Bye Bye Baby

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Lucy cried all morning. She was officially moving. It was time to go. "Baby you have to get out of bed." Harley cooed. It was currently two pm. Lucy groaned and got out bed. "Let's get ready." Harley said. Lucy got her life together. Dick and Kory came over to help them pack everything into their cars. When that was over they headed to Blüdhaven. They were off to their new home that Harley purchased.

Everyone else was waiting for them. Lucy curled up in her sit picking at her lip. Harley took her daughters hand and removed it from her lip. Lucy took her hand back and moved it back to her lip. Harley shook her head. Lucy counted trees as they drove but sorta lost count and just kept starting over to keep herself entertained.

When they arrived to the new place Lucy couldn't help but pout. She tried to smile but couldn't. "Oh baby it's ok." Harley said and kissed her daughters head. Lucy nodded and they got out the car. Walking in Lucy saw everyone putting new furniture in and building this. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO TURN IT THAT WAY!" Tim shouted. "Shut up!" Jason shouted.

"Boys." Bruce said. "I told you guys to just let me do it." Mira said. "NO!" Tim shouted. He wanted to build the desk like a big kid and no one was gonna stop him. "Just let her do it!" Jason shouted. "Drake shut up! Lockwood just do it." Damian said. "I'll never forgive you." Tim said and pointed at Mira. "I'll buy you coffee for a month." Mira said. "Make it two and we have a deal." Tim said. Mira nodded.

Waving her hand over the desk and it built itself. "Is her bed built?" Mira asked. "Uhhhh." Jason said. "I built it." Bruce said. "Oh thank god." Mira said. "Her bathroom is set up." Selina said. "So is her closet." Talia said. "Wait. What did you put in her closet?" Mira asked. "I don't like that you two were in a room unsupervised." Damian said looking at Selina and his mother. "I put stuff in her closet." Talia smirked. "Like what?" Mira asked. "Don't ask anymore questions." Damian said.

"Damian is it here?" Mira asked. "Yes it's upstairs." Mira said. Lucy heard upstairs and slowly tried to creep upstairs. Harley grabbed her daughter by the ear so quickly. "No." Harley said. "Ah!" Lucy shouted. "Bad baby." Harley said. Lucy pouted. Everyone turned around. "Oh! You're here!" Mira shouted and hugged Lucy. Lucy hugged her back. "What's upstairs?" Lucy asked. Her green eyes glimmering with curiosity. "Wait for that." Bruce said. Lucy looked at him and pouted.

"You have to wait." Bruce said. "Come on let's show you around." Tim said. They lead Harley and Lucy around their new home. Showing off all the decorations. Lucy was holding Damian's hand as they walked around. "Upstairs?" Lucy asked once they finished looking downstairs. "Yes." Damian said. Lucy tried running up the stairs but Damian held her back. "Easy." Damian said. Lucy sighed. They were lead upstairs and shown the closets and a guest room, two office like rooms and even a painting room.

"That room was Damian's idea." Mira said. "I like it." Lucy said. "It's for her creativity and for her to cope better." Damian said. They showed off Harleys room and of course on to Lucy's room. Damian covered her eyes and lead her in. "I wanna see. I wanna see." Lucy said excitedly. Once in the room Damian removed his hands from her eyes. She quickly looked around from left to right and then straight to her bed.

Everyone looked at her and her face lite up like a Christmas tree. She walked over to her bed and picked up the small pup. "Hi." Lucy cooed and held the pup to her chest. "Meet your son." Mira said. "My son." Lucy squealed. She turned to face everyone with a big grin on her face. "Our son." Damian said. "What's his name?" Lucy asked. "He doesn't have a name yet." Damian said. "Hmmm." Lucy hummed thinking of what to name her son.

"What's something you guys love?" Jason asked. "Each other." Lucy said as she looked at Damian with a soft smile. "Something else." Mira said. "Name him coffee." Tim said. "No." Damian and Lucy said. "Assassin jr." Jason said. "Shut up." Damian said. "Batman." Selina said with a smirk. Everyone laughed except Bruce. He just let out a small chuckle. "Cereal." Dick said. "No." Lucy said.

