I love you

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Lucy hadn't told anyone she was leaving yet. That's the last thing she wanted to do. She didn't wanna think about it. She just wanted to have fun. "YOU FUCKER!" Jason shouted. "I AM THE WINNER!" Tim shouted. The boys were playing air hockey. Lucy was in a back area with Damian having a small make out session. No one could see them. "JAIME COME BACK HERE! THOSE ARE MY TICKETS!" Garfield shouted as he ran past Damian and Lucy.

Everyone was running around the arcade just having fun. "I'm gonna miss this." Lucy said as they were kissing. "Miss what?" Damian asked as he pulled away. "Us." Lucy said. "Lucy we aren't breaking up." Damian said. "I know we aren't but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna miss being next to you. Damian I've been sleeping in your bed for months I'm so use to it but now I'm gonna have to sleep without you." Lucy said. "You live with your mother now and sleep without me." Damian said. "That's different." Lucy said. "I'll come and visit. Did you tell Lockwood?" Damian asked.

Lucy looked down. "You didn't tell her?" Damian asked. "No I didn't." Lucy said. "Why?" Damian asked. "I don't know cause if I tell her I'm leaving it's real then." Lucy said. Damian stroked her hair. "Beloved." He said. "I just don't want it to be real." Lucy said. "I understand beloved but sadly it's real but I'll still be here, she'll still be her. We will all be here for you." Damian said. Lucy smiled. "I'll tell her later today." Lucy said.

"AYE! Stop making out! Come play ski ball!" Jason shouted. Damian groaned and lucy laughed. He let her go and they walked over to everyone. "Be holy children." Dick said. Lucy rolled her eyes. Damian went off to play Ski ball. "Do you think you'll need any help packing?" Dick asked. "No I'm sure I'll be fine." Lucy said.

When everyone was finally leaving Lucy was by Mira's side. "I have to tell you something." She said to Mira. "What?" Mira asked. Lucy placed her index finger to her lips as to shush Mira. She nodded. "I'm moving to Bludhaven." Lucy said. Mira stopped walking. "Mimi." Lucy said. "Why?" Mira asked. "You guys ok?" Jaime asked as he noticed the girls stopped walking. "Bruce." Lucy said. "Did you know about this?" Mira asked Damian. Damian stopped and looked at her.

"Well?" Mira asked. "Yeah." He said. "Why?" Mira asked. "I can't control myself." Lucy said. Mira sighed. "What's going on?" Bart asked. "I'm moving." I said. "BUT MOVIE NIGHTS!" Garfield cried. "I know I know. I can come visit every now and then for movie nights." Lucy said. Garfield nodded. "Where are you going?" Bart asked. "Bludhaven." Lucy said. "She won't be that far from me and Kory." Dick said. "Hey! Wally lives in Bludhaven and so do I!" Jon shouted.

"You'll get to meet him! Jon here will introduce you guys." Bart said. "I forgot you moved Kent." Damian said. "What am I suppose to do without you?" Mira asked. "Live for me." Lucy said. Mira pouted. Even though she had other friends Lucy was the one that mattered most. She was her right hand, her best friend, her sister. They've been attached at the hip since forever. So being without her was something that would be difficult.

Lucy knew it was gonna be hard for the both of them. Lucy loved Mira more than anything. The girls did everything together. She knew it wasn't forever and they were still gonna see each other it just wasn't gonna be everyday. Dramatic but when you're use to seeing someone everyday and spending so much of your life with that person it's hard to separate.

Mira held on to Lucy's arm. When everyone was going separate ways the Wayne's and best friends were waiting for their rides. Mira's dad pulled up. "Fuck." Mira said. Lucy looked at Mira. Her dad parked and got out the car. "Dreamer. In the car honey." Adam said. "Daddy." Mira said. "Dreamer." He said. Mira didn't say anything she just got in the car. "Jason Todd." Adam said. Jason looked at Mira's father. "Uh yes sir." Jason said.

"Don't mess with my daughter." He said. Jason didn't know what to say. "Lucy." Adam said. "Huh? Yes." Lucy said. "Do you need a ride?" Adam asked. "No my mom is on the way." Lucy said. "Alright. And Damian don't hurt her." Adam said. Damian nodded. "Yes sir." He said. They left and soon Harley pulled. "Hi babies!" She shouted. "Hi mama." Lucy said. "Hey." The boys said.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Lucy asked damian. "Yeah." He said and gave lucy kiss. "Ewww they're kissing." Tim said. Lucy gave Tim the middle finger. She got into the car. "I love you, bye." Lucy said. "She said it!" Jason shouted. Lucy covered her mouth. "Oh shit!" Tim shouted. "Damian say it back!" Dick shouted. "Mom drive!" Lucy shouted. "No." Harley said. "Damian." Dick said.

Damian was frozen in time. Did he hear her right? Did lucy really just say she loves him? Should he say it back? What are the idiots even screaming about? Jason shook Damian. "What?" Damian asked. Jason shoved him to the passenger side of the car so he could look at lucy. "Say it." Jason said. "He doesn't have to." Lucy said. "Yes he does." The boys said. "She's waiting." Harley said. "Mama." Lucy said and looked at her mother.

"Boys let's go." Bruce said as he pulled up behind Harley. "We can't leave till Damian tells Lucy he loves her." Dick said. "We've been waiting for this moment." Jason said. "You don't have to say it." Lucy said to Damian. "He doesn't have a choice." Jason said. "Shut up." Lucy told Jason. "Say it." Tim said. "You don't have to. If you aren't ready to say it then don't say it." Lucy said.

"I love you. I love you very much despite what these idiots say about me not having a heart I do, and my heart is full of love for you." Damian said very quickly. "Awww." Harley said. Lucy didn't know how to feel. She covered her face. "Beloved?" Damian asked. "I'm fine. Just flustered." Lucy said. "They did it!" Dick cried.

(Guess who's got a Harley Quinn onesie! It's so cute and I love it! The hood also had a mask in it but I don't like the mask really but yeah! It's so warm and comfy! I'm would show you a picture of my face with the mask and hood on but I'm to ugly right now lol

(Guess who's got a Harley Quinn onesie! It's so cute and I love it! The hood also had a mask in it but I don't like the mask really but yeah! It's so warm and comfy! I'm would show you a picture of my face with the mask and hood on but I'm to ugly...

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