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The next day Lucy woke up and scrolled on her phone. Not ready to get out of bed yet but her stomach decided to growl. "Fuck." Lucy groaned. She rolled out of bed and went to the kitchen. Her brother was sitting at the table eating cereal. Lucy ruffled his hair then made herself a bowl as well. "I went to check on you last night." Toby said. "What?" Lucy asked as she grabbed the cereal from on top of the fridge. "I wanted to see if you were okay last night you normally sit on the couch till late hours of the night." Toby said.

"Long day of school." Lucy said. "Your door was locked." Toby said. "As it should be since you don't knock." Lucy said as she poured cereal into a bowl then poured the milk into the bowl. "No not as it should be Lucy." Toby said. "Where's my mom?" Lucy asked. "She had to go to the office today, do not switch the conversation." Toby said. "I have the right to want my alone time in my room. I had my headphones on and I was falling asleep." Lucy said. "I don't like you locking your door." Toby said. "I don't like you not knocking. Do you know how many times you've walked in while I was getting dressed?" Lucy asked.

Toby sighed. "Even Sam knocks. Why can't you? It's not as if you are asking for permission to come into my room it's more of a warning signal to let me know you are coming in." Lucy said as she sat at the table. "Just don't lock your door." Toby said. "Just please knock. Fuck." Lucy said because she forgot her spoon. She looked at the drawer with the spoons in it. The drawer opened and a spoon lifted up. "No." Toby said. The spoon landed in her bowl. "No what?" Lucy asked as she ate her cereal. "No magic." Toby said.

"Why not." Lucy asked. "Because I said so." Toby said. "Mom doesn't care." Lucy said. "Well I do. This is a normal family. So no magic." Toby said. "No you are just boring." Lucy said. "I am not." Toby said. Lucy just nodded. "It's polite to knock dad. You even said that also I think her magic is cool." Sam said. "That's my baby brother." Lucy said. Her and Sam high fived. "Yes it is polite to knock so I apologize but it's not polite to lock doors." Toby said. "I'll stop locking my door when you knock." Lucy said. Toby nodded. The day went on and the two boys left the house leaving lucy by herself.

"Sweet freedom." She said softly. She went in her closet and from under the floorboards she pulled out a bottle of wine. Something to ease her life. She opened it and sat on her bed. Chugging down most of the bottle. "Lead me to tears." Lucy said as she did start to cry. This was all she wanted to do today. Cry. Cry like a fucking baby. As she drank and cried at the same time her phone vibrated. She sighed and grabbed her phone. She saw it was a text from Damian. She looked at her text.

The more Lucy drank the more her thinking went out the door

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The more Lucy drank the more her thinking went out the door. She texted Damian her address and told him to come over with his dog. After what felt like forever in her tipsy state there was a knock at the front door. She gasped and quickly went to the door. She opened it and saw Damian with his Great Dane. "I love him." Lucy said as she looked at the dog. Damian smirked. For a tipsy person she didn't look like it. She let Damian and his dog in. "What's his name?" Lucy asked as she closed the door. "Titus. Where are you parents?" Damian asked.

"I mentioned at school that my mom and her husband were going out didn't I? Oh and that my brother was going to a sleepover. Don't you listen to me?" Lucy asked as she sat on the couch. Titus began to walk around the house but Damian held on to his leash and gave a light tug. "No." Damian said. "Oh let him go and you sit with me." Lucy said and patted a spot on the couch. Damian took the leash off Titus and sat on the couch with Lucy. He didn't sit too close to her though which Lucy didn't like so she scooted closer.

"Don't be so far." Lucy said. Titus began to explore around the house. "I was trying to give you space." Damian said and scooted away. "Am I making you uncomfortable? If I am you can tell me. I'll....respect your boundaries." Lucy said. "You took a long pause and I'm fine." Damian said. "I forgot my words for a second." Lucy said. Damian nodded. "Anyways are you sure?" Lucy asked as she scooted away from Damian. "Yes I'm sure Kane." Damian said. "Do you want a drink?" Lucy asked. "No thank you." Damian said. "You sure? There's juice, water and wi-" "Wine. I can smell it." Damian said.

