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When the day arrived for Lucy to leave she wore a pink velvet coat, pink boots and a white hat. Of course trying to match her Marie aesthetic. The boys had packed her things and were walking down the stairs slowly. Lucy was following behind them but much slower. She liked Sabrina a lot but she wanted to stay. She wanted Sabrina to be like her mom but she wanted her here in the manor. Why couldn't it be like that? Oh right! Toby. That's why.

"Come on Lulu." Babs called from the bottom of the stairs. Lucy picked up her pace and made it to the bottom of the stairs. The boys put her bags in the car while Lucy went to Alfred and held on tight to him. Alfred picked her up. "Are you getting cold feet?" Alfred asked her. "My feet are warm. My shoes." Lucy said and pointed at her feet. Alfred shook his head. "I mean are you changing your mind about this." Alfred said. "No." Lucy lied. "It's okay to want to change your mind and it's okay to be scared." Alfred said.

"I'm not scared." Lucy said. Alfred nodded. "Everything will be okay." Alfred said. "Lucy." Sabrina called. Lucy turned her head and Sabrina held out her hand. Lucy looked back at Alfred and hugged him. "I'm gonna miss you." Lucy said. "I'll miss you as well Lucy." Alfred said and rubbed her back. "Never forget me ok." Lucy said. "I'll never forget you." Alfred said. "Promise." Lucy said and looked at Alfred. "I promise." Alfred said. Lucy nodded. Alfred put her down and she ran over to her boys. They took turns hugging her and telling her how they'll visit her.

Lucy gave Barbara a hug and last but not least Bruce. She hugged him. She didn't want to let go cause that meant saying bye bye and she didn't wanna say bye bye again to someone or well to the people she cared about most. But she knew she had to rather she liked it or not. "Bye bye daddy." Lucy said. Bruce held her. "Saturday's will be our days. I promise." Bruce said and kissed her head. He had made arrangements with Sabrina and Toby that every Saturday the Wayne family got to see Lucy.

Bruce put Lucy down and she looked at her home. "My people." Lucy said as she looked at all of them. They are her people. They love and understand her. They all smiled. Lucy took Sabrina's hand and they began to walk out the door as they were walking Lucy waved and they all waved back. Sabrina put Lucy in her car seat. Even in this car she needs a car seat?! Oh come on! She rolled down her window and kept waving at them and they kept waving back. She didn't stop waving until she couldn't see them anymore.

When they arrived to her new home it was nice. It was an apartment. Toby and Sabrina grabbed Lucy's stuff. Sabrina held her hand while going inside. They got on an elevator and Toby pushed the third floor button. The doors closed and it went up. When it stopped they got off and walked down the hall till they stopped at a door. Toby opened the door with his keys and Sabrina walked Lucy inside. Lucy looked around. "I know it's not the massive size of the Wayne manor but I hope you still like it." Sabrina said.

Lucy saw a big window and went over to. She climbed on the couch and looked out the window. She could see cars and tons of people outside. Sabrina smiled and took off her shoes. "Lucy let me show you your room." Sabrina said. Lucy turned around and got off the couch. She walked over to Sabrina and grabbed her hand ready to be lead to her new room. Sabrina took Lucy to her new room. "I hope you like the pink things." Sabrina said. Lucy smiled. "I like it." Lucy said. "I'm glad." Sabrina said. Lucy had a tv, mirror, dressers,a bed and her own closet and a window! She looked down and noticed a pink fuzzy rug. She reached down and touched it.

It was real soft. She liked that. Lucy climbed on to her bed and sat on it. She bounced on it and really looked at her room. Lucy noticed a door that was closed. "What's that?" Lucy asked. "Oh that's your bathroom." Sabrina said and opened the door. "Ohhh." Lucy said. Sabrina walked over to lucy and took off her little boots. "Sorry." Lucy said. "It's okay baby." Sabrina said and placed her shoes in her closet. Lucy nodded. She even helped Lucy take her coat off. "Now I do have to introduce you to some people." Sabrina said. "To who?" Lucy asked. "Come with me." Sabrina said. They walked out the room and back into the living room.

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