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"Miss Lucy I believe it's way past your bed time." Alfred said. "What time is it?" Lucy asked him. "Two in the morning." Dick said. "My bed time is whenever I want it to be." Lucy said looking at Alfred. "Not around here kid." Jason said. "Why?" Lucy asked. "Well here miss Lucy a child's bed time is at least nine pm." Alfred said. Lucy pouted. "She can wear one of my shirts to bed." Dick said. "Where bat freak?" Lucy asked. "It's Batman, Lucy." Dick said. "Mommy lets me say bat freak." Lucy said. "We are going to have to teacher her some manners and what not before its time to find her foster home." Dick said walking to his room.

Tim grabbed the little shoe that Lucy threw at him before. He walked up the stairs and gave the shoe to her. She took it from him and nodded her head. "Thank you." Tim said trying to get her to say it. "You're welcome." Lucy said with a smirk on her little face. Jason laughed. Tim walked the rest of the way up the stairs and walk towards Jason and smacked him on the head while walking to his room. Lucy laughed. Alfred sighed. "Hey Tim come back here." Jason said and ran after him. Lucy laughed even more. Alfred shook his head and walked up the rest of the stairs. Lucy yawned.

"Tired I see miss Lucy." Alfred said. "You can just call me Lucy." She said. "Are you sure?" Alfred asked. "Yes. Miss Lucy sounds funny." Lucy said giggling. "Ok Lucy it is then." Alfred said. Alfred took her to a room down the hall. He opened the door and walked in. "I sleep in here?" Lucy asked him. "Yes of course." Alfred said. "Wow." Lucy said. "Do you not like this room?" Alfred asked. "It's just bigger then what I use to." Lucy said. Alfred nodded. "I'm sleepy." Lucy said softly wrapping her arms around Alfred. Alfred smiled. "You've had a long night Lucy." Alfred said walking to the bed. Dick comes into the room.

"I've got a shirt." Dick said. Alfred tried to put Lucy down but she held on to him. He smiled and held her. "Thank you master Dick." Alfred said turning to face Dick. Dick hands the shirt to Alfred and he takes it. "Bath." Lucy said leaning on Alfred's chest. "Ah yes you do need a bath." Alfred said. "I can get Barbara to give her a bath she's downstairs and she likes kids." Dick said. "No." Lucy said. "You'll like Barbara." Dick said. Lucy looked at Alfred. "It'll be alright Lucy." Alfred said. "I'll be back." Dick said leaving the room. Alfred nodded and once again tried to put Lucy down on the bed. Lucy wasn't letting go. "I see you've become attached to me." Alfred said.

Lucy nodded. Something about Alfred gave her a sense of safety and she wanted to keep that for as long as she could. With her mother being taken she needed a new safety blanket. "My Alfred." Lucy said. Alfred patted her little back. Dick came back with Barbara. "Oh my who is this little cutie." Barbara said. Lucy looked at Barbara. "Hi honey." Barbara said. Lucy held tightly on to Alfred. She was a little nervous now. More and more people just kept coming, how many people live here? She wondered to herself. "Say hello Lucy." Alfred said. Lucy shook her head no.

"Barbara isn't going to hurt you. It's okay." Dick said. "It's ok. She's just a little shy probably." Barbara said. Alfred looked at Lucy and removed her little mask. "So are you some new superhero?" Barbara asked. "No. I'm evil like my mommy and daddy." Lucy said. " that's cute." Barbara said. Lucy rolled her eyes. "Her parent's are Harley said Joker." Dick said. "Oh my." Barbara said. "Yeah. So I bad." Lucy said. "But she's so cute." Barbara said. "Barbara she's evil. This child you called cute stabbed me." Dick said. "Oh. I mean well you took the stabbing like a champ so get over it." Barbara said and rubbed Dick's back.

"Where is the love?" Dick asked and looked at Barbara. "I'll do it again." Lucy said. "No violent nature please." Alfred said. "Okay. Well lets give you a bath Lucy." Barbara said. Barbara made her way over to Lucy. Lucy was still very unsettled about this whole thing. Barbara had her arms open for Lucy. Alfred handed her to Barbara. Lucy felt betrayed! By her own Alfred. The only person she liked in the house! Barbara went into the bath room with Lucy. "Oh! Dick could you please go get a towel and a wash cloth for me." Barbara said sticking her head out of the bathroom.

"Of course." Dick said. "Thank you." Barbara said. Someone walked into the room. "Master Bruce may I ask why do you have that bag?" Alfred asked. Lucy ran out the bathroom and to Alfred. "Lucy come back." Barbara said. Lucy looked up at Batman or Bat freak as she calls him. She saw something that he was holding. "My baggy!" Lucy shouted. "Her bag?" Dick asked. "Yeah. I went to speak with her mother but all she told me was Lucy has a bag with all her stuff in it that we can use to take care of her for a while." Bruce said he placed the bag down on the bed. Lucy climbed into the bed and opened the large duffle bag.

Harley always had Lucy pack a bag of clothes and items she needed due to Lucy always having sleepovers at Ivy's or Selina's place. Bruce looked down at Lucy and saw her face light up. She reached into the bag and pulled out an old tattered unicorn stuffed animal. She held on to it. "Your mother said to tell you she loves you." Bruce said. Lucy smiled. She missed her mama. Lucy looked in her bag some more. She found her little tooth brush and small toothpaste. She found some of her little underwear which was good. "Lucy come now I have to give you a bath." Barbara said. Lucy looked at Alfred with eyes saying do I have too?

"Go on." Alfred said. She put her unicorn down on the bed and got down. She took her tooth brush and small tube of tooth paste to the bathroom. Barbara took those things and placed them on the sink. Barbara cleaned Lucy's face from the white clown makeup. "There ya go." Barbara said holding Lucy up to the mirror. Lucy looked at Barbara. "Such a pretty girl." Barbara said. Lucy smiled. Maybe she could like Barbara. The water was started and Lucy undressed herself then was placed in the bath. Dick came into the bathroom with a towel and wash cloth. "Thank you." Barbara said. Dick nodded and walked out.

Barbara washed Lucy. She made sure Lucy was nice and clean. Barbara got her out the tub and dried her off. "Nice and clean." Lucy said. Barbara smiled. Barbara walked out the bathroom and grabbed the big shirt and a pair of Lucy's underwear from the bedroom then walked back into the bathroom and gave them to Lucy. Lucy grabbed the big shirt and put it on by herself and put on her underwear by herself. "Big girl." Barbara said. "Mhm." Lucy said nodding her head. Barbara held Lucy up to the bathroom sink and let Lucy brush her teeth. "Don't forget to brush your tongue." Barbara said.

Lucy nodded and stuck out her tongue. She began to brush it the best she could. When she was done she rinsed her mouth and was put down. "Good job." Barbara said and lead Lucy out of the bathroom. "Bed time." Dick said. Lucy looked at Alfred and he nodded his head agreeing with Dick that yes it was indeed time for her to go to bed. Alfred laid her down in the bed and tucked her in. He had placed the bag on the floor. "Goodnight." Barbara and Dick said in unison. They walked out the room. "Goodnight Lucy." Alfred said. "Night." Lucy said. She grabbed her tattered stuffed animal and closed her little eyes. Alfred left the room while Bruce stayed.

He walked up to Lucy's bed side and kissed her head. "Thats from your mother." Bruce said. He turned around and walked to the door. He turned off the lights and closed the door. Lucy sat up in her bed once she heard the door close. She smiled in the dark and touched her head. "Night night mommy." Lucy said to herself and laid back down.

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