breakfast tea

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The next morning Lucy was woken up by Dick since Alfred was making breakfast. Lucy was holding on to her stuffed animal. Dick picked her up and carried her downstairs. "The baby brat is awake now." Tim said. "Leave me alone." Lucy said as she snuggled up to Dick. She was still sleepy. "You know you're more cute now." Dick said. "Cause I ain't hurtin ya?" Lucy asked mimicking her mothers speech like she did last night. "Yes." Dick said and sat Lucy down in a chair. Lucy was confused on why they we're sitting at such a big table.

Lucy never really sat at tables. Her family didn't do family meals. Alfred came out with bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes and a bunch of other stuff. Lucy watched Alfred place her plate down. She scrunched up her little nose and took the fork from the table and began to use it to lift up the food. "Is there something wrong Lucy?" Alfred asked. "Poptart." Lucy said softly. "You want a poptart?" Jason asked. "Where is it? Did daddy tell you to hide it from me?" Lucy asked crossing her arms. Everyone looked confused. "What are you talking about Lucy?" Bruce asked her. Very concerned if she was ok.

"Daddy always hides the poptarts mommy gives me if I'm not doing what he wants. Sometimes I dont find them so I have to wait till dinner to eat." She said as she looked under the table. "I think he eats them when I can't find them. Can I have hint to where you put them?" Lucy asked crawling out from under the table. "Lucy no one hid any poptarts and you're telling me your father would let you starve?" Jason asked. "Damn brutal to his own kid." Tim said. "Then where are they?" Lucy asked. "We don't have any poptarts." Dick said. "What would you eat for lunch?" Bruce asked. "Lunch?" Lucy asked.

"He didnt feed you well." Tim said. "I mean she is rather skinny when you look at her." Jason said. "Her tutu barely fits." Bruce said. "How do you do that to your own child?" Dick asked. "I had my poptarts. I eat one then save the other for later then have dinner by myself." Lucy said. "They wouldn't sit at a table with you and eat?" Dick asked. "No. Mommy always tried but daddy said no. I was a big girl I could handle myself. I didn't need to be with them all the time." Lucy said. "What would you do all day?" Bruce asked. "Play with some of the henchmen or go play with aunty Ivy and her pretty flowers or see aunty cat and play with her cats or go off on my own to find my mommy and daddy." Lucy said.

"You would go off all alone?" Jason asked. "Of course. Mommy didn't like it but daddy said as long as I had my gun I would be ok." Lucy said. "You know how to shoot a gun?" Tim asked. "Yes and throw knives." Dick said. "Mommy would get mad about him letting me go on my own. She would yell at him but he would hit her all the time. It was scary. He would hit me sometimes." Lucy said. "How does someone do it?" Tim asked. "Do what?" Lucy asked. "Hurt you. Hurt their own child. How does someone do it?" Tim asked as he looked at his brothers. "Hey my mom didn't care about me man so I understand." Jason said.

"Where Barbara?" Lucy asked curious on where the only other girl in this house went. "She went home." Bruce said. Lucy turned to him. "This isn't her home?" Lucy asked. "No it's not." Jason said. "We told her she could live here though." Tim said. "Eat before your food gets cold." Dick said. Lucy nodded. She soon then ate all her food. She started to get worried that she ate it all. She didn't mean to. She knew that later she was going to get hungry but she was just gonna have to wait till dinner to eat. Lucy began to look around again. "Lucy what's wrong now?" Jason asked. "I did a bad thing." She said softly.

"What did you do?" Bruce asked. "I ate all my food." Lucy said. "Lucy that's a good thing honey." Bruce said. "No. Cause daddy would be mad at me cause what am I suppose to eat later." Lucy said. "Lucy your father isn't here. He can't hurt you so its ok and Alfred will make you some lunch." Bruce said. Alfred nodded. "Ok." Lucy said. Tim patted her head. Lucy became somewhat comfortable. She liked it here. "Well now done its time to go and find you some parents." Bruce said. "We are going to go get my mommy?" Lucy asked. "No honey. We are going to find you a new mom." Bruce said. "Why?" Lucy asked. "Your mom won't be around for a while so you are going to need a temporary mom and dad until she comes back." Bruce said.

