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The night fell and Lucy told her parents she was going to bed. Was it a lie? Of course it was. She put on her costume and left to meet Damian. When she got to the school she looked around but didn't find him. Damian jumped down from the roof on his Robin uniform. "You were that girl DeathStroke was after that night. Why?" Damian asked. "Walk and talk with me baby." Lucy said. Damian nodded and they walked the streets. "He has a thing for blondes I was told." Lucy said.

"A thing for minors." Damian said. "I was at my fathers club. I just wanted to see him and well see the place. It's been so long but DeathStroke took a liking to me and so did my father." Lucy said. "Your father took a liking to you?" Damian asked. "He doesn't know it's me his child of course. But he's got a thing for blondes you've seen my mother haven't you?" Lucy asked. "Yes I have." Damian said. "If he knew he'd just try to use me. I was just trying to you know sorta see him. It's been as I said so long. I just wanted to see him." Lucy said.

Damian nodded. "Tell me more about your mom." Lucy said. "Besides her being blood thirsty. She use to love me I think but soon it turned to hate when I defied her. I no longer wanted to be an assassin I want to be Robin." Damian said and stopped walking. Lucy turned and looked at him. "And you are." Lucy said placing her hand on his shoulder. Damian looked up at her and she smiled. "She's been trying to kill me." Damian said. "That's dark." Lucy said. "Very." He said. The streets began to get more crowded the deeper into town they went. "Let's find a fire escape." Lucy said.

"Why?" Damian asked. "To get away from the crowd." Lucy said. Damian wrapped his arm around Lucy and pulled out his grappling hook. Lucy wrapped her arms around his neck. He shot the hook at a building and it latched on. Soon the two were pulled up to the building. "That was fun." Lucy said as she stood on top of the building. "I suppose." Damian said. "You know Damian I like you just the way you are. You don't have to be perfect. You just gotta be you." Lucy said. "I..." "Don't force your words." Lucy said. "I like you too Lucy." Damian said. She smiled.

Lucy stepped closer to him and kissed his cheek. "What a touching moment." A voice said. They both turned around and saw DeathStroke. "Slade." Damian groaned. "Boy." Slade said. "Stay behind me." Damian said. "You can't protect her. She'll kill you before I do." Slade said and rushed at Damian. Damian pushed Lucy aside to keep her from danger. The two fought while lucy tried to think of what to do. Did she dare to intervene? Was she strong enough? "Fuck it." She said. She ran towards Slade and jumped on his back.

"Get off you brat!" Slade shouted. Lucy laughed. "Slade. Stop fighting." Lucy said. Under her mask her eyes were glowing and Slade stopped. "Good boy." Lucy said. She quickly got off of Slade and grabbed Damian's hand. They jumped to another building and kept going until they were far away. "That's not gonna last long he'll be looking for us." Lucy said. "What did you do?" Damian asked. "Oh well-" "You two. In the Batmobile. Now." Batman said as he of course appeared out of nowhere. "Fuck." Lucy mumbled. The two got off the roof and walked to the batmobile.

They got in the back where Batman kept his criminals. A harness was put around the two when they sat down. "I hate it here." Lucy said. "Agreed." Damian said. Lucy sighed. When they got to the Batcave they were let out. RedRobin, Nightwing and the Redhood were all sitting in chairs. "So how much trouble are they in?" Redhood asked. "Shut up Todd." Damian said. "Trouble? Trouble for what?" I asked. "You went out without me and Damian you know you aren't suppose to go out without me. Lucy your parents were worried sick." Bruce said.

Lucy didn't understand how her parents were worried till she put the dots together. "Did that asshole kick my door in again?!" Lucy shouted. "Again?" Dick asked. "I lock my door cause Toby doesn't know how to fucking knock. He sees it as I pay bills here you don't so I can do whatever and whatever I say go's." Lucy said. "Also what were you doing not too long ago?" Bruce asked. "Wait wait how do you know it's me?" Lucy asked. "I put a tracker on you after you failed to identify yourself." Bruce said.

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