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Damian woke Lucy up. She whined. "Come on you have to get ready beloved." Damian said. Lucy rubbed her eyes. "So early." She mumbled. "I know." Damian said. He leaned over and kissed her head. She smiled then sat up. She looked over at Damian who was putting on socks. "What are you doing?" Lucy asked. "Getting ready." Damian said. "For what?" Lucy asked. "I'm going with you." Damian said. "Really?" Lucy asked. Damian nodded.

"Yay!" Lucy shouted. "Get dressed. I'll be downstairs." Damian said. Lucy nodded and got out of bed while Damian made his way out his room. Lucy brushed her teeth then looked through her things. "What to wear? What to wear?" She asked herself. She found some a bra and pants for her to wear but no top to wear. She placed those items on the bed and looked through Damian's closet.

She found a green sweatshirt. She smiled and took the sweatshirt. She took off her pjs then put lotion and deodorant on. After that was done she dressed herself. She grabbed a few items then left the room. She texted Sabrina as she went to the kitchen. "Morning losers." She said. "Is that my sweatshirt?" Damian asked. "Maybe." Lucy said as she made herself some coffee. "Put your coffee in a thermos we have to go." Bruce said as he was already walking out the door.

"Well fuck." Lucy said and switched cups. "Have fun." Dick said. Damian grabbed his things and headed for the door. Lucy ran behind him. "Bye." She said as she walked out the door with Damian. The two got into the car. As Bruce was driving Lucy and Damian were in the back talking and sharing coffee. When they were almost there Bruce looked up into the mirror to see the two teens in the back, having a whole make out session.

Bruce sighed. "Scoot away from each other now." Bruce said. The two quickly pulled apart. Lucy tried not to laugh while Damian was embarrassed. "Control your hormones." Bruce said. "Coming from the man that fucks women on the daily." Lucy said. "The man with the highest body count in this car, is telling me to control my hormones?" Damian asked. Lucy laughed. "I'm an adult I can do whoever I please." Bruce said. "We are adults as well." Damian said. "No you are children." Bruce said.

Damian and Lucy looked at each other. "Bullshit." Lucy said. "If we were children why are we fighting crime?" Damian asked. Bruce just pinched the bridge of his nose. Why did he have so many kids? "Exactly." Lucy said. "Keep your hands to yourselves. I refuse to be a grandfather right now." Bruce said. "Why does everyone keep thinking we are having sex?" Lucy asked. "Teenagers with mommy and daddy issues makes you hyper sexual." Bruce said. "So you." Lucy said. "You two have issues that make you hyper sexual. Just cause you hide it doesn't mean I don't know it." Bruce said.

Bruce wasn't wrong at least on Lucy's end. She may indeed be a virgin but she dreamed of being railed she couldn't help it! Lucy looked at Damian. "I think he wants us to have sex." Lucy said. "Sounds like it." Damian said. "No. That's not what I'm saying." Bruce said. "Then what are you saying?" Lucy asked. "I'm saying just be careful." Bruce said. "Safety first." Lucy said. Bruce parked the car in the parking lot of Star Labs. They all got out the car and walked to the entrance.

At the entrance was a women waiting for them. "Hi Mr. Wayne it's good to see you again." She said. "Hello Caitlin. It's good to see you as well and please I told you call me Bruce." He said. "Right sorry." Caitlin said. "Hello Snow." Damian said as he looked at Caitlin. "Hello Damian." Caitlin said. Damian nodded. "Hi." Lucy said and waved at Caitlin. "Caitlin this is Lucy." Bruce said. "Hi Lucy." Caitlin said as she lead them inside.

When they got to the lab there were three people talking. "Guys." Caitlin said. They all turned around. Bruce pulled Lucy more up front so she can be seen. "Lucy this is Barry." Bruce said and turned her more towards this Barry guy. "His wife Iris." He said and turned her towards Iris. "And Cisco." He said turning her one last time. "Hi." Lucy said. "Bruce how many kids do you have?" Iris asked and placed her hand on the back of her neck. "More than I need." Bruce said.

"Well it's nice to meet you Lucy." Iris said with a smile on her face. "You too." Lucy said smiling back at her. "Where's my computer nerd Tim?" Cisco asked. "Drake stayed home." Damian said. "Ahh the rude one." Cisco said. "Cisco be nice." Caitlin said as she walked over to the computer. "Where did you find her?" Barry asked. "Barry." Iris said. "Oh no! I didn't mean it like in a bad way or anything." Barry said and let out a nervous laugh.

Damian shook his head. Lucy laughed. "My mommy gave me to him." Lucy said. "Wait you made another baby besides Damian?" Barry asked as he tilted his head. "No. My mommy is Harley Quinn and my daddy is The Joker." Lucy said. "Ohhhh." Cisco said. Lucy nodded. Iris's eyes just widened. "What are your parents like with you?" Barry asked. He was interested now. "Oh well ummm my mommy she treats me nicely but my dad yeah he use to hang me from the banister and beat me." Lucy said.

"I'm so sorry." Iris said. "Sorry I asked." Barry said. "Guys it's not that serious." Lucy said. "What do you mean?" Caitlin asked. "You don't need to say sorry. It's not the big of deal. A few bruises and broken bones no big deal." Lucy said. "Do you wanna talk about it in a serious way?" Iris asked as she walked over to Lucy. "No." Lucy said and shook her head. "Are you sure?" She asked. Lucy nodded. "If you ever want to, I'm here. I know we just met and all but sometimes spilling your guts to a stranger makes you feel better." Iris said and smiled at Lucy.

"I know and thanks but I'm fine. Therapy doesn't work for me." Lucy said. "Oh." Iris said. "Yeah I sent my last therapist to the hospital." Lucy said. "How did you do that?" Cisco asked. Lucy turned to him. "I jumped on her and I beat her. Duh." Lucy said. "She's a violent one. I thought it was just him." Cisco said and pointed at Damian. Damian rolled his eyes. "Are you two a thing?" Barry asked as he looked at Damian and Lucy.

"What makes you think that?" Lucy asked. "You guys are matching and you know couples match sometimes." Barry said with a shrug. They were indeed matching. Both wearing green and black. "I didn't even notice." Lucy said as she looked at Damian. Damian nodded. "But yes we are a thing." Lucy said. "How does a sixteen year old have a girlfriend before me?" Cisco asked. "I'm seventeen and because I'm obviously better than you." Damian said.

"So rude Damibear." Lucy said. "I'm sorry, Damibear?" Caitlin asked as she tried not to laugh. "Leave em alone. I think it's cute." Iris said.

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