"Oreo!" Lucy shouted. "Oreo?" Everyone asked. "Yeah he's black and white." Lucy said. "Cow." Mira said. "Don't call my son a cow." Lucy said and covered Oreo's ears. Mira laughed. "His name his Oreo ummm. Oreo DamiLu Wayne Quinn!" Lucy shouted. Oreo's little head shot up from his mothers chest. "DamiLu?" Everyone asked. "Yes. Damian plus Lucy equals DamiLu." Lucy said and rolled her eyes.

"I'm down with the ship name but you can't give that name to your dog." Mira said. "Why not?" Lucy asked. "Cause that's not a middle name." Jason said. "Not with that attitude it isn't." Lucy said. "Hello!" Sabrina shouted from downstairs. "Mommy!" Lucy shouted and rushed out the room with her son. She carefully went down the stairs. "Hi sweetie." Sabrina said. "Is that a dog!" Sam shouted. "Yeah." Lucy squealed.

She showed her baby brother her new puppy. Sam petted the pup gently and stared in awe. Sabrina even petted the pup. "Where did you get this cutie from?" Sabrina asked. "Damian." Lucy said. "Hi mom." Mira said and waved at Sabrina. "Hi honey." Sabrina said and gave Mira a hug. "What did you name the dog?" Sam asked. "His name is Oreo DamiLu Wayne Quinn." Lucy said with a smile on her face.

"DamiLu?" Sabrina asked. "Ohhh I get it. It's you and Damian put together." Sam said. "Someone gets it." Lucy said. Harley walked over to Sabrina. "Thank you." Harley said. "It was my pleasure." Sabrina said and looked at Lucy who was talking to Sam. Her babies weren't babies anymore. Her daughter was still her daughter even though her biological mother was back, Harley had no problem sharing Lucy with Sabrina.

Harley understood that the two had a bond and she wasn't going to ruin that. Whatever made her daughter happy she was gonna do. "Thank you." Sabrina said to Harley. "For what?" Harley asked. "Giving me a daughter." Sabrina said. "You guys are already on the couch?" Lucy asked. Bud and Lou were stretched out on the couch. Everyone helped bring things inside and put things away.

Lucy held on to every minute of her family being there. When the clock hit ten the magic was over and it was time to go. She was sad but her heart full of love. Oreo was messing with Bud and Lou on the floor in the living room while everyone was heading out. Lucy hugged Sabrina real tight. "Bye mom." Lucy said. "I love you." Sabrina said. "I love you too." She said. Sabrina kissed her head. They let go and Lucy hugged Sam. "Take good care of mom." Lucy said.

"I will. Take good care of yourself." Sam said. Lucy laughed. "I'll try." She said. She hugged Mira. "I love you." The girls said in unison. "You'll call each other later tonight." Jason said. They nodded. She hugged her boys and Selina and Talia. Then made her way to Damian. "I love you." Lucy said. "I love you too." Damian said. "Our son and I will miss you." Lucy said. "I'll miss you both." Damian said.

He hugged Lucy tight. "Don't let this break us." Lucy said softly. "It won't. I promise beloved." Damian said. Lucy smiled. She let him go and they shared one last kiss. He headed to the car. She watched him get into the car but she knew obviously that wasn't the last time she would see the love of her life. She was no longer worried that the people she loves will slip away. They won't. Not again.

Bruce was headed to the car but Lucy rushed over to him and hugged him. Bruce was surprised that Lucy hugged him. He knew she was upset with him but he wasn't sure if her feelings subsided. "I love you dad." Lucy said. "I love you too." Bruce said. Lucy couldn't stay mad at Bruce no matter what he was her father. The only one she's ever had and she knew his intentions were good. No matter what he was her dad and she wasn't going to push him away.

She wasn't going to let her dad slip through her fingers just cause she was upset. She wasn't going to lose him. Not now not ever. Harley and Lucy watched the cars go by with hands sticking out the window waving goodbye till she couldn't see them anymore. The mother daughter duo walked inside to their new home, ready to start their new lives together.

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