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Lucy was of course! Late to school! She was living with her mom now and she was really happy. As she was walking to school she felt like someone was following her. She tried to be calm and kept walking. "Hey lucy!" Jack shouted as he ran up to her. Lucy jumped. "WHAT THE FUCK!" She shouted at Jack. "Sooo where are you headed?" He asked. "School." Lucy said and pushed passed Jack.

"Can I asked you a few questions?" He asked as he followed her. "No." Lucy said. "Oh come on." He said. "Leave me alone." Lucy said. "How long have you and Damian been dating?" Lucy didn't answer. "Do you talk to your dad?" "Are you with Damian for money?" "Are you friends with Mira for money?" "Do you wanna be a villain?" She could feel herself heating up. She was angry. Lucy squeezed herself trying to keep herself together.

Lucy didn't want to get angry cause she knows what happens when she gets angry. Lucy saw her school and ran to the building. "Hey! Come back!" Jack shouted after her. She ran inside and ran into the ladies room. Luckily no one was in there. She fell to her knees. Body aching in pain. Something wanted to burst inside her. Tears ran down her face. She pulled out her phone she texted Mira begging her to come to the bathroom.

Mira got the text then looked at Damian. "What?" He asked. "Lucy's here and she needs me in the bathroom. Did she say anything to you about being sick?" Mira asked. She assumed her best friend was sick that's why she was late. "No she didn't tell me anything." Damian said. "I'll be back." Mira said. Damian nodded. Mira raised her hand. "Yes." "May I go to the bathroom?" "Be quick." Mira nodded and got up.

She rushed to the bathroom. When she walked in she saw Lucy sitting in the corner of the bathroom. Mira ran over and crouched down next to lucy. "What's wrong?" Mira asked. "It hurts. It hurts so much." Lucy cried. "What hurts?" Mira asked. "I don't know!" Lucy shouted. "Shhh, shhhh, shhh." Mira cooed. Lucy just kept crying. Mira hugged Lucy. She didn't know what to do.

"Let's get you home. Maybe your mom can help you." Mira said. Lucy shrugged. She wasn't even sure what was wrong with her so how can anyone help her. "Lucy." Mira said. Lucy held her stomach tighter. "Is it your stomach? Do you have a tummy ache? Are you cramping?" Mira asked. Lucy shook her head. "Head ache?" Mira asked. "I don't know." Lucy said. "Do you wanna see Damian and have him call Alfred to come get you?" Mira asked.

Lucy nodded. She wanted her boyfriend. Mira texted Damian telling him to come to the bathroom. Damian didn't even bother asking to go to the bathroom. He just left. He got to the bathroom and saw Lucy in the corner with Mira next to her. He rushed over. "What's wrong beloved?" Damian asked. "I don't know." She said. "She's in some type of pain." Mira said. Damian hugged Lucy as she cried. "I'll have Pennyworth come and get us." Damian said.

Lucy nodded. He pulled out his phone and called Alfred. When Alfred can he signed everyone out and Mira and Damian got their belongings while Lucy went to the car. They arrived at the manor and lucy was laying in Damian's bed. She whined and cried in some type of pain. "What do we do?" Mira asked. "I don't know. Do we take her to the hospital?" Damian asked. "Lucy hates hospitals." Mira said. Damian groaned.

Lucy started hyperventilating. Mira and Damian went to her side. "Lulu." Mira said. Harley ran upstairs. Alfred called her and told her that he had picked Lucy up from school and that she wasn't feeling good. She saw hyperventilating. "Not again." Harley said and went to her daughters side. "Not again?" Mira asked. "Lucy, mommy needs you to snap out of it ok." Harley said as she stroked her daughters hair.

Lucy began to shake a little. "No no no." Harley said. Lucy closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes everything was black. She looked around. "I've been here." She said softly. "Of course you have." "Who's there?" "You." "You?" "Well us." "Us?" "Are we really that dumb?" "I'm so confused." "Look." Someone who looks like lucy said. She smiled at her. "You're me." Lucy said. "Yeah, sorta." She said. "Umm." Lucy said. "I'm your angry magic." She said. "Why is my magic angry?" Lucy asked.

"The abuse, mistreatment, abandonment honey of course you are angry." She said. "If I'm angry that makes my magic angry?" Lucy asked. "Yeah." She said. Lucy nodded. "If you are happy your magic brings good things, if you are angry it brings bad things." She said. "What's going on?" Lucy asked. "Nothing we just wanna talk." She said. Lucy rolled her eyes and then she shoved her hand in Lucy's chest. "About having a little fun." She said. Lucy gasped.

She shot up from the bed. "Lucy." Harley said.  She looked around. "Talk to mommy. Are you ok?" Harley asked. "Yeah." Lucy said. She got up from the bed and began to walk out the room. "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Mira said and stopped Lucy. "What?" Lucy asked. "You aren't okay. You need to lay back down." Mira said. "I'm fine. I wasn't feeling good earlier but I'm a lot better now." Lucy said. "Lay down please. Just for a little longer." Mira said.

"Beloved please. I'll have Pennyworth bring you something to eat." Damian said. "Fine." Lucy said. She laid back down. Harley stroked her daughters cheek. Lucy didn't say anything. "Baby, what happened?" Harley asked. "I just felt overwhelmed." Lucy said.

When lucy and Harley got home, lucy went straight to her room. She locked her door. She put on a hoodie and put the hood over her head. Lucy crawled out her window. She was off to find her dad. She just wanted a small father daughter chat. Lucy snuck into his club and found him in his section. The man never stays in Arkham for long. She moved around to get to him, as she got to his section she removed her hood.

He saw her face and smiled. Joker let her through. She sat across from him. "The princess decides to join us." Joker said. "I just wanna know how did you find me a long time ago?" She asked. "Oh I can't tell you that. You know I have some tricks up my sleeves." Joker said. Lucy rolled her eyes. "Does your mother know you're here?" Joker asked. "Of course not." Lucy said. "What do you want?" He asked.

Lucy shrugged and put her hood back on. Joker smiled. "Come on now. Tell daddy what you want princess, anything you want I'll get." Joker said. Lucy stood up. "All I wanted was a stable family but I think that's a little too much to ask for. So since I can't have that I'll take your life." Lucy said. Before anyone could react there was an explosion of green flames. "Easy now princess." Joker said as he was now on the floor.

Flames surrounded the two of them. Lucy walked over to him and began to beat him. "You think this will make you feel better?" Joker asked as he laughed. She grabbed a fistful of his hair and began to bang his head into the ground repeatedly. The angrier she got the more the flames engulfed the building. She didn't care about the people screaming and running out, all that mattered was killing the clown.

The ones that haunted her nightmares, the one that beat her and her mother, the one who turned her into a monster.

(Bruh my teacher playing games! I need her to grade my test already 😡😡😡)

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