"I dont want a new mommy. No one is like my mommy." Lucy said. "I understand but you need a temporary mom." Bruce said. "Ok." Lucy said. She got down from her chair. "Thank you for the food." Lucy said to Alfred and skipped out of the dining room. She made her way up the stairs. Bruce sighed. Lucy grabbed her duffle bag and made her way down the stairs carefully. Once she was down she walked to the front door. She had to streach a little bit to grab the door handle. She got it opened and walked out. She was on the short side. She left the door open on her way out. She was going to vitist her aunty Ivy. As she was walking she felt someone grab her.

"Hey! Hands off!" Lucy shouted and instantly used her little elbow to elbow her attacker in the face. "Ow. Watch it Lucy." Dick said. "Dick?" Lucy asked. "Yeah its me." He said. "Lucy where do you think you're going?" Bruce asked picking the duffle bag up. "To see my aunty Ivy. She can be my temporary mommy." Lucy said. "No she can't. Lucy, Ivy is a criminal she will get thrown in arkham asylum like your mom." Bruce said. Lucy looked down. "We are gonna find you a temporary mom and dad that won't end up in Arkham asylum or anything like that." Bruce said. Lucy just nodded. They went back inside.

The next day Lucy and the boys went shopping with Alfred. Lucy sat in the baby seat in the cart. "I'm getting coffee." Tim said. "You always get coffee." Jason said. "You always get gushers." Tim said. "Gushers are amazing." Jason said. "I'm getting ice cream." Dick said. "What are you getting Lucy?" Tim asked. "Oh yeah what are you getting munchkin?" Jason asked as he ruffled Lucy's blonde hair. "What can I get?" Lucy asked. "Whatever you want." Dick said. "Pop tarts." Lucy said. They picked up the food and passed by the toy section while trying to get to the clothes section.

Lucy noticed a pretty little tea set. "I want that!" Lucy shouted pointing to the tea set. "Little Miss Tea Set?" Dick asked. Lucy nodded. Dick grabbed the tea set and put it in the cart while Lucy grabbed her pop tarts and gave them to him. "What? You want a different kind?" He asked. She shook her head. "I only get one thing." Lucy said. "You can have more than one thing Lucy." Alfred said. "Put the uno cards down Tim. You know that game tears the family apart even more." Jason said. "Uh oh." Lucy said. "Do you want any type of special juice?" Dick asked. "Apple juice." Lucy said. "We can grab that." Jason said.

"Put the cards down Tim." Dick said. He tossed the cards into the cart. "Bruce is gonna hate us." Jason said. "He's gonna hate you more." Tim said. "Boys." Alfred said. "Sorry." They said. Alfred picked up some clothes for Lucy. She did tell him what to put in the cart and what not to put in the cart. "Pink. Pink." Lucy said. "We're gonna get you all the pink we can munchkin." Jason said. They paid for everything and left the store. Lucy was sitting in Jason's lap. "You know I realized that your hair is a mess." Jason said. "You mess my hair up." Lucy said. Jason shrugged. Lucy stole his comb that he always kept on him. She then put it in his hand. Jason combed Lucy's hair. "Making you her bitch." Tim said softly. "Shut up." Jason said and hit Tim. "Don't hit him." Dick said.

Tim hit Jason back. The boys kept hitting each other. "Hey! My hair." Lucy said. "Sorry kid." Jason said. When they got home Lucy opened her tea set and set it up. She placed cookies on the little plate. She set up the cups. She then poured apple juice into the cups. Once she was done she was off to find guest for her tea party. She found Alfred and sat him down on the floor. She dragged Tim and Dick who really had no issues joining the party but she had to abuse Jason to get him to join the tea party. They all sat down around the tea set. Well except Jason he was laying on his side. "One cookie or two?" Lucy asked Jason. "Better make it three." Jason said.

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