mommy!" She shouted. "She can't save you." Joker said. Lucy shut her eyes and before she knew it her brain was being fried. Lucy screamed at the top of her lungs.

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