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Lucy sat on the couch while Toby and Sabrina looked at her. "What is going on? Where did you go?" Sabrina asked. "Nothing is going on. I went to the park with Damian that's all." Lucy said. "That's all?" Toby asked. "Yes that's all." Lucy said. "Why?" Toby asked. "Because I wanted to be with my friend." Lucy said. "Your boyfriend?" Toby asked. "My friend. You notice im not close to many people. All I have ever had is mom, Sam and Mira that's it! I had people who I thought were my people but they abandoned me!" Lucy shouted.

Sabrina sat next to her. "Honey." She said. "They told me why they left but it still hurts. I can't stop it from not hurting. But I have Damian now and he understands. More than anyone probably ever will. I just don't wanna pretend anymore." Lucy said as she got up and went to her room.  "This conversation isn't over." Toby said and walked after Lucy. "Let me talk to her." Sabrina said and followed. "You will only baby her." Toby said. "Toby you can be too aggressive. You take it to far." Sabrina said. "I'm only trying to make sure our daughter doesn't end up in Arkham Asylum like her so called parents!" Toby shouted.

"SO CALLED PARENTS?! DO NOT SPEAK ILL OF MY MOTHER! You are not my parent! I don't give a fuck what document you signed but you aren't my father! Bruce Wayne is the closet thing I've ever had to a dad. You will never live up to him, and remember the apple never falls too far from the tree." Lucy said. As she stopped in her door frame to look at Toby. "You live under my house and my rules you don't like it how about you leave. I would love to see how far you get. You are a criminal. A good for nothing criminal but never forget he abandoned you and he'll do it again." Toby said.

"I'll always love him more than you though. There will always be a place in my heart for him and his entire family because they took care of me and gave me love. You didn't love me. You looked at me as some charity case! You literally would introduce me as your little orphan girl. Said my parents were horrible people who abused me and then tossed me to the side." Lucy said. "Well they did abuse you." Toby said. "No my father did never my mother. She would never lay a hand on me. Anytime she threatened to spank me I knew she wasn't serious but she acted as she was so it did make me think twice about my actions." Lucy said.

"You should be grateful that we took you in. I didn't want to adopt you in the first place." Toby said. "You didn't have much of a say in her adoption. I picked her. I want her. I want my daughter. I love my daughter. Something you can't seem to do. I never understood why but the more I talked to your mother and the more she told me things I understood." Sabrina said. "What did my mother tell you?" Toby asked. "Wouldn't you like to know? Baby pack your things for me please." Sabrina said as she looked at lucy. "Where am I go-" "Pack." Sabrina said. Lucy nodded and went to her closet.

She found her duffle bag and just shoved it with clothes, underwear and everything else she was sure she would need. "Let's go." Sabrina said. Lucy was shoving a few more things into her bag. "Now." Sabrina said. "Coming." Lucy said and quickly tossed her duffle bag over her shoulder and zipped up her bag. Her and Sabrina left. "Where are we going mom?" Lucy asked. "I'm taking you to Bruce until I can have a long good conversation with Toby." Sabrina said. "Why can't he love me?" Lucy asked as they walk to the car. "Not right now honey." Sabrina said as she got in the car.

Lucy sat in the passenger seat. "Why?" Lucy asked. "Honey." "Why mom?" "Your father...Joker killed Toby's friend. His best friend." Sabrina said. "So when he looks at me he sees my dad?" Lucy asked. Sabrina nodded. "He can't move on. The minute he saw you he didn't want you but I wanted you so bad. I told him I'd adopt you rather he liked it or not. From the moment I saw were mine. I knew it. I felt it." Sabrina said as she looked at the steering wheel with tears forming in her eyes.

"Mom." Lucy said. "I know one day you'll go back to your mother Harley but for as long as I can have you, you're my little girl. My daughter. Even after you'll still be my baby in my heart." Sabrina said and looked at Lucy. "No matter what you'll always be my mom. Shes my mom and you're my mom." Lucy said. Sabrina nodded and tears fell from her eyes. "I love you mom." Lucy said. "I love you too." Sabrina said and stroked Lucy's cheek. "Don't cry please." Lucy said. Sabrina nodded and wiped her tears away. She started the car after and drove off.

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