Pushing buttons

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As Lucy laid in bed with Damian she grabbed her phone and texted Mira. She was coming to the gala. She'll be Lucy's plus one! She need a friend! Lucy was so worried about making sure Damian had his friends that she didn't even think about herself. "What are you doing beloved?" Damian asked. "I need a friend." Lucy said. "What?" Damian asked. "I need a friend." Lucy said. "I don't understand." Damian said.

"Mira has to come to the gala." Lucy said. "Todd said he invited her." Damian said. "Of course he did. He wants an unofficial date." Lucy said. Damian nodded. "So what are you wearing?" I asked and looked over at him. He had his arm over his eyes. "What?" He asked and moved his arm. "Lucy said what are you wearing?" Lucy asked. "Beloved. You have eyes to see what I'm wearing. Do you need your glasses?" Damian asked. "You dummy I'm talking about to the gala!" Lucy shouted and reached behind her to grab a pillow. She hit him over and over with it.

Damian laughed then snatched the pillow from her. "My apologies beloved." Damian said. "Mhm." Lucy said. "I don't know, Grayson is picking out all of our suits this year." Damian said. "Oof. I hope there are sparkles." Lucy said. "No." Damian said. "But like why?" Lucy asked. "I'm not a sparkle person." Damian said. "Lame." Lucy said. Damian shook his head. "Is your mom coming?" Lucy asked.

Damian shrugged. "I'm not sure. I don't know how my dad is gonna feel if she comes." Damian said. "I think she should come." Lucy said. "You only say that cause you like her." Damian said. "Of course I like her. She's nice to me." Lucy said. Damian shook his head. "Wait." Lucy said. "What?" Damian asked. "They'll be people taking pictures." Lucy said. "Mhm." Damian said. "Do you want to be seen with me?" Lucy asked.

"What?" Damian asked. "Do you want to be seen with me? You know pictures of us will be in the press." Lucy said. "I do want to be seen with you and yes pictures of us will be in the press and I'm pretty sure that there will be pictures of Todd and Lockwood." Damian said. "Oof yeah." Lucy said.

"I told her to not push it. I see the way she looks at him." Damian said. "How does she look at him?" Lucy asked as she raised an eyebrow. "Like how I look at you. She's in love with him." Damian said. Lucy nodded. "She had a love at first sight moment with him." Lucy said. "What are you wearing?" Damian asked. "Huh?" Lucy asked. "What are you wearing?" Damian asked.

"Sir you have eyes to see what I'm wearing. Do you need to use my glasses?" Lucy asked. "Hahah very funny beloved." Damian said and rolled his eyes. "I don't know what I'm wearing to be honest. Your dad said Barbara is gonna take me shopping." Lucy said. "You might as well take Kyle with you." Damian said. "Aunty?" Lucy asked. "Yes." Damian said. "Well then I might as well take all the girls." Lucy said. Damian nodded.

Lucy made a group chat with her mothers, Selina, Mira and Barbara. She texted them planning on when to go shopping for the gala. Damian's door got kicked open and Lucy jumped while Damian jumped up and went to the door. "HEY GUYS! WHATCHA DOIN?!" Dick shouted. "I almost pissed myself!" Lucy shouted. "Oh I'm sorry baby." Dick said and rushed over to Lucy. Damian tripped Dick. "Ah!" Dick shouted and fell face first. "Get out." Damian said.

"No sexual activities going on here right?" Jason asked. "I hate you all." Lucy said. "We aren't having sex let it go." Damian said. "Just making sure." Jason said. "Are you having sex with Lockwood?" Damian asked. "Shut the fuck up. ." Jason said. "Wowzers." Lucy said. "Barbara already threatened to fucking throw me in jail." Jason said. "I mean it's understandable but it's like damn." Lucy said. "She should throw you in jail." Damian said. "No she shouldn't." Lucy said. Lucy looked down and saw Dick laying on his back on the floor.

Damian shook his head. "It could honestly be so much worse." Tim said. "Why are you here?" Lucy asked. "Shut up, he's just doing what he's familiar with. I mean Talia did it to him." Tim said. "OK! Chill!" Lucy shouted while laughing. Damian's eyes widen. "Tim you can't say that!" Dick shouted. "See you wonder why no one likes you. You fucking replacement." Jason said. "Stop." Dick said. "Take the L JJ." Lucy said. "Drake is right though but at least my mother waited till you were of age." Damian said.

"LISTEN! LISTEN! LISTEN! FUCK OFF! I'm waiting! Why do you guys keep trying me! I'm waiting!" Jason shouted. "We know." Lucy said. "Because it's fun to push your buttons Jason." Tim said and laid down on Damian's bed. "No don't get comfortable. Get out." Damian said. "We are trying to prevent teen pregnancy." Dick said. "I have work in the morning guys. I need to sleep." Lucy said. "Actually no we don't. Bruce has to go to Star Labs tomorrow so you and I don't work." Tim said.

"Just cause he's going to Star Labs?" Lucy asked. Tim nodded. "It's either we go with him or we stay home." Tim said. "I wanna go!" Lucy shouted. "Really?" Tim asked. Lucy pouted. "I wanna go." She said. "You've never really been outside of Gotham have you?" Jason asked. "I've been on vacations to San Francisco, San Diego and stuff." Lucy said. "Oh shit really?" Jason asked and sat on the floor. "Yeah." Lucy said. Damian sighed and closed his door. "It was nice. I ate a lot I know that for sure." Lucy said. "You gotta tell Bruce you wanna go with him." Tim said.

"Like I have to get up?" Lucy asked. "How else are you gonna tell him?" Tim asked. Lucy pulled out her phone and called Bruce. "Oh right." Tim said. She waited for him to answer her call. "Yes sweetie." Bruce said. "Hi daddy." Lucy said. "Hi Lucy." Bruce said. She smiled. "So you're going to Star Labs tomorrow and well I wanna go with you." Lucy said. "Ok. Be up by eight." Bruce said. "Ok. Bye bye." Lucy said. "Bye." Bruce said. Lucy ended the call. "I'm going to Star Labs." Lucy said. "Good for you kid." Jason said. "I have to be up by eight. So everyone get out." Lucy said.

"This is my room beloved." Damian said. "You know I didn't mean you." Lucy said. "But I wanna stay here." Dick said. "No one cares Dick." Jason said as he got up. Tim sat up and scooted off the bed. Jason opened Damian's door then walked over to Dick and grabbed his legs. "Come on let's go." Jason said and dragged Dick out the room. "But jaybird!" Dick shouted. "Nope." Jason said. "I'm not surprised that just happened." Tim said and walked out the room. "Well that happened." Lucy said. Damian closed his door and laid back on his bed.

"Bed time." Lucy said. Damian nodded. Lucy got comfortable under the covers while Damian turned off the lights.

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