Lucy nodded. "Are you drunk?" Damian asked as he raised an eyebrow at Lucy. "No dummy I'm tipsy." Lucy said. Titus walked over to Lucy and sniffed her. Lucy stuck out her hand and Titus rubbed his head against her hand. "Why are you tipsy Kane?" Damian asked. "Because why not?" Lucy asked while she petted Titus. "That's not good for your liver." Damian said. "Thank you captain obvious. I'm highly aware. I'm here for a fucked up good time not a long time." Lucy said. She saw her life as short. She was surprised she made it to junior year without throwing herself off the roof of her building.

"You didn't ask me to come over out of a sober mind. Go drink some water then lay down." Damian said. "I'm fine. I'm a big girl. I've taken care of my drunken self more than once. Do you want some cake or something?" Lucy asked. "No thanks." Damian said. "You are so boring. What do you do for fun?" Lucy asked as she got up from the couch. "Do your parents know about this?" Damian asked. "My mother would die and her husband would lose his shit." Lucy said as she walked into her room. Titus followed behind her wanting to go as well. She grabbed her bottle of wine and went back to the living room.

"Does drinking make you uncomfortable?" Lucy asked. "No." Damian said. Lucy nodded and sat down on the couch. "Why do you say your mother's husband? Is he not your father?" Damian asked. "You ask a lot of questions." Lucy said and took a drink. "No I don't." Damian said. "It feels like you do." Lucy said. "Do you not like him?" Damian asked. "I'm hungry. How about you?" Lucy asked. "I'm not hungry." Damian said. "What do you do for fun?" Lucy asked. Damian couldn't just say I fight crime with my father for fun. "I paint, read, and sword fighting." Damian said.

Titus barked. "What baby?" Lucy asked. "And play with my pets." Damian said. "You have more pets?" Lucy asked. "Yes." Damian said. "What kind?" Lucy asked. "There's Jerry. He's a turkey." Damian said. "Thanksgiving dinner." Lucy said. "No! We don't eat jerry!" Damian shouted. Lucy laughed. "That's not funny." Damian said. Lucy kept laughing. "Kane that's not funny." Damian said. "Ha! Fuck my stomach hurts." Lucy groaned. Damian glared at her. "Okay okay, continue." Lucy said and tried to stop her laughing. "There's Pennyworth my cat. My fathers dog Ace but he's basically mine." Damian said.

He couldn't tell her about Bat-Cow of course. "I want to meet your other pets." Lucy said. Damian nodded. "Well Jerry is currently away." Damian said. "What? Where is he?" Lucy asked as she began to shake her leg. "He's visiting one of my acquaintances farm." Damian said. "I see." Lucy said. "Are you okay?" Damian asked. "Hm." Lucy said. He pointed to her leg shaking. "Fine I'm just fidgeting." Lucy said. Titus laid is head in Lucy's lap making her leg stop. She smiled and petted Titus. "I love you." Lucy said to Titus. "Will you answer my question?" Damian asked. "About my mother's husband?" Lucy asked. Damian nodded.

"When I'm dead." Lucy said. Damian nodded. "What about your mom hm? What was she like?" Lucy asked. "I'll tell you that when I'm dead." Damian said. Lucy nodded. "That's fair." She said. Damian's phone began to ring. He pulled it out and answered it. "Hello." Damian said. Lucy obviously couldn't hear what the other person was saying. "Yes father." "I'll be home soon." "Yes I know." Lucy pouted. She didn't want Titus to leave. Damian hung up. "I can still come over on Monday right?" Lucy asked. "I suppose Kane." Damian said as he got up. Titus looked at his master. "Come Titus." Damian said as he walked to the door.

Titus followed him and so did Lucy. Damian put the leash back on Titus. "Thanks for coming to visit." Lucy said. Damian nodded. "I appreciate the invite but, do drink some water and lay down so you won't have a terrible hangover." Damian said. "I will and text me when you get home." Lucy said. Damian looked at her. "What?" She asked. "I'm more than capable of making it home just fine." Damian said. "I know but still just for my hearts sake I wanna know you made it home safely." Lucy said. Damian nodded. "Okay." He said. Lucy smiled and opened the door for Damian. She watched the two leave then closed the door.

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