Hey you

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"BABY ITS JUNIOR YEAR!" Mira shouted as Lucy was sitting in the passenger seat. Lucy was dying she didn't wanna go. "Lame!" Lucy shouted. "Dude come on." Mira said. "You know I hate school." Lucy said. Mira shook her head. Lucy stuffed her mouth with donuts that her and Mira got before school. "Fatty patty." Mira said as she pinched Lucy's cheek. "You love me!" Lucy shouted. "I do. I love you so much." Mira said. "Yeah you do." Lucy said.

The girls arrived at school and Mira parked in the schools parking lot. The girls got out and grabbed their things. They walked into the school and Lucy was still shoving donuts in her mouth. They went to their lockers and put things inside and took things out. Once everything was grabbed they headed to class. "You look so dead inside Lulu." Mira said. "Dude I didn't sleep." Lucy said. "We talked about you going to bed on time." Mira said. Lucy shrugged.

"Pay attention in class please." Mira said and took the rest of the donuts that Lucy didn't want. "No promises." Lucy said and walked into her classroom while Mira left. Lucy sat at her desk and drank her coffee. Donuts and coffee for breakfast. How lovely. When class started a teacher and some guy walked in. "Ladies and gentlemen we have a new student. Damian Wayne." The teacher said. People had mixed reactions to Damian. Girls fawning over him and guys rolling their eyes.

"Please have a seat Mr. Wayne." The teacher said. Girls kept telling Damian to sit by them. Damian ended up siting by Lucy. The girls glared but Lucy just gave them the middle finger. She could honestly care Fucking less about this shit. "Ms. Kane." The teacher said. "Hm." Lucy said. "Do not make those gestures in my class." He said. Lucy shrugged. The teacher went on and on about a lesson that Lucy was already familiar with. So did she listen? Fuck no!

"I'm Lucy just to let you know." Lucy said as she played with her pencil. He nodded. Lucy drank her coffee. "Coffee?" Damian asked. "Yup." Lucy said. "Just like Drake." Damian mumbled. "Drake?" Lucy asked. "My fathers other child." Damian said. Lucy nodded. Sadly for her it wasn't clicking. Damian was obviously related to Bruce Wayne but she just couldn't piece it together. It had been too long. A work sheet was passed out and Lucy did it with ease. She was second to finish after Damian.

"Can I see your schedule?" Lucy asked. "Why?" Damian asked. "Just to see if we have any classes together duh." Lucy said. Damian gave her his schedule. "I rather not have classes with you." Damian said. "What? Why not? I'm a delight to be around." Lucy said and looked at his schedule. "Tt." Damian said. "I'm a delightful terror." Lucy said. Damian rolled his eyes. "There is no such thing as a delightful terror." Damian said. "Then what am I?" Lucy asked. "A pain." Damian said.

"Meh. Anyways we do have a few classes together." Lucy said and gave him his schedule. "Great." Damian said with annoyance in his tone. Lucy just smiled. "Don't be such a grumpy pants." Lucy said. "Mr. Wayne and Ms. Kane are you two done?" The teacher asked. Lucy rolled her eyes. "Yes." She said and Damian nodded his head. "Anyways as I was saying don't be so grumpy." Lucy said. "I'm not grumpy." Damian said. "Then what are you?" Lucy asked. "Annoyed." Damian said. "School is annoying." Lucy said. "You're annoying." Damian said.

"I'm highly aware sir. So did you just move here or something?" Lucy asked. "My mother had decided to drop me off at my fathers so now it's his turn to take care of me." Damian said. "It's junior year dude. We're seventeen. Wait are you seventeen?" Lucy asked. "Yes I am but what does that have to do with anything?" Damian asked. "Pass your papers forward." The teacher said. Damian and Lucy passed their papers to the people in front of them. "So like you've spent seventeen years without your dad?" Lucy asked. "Thirteen. My mother dropped me off with him when I was thirteen going on fourteen." Damian said.

"Ohhh okay I see. So you were homeschooled until now. Got it." Lucy said. "Why do you care?" Damian asked. He had realized that he was just opening up to some strange blonde girl. "Well since we share some classes and you're new I thought I take it upon myself to be your friend. You seem different and I like different." Lucy said. "I don't need your pity nor so called friendship." Damian said. "Oh come on Dami we'll be great friends I bet." Lucy said. Another worksheet was passed out. "Sure." Damian said sarcastically. "Whatever." Lucy said and laughed. She quickly did the next worksheet and finished before Damian this time.

