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Damian took Lucy around Star Labs. "Sooo explain this place to me." Lucy said. "Well this is where as they like to call themselves Team Flash works." Damian said. "Ohhh." Lucy said. Damian nodded. "Is Barry the Flash?" Lucy asked.  "He is." Damian said. "I knew it." She said. Damian chuckled. "Do you know why we are here?" Lucy asked. "No I don't." Damian said. Lucy held Damian's hand as they ended up walking back to where they started. "Oh there you two are." Caitlin said. "Where we being looked for?" Lucy asked.

"Yes. We are leaving now." Bruce said. "Oh already? So fast? So soon?" Lucy asked. "Did you have something in mind that you wanted to do?" Bruce asked. "Ummm I want more coffee." Lucy said. "You don't need anymore coffee." Damian said. "But why?" Lucy asked. "Yeah, but why Damibear?" Cisco teased. "Ramon I will slit your throat in your sleep." Damian said. "That's gonna get blood everywhere. Try injecting him with potassium chloride." Lucy said.

"Why do you know that?" Caitlin asked. "What do you mean?" Lucy asked. "That injecting him with potassium chloride would kill him." Barry said. "Doesn't everyone know that?" Lucy asked. "I didn't know that." Iris said. "Well now you know." Lucy said. "What have you been teaching her?" Barry asked. "I didn't teach her that." Bruce said. "Of course you didn't." Lucy said. "Did your dad teach you that?" Damian asked. "I read it in a book." Lucy said.

"What book?" Barry asked. "How to kill your enemies and most likely get away with it." Lucy said. "I've never heard of that book before." Iris said. "Oh yeah they don't sell it in stores." Lucy said. "Where did you get it from then?" Cisco asked. "Dark web." Lucy said. "Oh." Caitlin said. Iris's eyes widen. "You've been on the dark web?" Barry and Cisco asked. "Yeah." Lucy said. "Why?" Caitlin asked. "Research purposes." Lucy said.

"What research?" Cisco asked. "I wanted to see if I could get to it and what they sold. There was a lot of um disturbing things." Lucy said. "Like what?" Barry asked. "Don't ask that!" Cisco shouted. "Why?" Barry asked. "I don't think you wanna know." Lucy said. "Did anyone track you down?" Cisco asked. "I can't answer that question." Lucy said. "WHAT?!" Cisco shouted. "I can't answer that." Lucy said and smiled. "Why not?" Barry asked. "Cause I'll get in trouble." Lucy said.

"What did you do?" Iris asked. "Stuff." Lucy said. Damian looked at Lucy. "Beloved." Damian said. "Coffee." Lucy said. "Let's go to Jitters." Damian said. "I wanna know what she did." Barry said and looked at Bruce as Damian and Lucy were walking away. "No you don't." Bruce said. Lucy stopped and turned to Barry. "Potassium chloride." She said with a smile. "Oh my god." Caitlin said. "She...she...there's no way." Iris said.

"Why do you have killer children?!" Cisco shouted. "I'm getting too old for this shit." Bruce said. Barry couldn't comprehend what was just said. "Did you really?" Damian asked as they walked out the building. "Of course. I had to be safe." Lucy said. Damian nodded. "He was a calling card." Lucy said. "What?" Damian asked. " father found me years ago." Lucy said. "What?" Damian asked and looked at Lucy. They stopped walking.

"He found me. How? I don't know, but he did and he sent one of his henchmen after me. So I did what I read how to do and I killed him." Lucy said. "How long ago was this?" Damian asked. "I was fourteen. This man knew I was alive and well. He didn't know where I lived thank god but it's the fact that he still found me." Lucy said. "Did he know it was you at his club?" Damian asked.

"Now that I think about it yeah he probably did." Lucy said. "Did he find you from the Dark web?" Damian asked. "Maybe or he had been tracking me down for months at the time and he just found me." Lucy said. "Possible but why?" Damian asked. "What do you mean?" Lucy asked. "Why did he track you down? What were his plans at the time? Kyle said he just told everyone that you were dead." Damian said. "I know it's weird." Lucy said.

"Get in the car." Bruce said and unlocked the car doors. Lucy and Damian got into the back seat. Bruce got in the drivers seat and started up the car. "Coffee." Lucy said. Bruce nodded. The three buckled up and Bruce drove out the parking lot. "Coffee. Coffee. Coffee." Lucy chanted. When they got to Jitters, Bruce parked and let the teens out. Damian and Lucy went into the coffee shop. "I like it here." She said. The two got in line and Lucy looked at the menu.

When they got to the front of the line Lucy ordered the Killer Frost holiday drink. Damian paid for her drink and the scooted off to the side to wait for her drink. Damian stroked Lucy's hair as they waited. Damian's phone started to ring. He sighed and pulled out his phone. Lucy was given her drink while Damian answered his call. "Yes Drake." Damian said.

"I know you are at Jitters so can you please get me some coffee." Tim begged. "No." Damian said. "Please you little demon brat." Tim said. "Drake. No." Damian said. Lucy took the phone. "What do you want Timmy?" Lucy asked. "I just want some coffee. Please." Tim said. "What drink?" Lucy asked. "No we aren't buying him coffee." Damian said. "I want the Zoom and Killer Frost." Tim said. "Ok." Lucy said.

Lucy got back in line. "A large right?" Lucy asked. "Yes." Tim said. She ordered for Tim and paid herself. Lucy waited off to the side again. "Okay I ordered your stuff." Lucy said. "Thank you Lucy. I love you." Tim said. "I love you too." Lucy said and hung up. She gave Damian the phone back. "Why must you be nice to Drake?" Damian asked. "Because I'm a good person." Lucy said.

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