No salad

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Lucy was sitting at the table doing history work that Tim gave her. It was pretty late but Lucy couldn't sleep and neither could Tim so they thought if they both did some work it could possibly put them to sleep. Tim was busy doing work for Wayne Enterprise. "Why are you guys up?" Dick asked as he walked into the kitchen wearing his Nightwing costume. "Can't sleep." Tim said. Dick nodded. "Where's Bruce?" Tim asked. "Still in the Batcave I think. I need food so I rushed up here instead of taking off my costume." Dick said and went to the fridge.

After sometime Bruce came into the kitchen in his pjs. "We can't sleep." Lucy and Tim said knowing Bruce was gonna ask why they were up so late. It was currently five am. "Lucy." Bruce called. Lucy looked up and turned her head to him. "Yes." Lucy said. "I talked to your mother tonight and she mentioned you have special gifts?" Bruce asked. Lucy nodded. "Special gifts?" Tim asked. Lucy looked at the pen that was next to Tim's hand and she really focused. Soon her green eyes began to glow and the pen began to lift. "Oh shit." Tim said. Lucy put it down then looked at Bruce. "What can you do with your powers?" Bruce asked.

"Do bad things." Lucy said softly. "Lifting my pen wasn't a bad thing." Tim said. "I know but I can still do bad things. Mommy doesn't like me using my powers." Lucy said. "Where did they come from?" Dick asked. Lucy shrugged. She herself wasn't really aware her powers came from. One day she woke up on an operating table and next thing she knew she could cause destruction without having to use a bat. "I'll talk to your mother more." Bruce said. "Can I go? I wanna talk to mommy." Lucy said. "I don't wanna bring you into Arkham Asylum." Bruce said. "Why? Those are my people." Lucy said.

"Lucy the criminally insane are not your people." Tim said. "Yes they are. They raised me basically." Lucy said. Tim sighed. "What are you learning about?" Dick asked wanting to change the subject. "The space race." Lucy said. "I didn't learn about that till high school." Dick said. "We are kinda just bouncing around." Tim said. Dick nodded. As time passed Lucy and Tim we're still doing work. "Okay I think it's bedtime." Dick said. Lucy glared at him. She wasn't sleepy so how could she possibly have bedtime!

Dick picked her up and took her upstairs to her room. When they got to her room Dick laid her down in her bed and tucked her in. "I'm not tired Dicky." Lucy said as she sat up. "I know but it's now six am and you need to sleep." Dick said. "But I can't." Lucy said. "Lay down." Dick said. Lucy sighed and laid down. "Close your eyes and relax." Dick told her. Lucy laid on her side and tried to go to sleep. Dick left her room closing the door behind him. For what felt forever to a five year old child Lucy sat up. She turned on her lamp that was next to her.

She looked at her desk across her room and saw her books. She started to get out of bed when she stopped. She got comfortable in bed and looked back at her books. Lucy began to focus real hard. Soon one of her books shot up in the air. Lucy's eyes widen and then she smiled. She made the book come to her. Lucy grabbed the book and placed it in her lap. She read for a while till she fell asleep. Jason came into Lucy's room after a few hours. She needed to be up and have lunch. Jason picked up Lucy. "Okay kid time to get up." Jason said.

Lucy didn't respond she just nuzzled into his neck. "Come on." Jason said and took her out her room. Tim was walking out his room wrapped in a blanket. "I hate it here." Tim said. "Me too." Lucy mumbled. "Oh you speak now." Jason said. "Shhh." Lucy hushed him. They all went downstairs and sat at the table. "What do you all want to eat?" Alfred asked. "I wanna go back to bed." Lucy said. "Me too." Tim said. "You two were up late last night." Alfred said. "We couldn't sleep." Tim said. "She read herself to sleep." Jason said and looked at Lucy.

"Huh?" Tim asked. "She read a book to make her sleep." Jason said. "I wasn't sleepy." Lucy said. "Lunch children." Alfred said. "Oh um-" "Grilled cheese!" "No pizza rolls." "Grilled cheese." "Pizza rolls." "Tacos." "It's not taco Tuesday!" Jason and Lucy shouted. "You can have tacos anytime!" Tim shouted. "Grilled cheese!" "No one wants grilled cheese Lucy." Jason said. "No one wants pizza rolls!" Lucy shouted. "I want tacos!" Tim shouted. "Fuck your tacos!" Jason shouted. "Why is everyone yelling?" Dick asked as he walked into the kitchen. "Lunch." Alfred said.

"Oh let's have a salad." Dick said. "GET THE FUCK OUT!" The children shouted at Dick. "I'm sorry." Dick said and threw his hands up. "Best not to get involve Dick." Bruce said. Lucy looked at Bruce. "I think it's best we have grilled cheese don't you think so daddy?" Lucy asked. Everyone's eyes widen. This was a first and Lucy didn't even realize what she had called Bruce. "I. I think you should all just have separate lunches instead of trying to agree on something." Bruce said. He was a little shocked that Lucy had called him dad. "Well I want grilled cheese. Four of them to be exact." Lucy said and folded her arms.

Tim looked at Lucy then to Bruce. "We gonna ignore that?" Tim asked. "She is one of us." Jason said. "Huh?" Lucy asked. "Nothing." Dick said. "Alfred may I have four grilled cheeses please." Lucy said. "Of course." Alfred said. "Hey Bruce can I talk to you for a second?" Dick asked. Bruce nodded and the two stepped out of the kitchen and into the living room. "Why don't we actually keep Lucy?" Dick asked. "We can't." Bruce said. "Why not? She loves it here. We all love her, why can't we keep her like how you kept us?" Dick asked. "She's already been through a lot Dick. She needs better than what I can give her." Bruce said.

"What do you mean Bruce?" Dick asked. "A normal family. A mother. A father. People who want scar her more than she's already been." Bruce said. "You think we'll scar her more?" Dick asked. "She sees us going out every night don't you think soon she'll want to go out too and follow us and I don't want that for her. She's been out enough." Bruce said. Dick nodded. "Well how's finding her a new family going?" Dick asked. "I think I found a decent couple I need to do more background checking but I think they might be perfect for her." Bruce said. "Let's hope so." Dick said.

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