"You fly through these like it's nothing." Damian said. "So do you." Lucy said and put her pencil down. Damian nodded. "I've got smart genes in me and someone taught this to me already I just don't remember who but I remember it." Lucy said. "Smart genes." Damian said. "Yeah my mom she's really smart and so is my dad. So two very smart geniuses made me. So I've got smart genes." Lucy said. Damian just nodded. Lucy messed with her skirt cause she was getting bored. She had a habit of fidgeting and just touching things.

When class ended lucy packed up her things and tossed out her coffee while walking out the class. "Come on Damian we've got chemistry to get to." Lucy said as she walked. Damian followed her. They had to walk up to the second floor. "Hey Lucy." A few underclassmen said. "Hey losers." Lucy said and waved at them. "Hey Lu have you seen Mira?" A guy asked. "Why do you need to know Ben?" Lucy asked. "She hasn't been returning my calls." He said. "She's not your girlfriend." Lucy said. Ben sighed and went to his class. Lucy felt someone wrap their arm around her shoulder.

"Hey Lucy party on Saturday you comin?" A guy asked. "Maybe." Lucy said. "It's not a party if you aren't there." He said. "Mhm I'm aware." Lucy said. "Hope to see you there." He said then let her go. "You know a lot of people." Damian said. "I guess. I mean you gotta be a social butterfly so you aren't alone too much." Lucy said. She walked into a classroom. She sat in her seat and Damian sat next to her. Mira walked in and sat next to Lucy. "Ben won't stop calling me." Mira huffed. "I'm aware." Lucy said. "How?" She asked.

"He told me." Lucy said. "Are you fucking kidding me. Anyways. I've got party invites. Are we going?" Mira asked. "You can go without me." Lucy said. "This is the third party you are missing. What is wrong with you?" Mira asked. "My mom and her husband nor my brother are gonna be home on Saturday I wanna enjoy the house to myself." Lucy said. "That's fair. Toby can be an asswipe sometimes." Mira said rolling her eyes. "You mean all the time." Lucy said. "Anyways I probably won't go I'll stay home and sew." Mira said. "Don't go cause I don't want to go." Lucy said.

"I need to get some sewing done and if Ben is gonna be there yeah I rather not go." Mira said. Lucy nodded. Mira and Ben use to talk on and off. Never serious but Ben liked her but Mira knew he wasn't the one. "So we just have a new person." Mira said. "Oh." Lucy said she had completely forgot to introduce Mira to Damian. "Damian. Mira. Mira. Damian." Lucy said as she pointed to each of them. "Hi Damian." Mira said. Damian just nodded. "You're Bruce Wayne's son right?" Mira asked. "Yes I am." Damian said. Lucy's eyes widen for a second her dumbass didn't even realize that. She scrunched up her nose.

"You didn't know that did you?" Mira asked. "Leave me alone." Lucy said. "His last name." Mira said. "Sooooo that means nothing." Lucy said. Damian raised an eyebrow. "She didn't figure out you were Bruce Wayne's son till I mentioned it." Mira said to Damian. "So much for those so called smart genes." Damian said with a smirk. "Shut up. I can just be a little dumb sometimes." Lucy said. "Anyways how's the first day of junior year going?" Mira asked. "I wanna go home." Lucy said. "Of course you do." Mira said and rubbed her back. Lucy sighed. "How about you Damian?" Mira asked.

"I rather not be here." Damian said. "It's not that bad guys." Mira said. "Easy for you to say. You ray of fucking disgusting sunshine." Lucy said. "You think I'm a ray of sunshine?" Mira asked. "I hate you." Lucy said and shook her head. "I love you too." Mira said. When class started Lucy listened this time. She was learning something she wasn't familiar with but it didn't take her too long to catch on. She had to take lots of notes though. She doodled little things into her notebook.

Mira nudged her but Lucy just brushed it off. The blue haired girl just shook her head. As the day went on lucy took Damian to all his class. There were two they didn't share. Damian took drama and art while lucy took psychology and photography. She was late to her classes when she took him to his classes but she didn't care. Her teachers liked her anyways so no big deal. She took psych for her mother and photography for herself.

She enjoyed psych a lot. It was fun for her and in some way she felt close to her mom. When school was over Lucy, Mira and Damian walked out together. Damian's ride was right out front. "Bye Dami. See you tomorrow." Lucy said as she waved bye to him. He didn't say anything and her and Mira went to the parking lot. They got in the car and Mira took Lucy home. The girls said their goodbyes and Lucy went upstairs to her apartment. She opened the door and no one was home. Lucy took off her shoes and went to her room.

She tossed her things into her closet and crashed on her bed. A nap was well needed. School was draining even if it was only the first day. Lucy really didn't want to go to those parties she wanted to stay home so she could cry. Cry out her pain. Cry out her sorta loneliness. She had her mother, brother and Mira but she felt as if she was nothing like them. They're so good and she well she's just a mess.

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