Let it out

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Bruce went back out while Lucy talked to Raven. "I saw a lot of stuff." Raven said. "I could feel you." Lucy said. Raven nodded. "I can teach you some meditation." Raven said. "I don't think I have the intention span for that." Lucy said. The girls laughed. As the laughter died down Raven looked down. "I know what it's like to feel like a monster. The darkness inside you overwhelming you to the point where you don't even know who you are." Raven said.

Lucy nodded. "It's so over powering and I don't know what to do but all I know is I'm angry." Lucy said. "Of course you are but you need to learn to keep your emotions under" "control. I've been told." Lucy said. "I do think meditation can help." Raven said. "I don't wanna keep it inside anymore Rae. I just want to let it all out." Lucy said. "Maybe you should." Raven said.

Lucy turned her head. "I'm saying let's take you to an empty area and maybe you can just let it all burst out of you. I'll be there to help you." Raven said. Lucy nodded. "Ok. Let's do this." Lucy said. "Right now?" Raven asked. "No time like now." Lucy said as she got off the couch. "Wait I think we should run this by Bruce first." Raven said. "He's just gonna say no." Lucy said. Raven nodded. "We can get Zatanna as well, extra help to make sure I don't get out of hand." Lucy said.

Raven shook her head. "Zatanna doesn't like me really." Raven said. "Ohhh. Well shit." Lucy said. "We can get Starfire." Raven said. "The best adult." Lucy said. Raven nodded. "Okay so you, me, and Starfire we just have to find a empty area." Lucy said with a smile. The girls went to find Starfire who was in Dick's room. The door was closed. "They fuckin." Lucy said. Raven quickly covered her mouth. Lucy laughed. She knocked on the door.

They got no answer so she knocked again and again and again. "Yes!" Dick shouted. Raven tried not to laugh. "Is Starfire in there?" Lucy asked. "Maybe, what do you need her for?" Dick asked. "Something." Lucy said. "Go away, come back later." Dick said. "Please." Lucy begged. "No." Dick said. "What are you two even doing in there?" Lucy asked. Raven laughed into her hand. "Taxes." Dick said. Raven shook her head. "Tim does the taxes." Lucy said. "Go away." Dick said. "But I really really really need Starfire's help." Lucy begged.

Lucy heard shuffling and mumbling. "Kory no." Dick said. Kory opened the door with a smile on her face. "How can I help you?" She asked. "Come with me." Lucy said and took Kory's hand. Raven and Lucy lead her downstairs. "Okay what's going on?" Kory asked. "Well we need you to watch me do something." Lucy said. "Do what?" Kory asked. "Magic." Lucy said. "Show me." Kory said. "Not here." Lucy said. "We have to go to a private empty area." Raven said. "Ohhh." Kory said. "Whatcha guys doin?" Jason asked. "Ah!" Lucy screamed.

"What's going on here?" He asked. "Girl stuff go away." Lucy said. "I thought we were" "Shhh! Girl stuff he can't know." Lucy said. Raven nodded. The girls went outside. "Where will we go?" Kory asked. "I think we can actually go to Titans tower. Remember that chamber we made for me when I get out of control?" Raven asked Kory. She nodded. "We can use that. You go inside and release everything. No one should be harmed." Raven said to Lucy.

Raven opened a portal and everyone stepped in. "Wow." Lucy said as she looked around the tower. "Come on." Raven said and lead Lucy to an elevator. They went to the bottom floor. Raven lead her down the hall. It was a large clear room. Kory opened the door and Lucy went in, the door was closed then locked. "Ok. Now just let it all out. We'll be here so don't worry." Kory said.

Lucy nodded. She closed her eyes and thought about all the bad things. Her fathers beatings, the pain, the hate. Everything. Her heart began to race. "Ahhh!" Lucy screamed. Dark green smoke poured out of Lucy. Raven and Kory watched. Kory wanted to go in and just stop everything she didn't like hearing Lucy scream in pain. Raven had to hold her back. "She wants this." Raven said. Kory nodded and just turned away.

The screaming stopped but not the smoke. Raven went to the door. She wasn't going to open it yet. The smoke cleared and Lucy was laying on the ground. Raven opened the door quickly and went to Lucy. "Lucy." Raven called. Kory followed her in. Lucy whined. "Are you ok?" Raven asked. Lucy opened her eyes and looked at Raven. "I think so." Lucy said. Raven nodded. "Let's get you in bed." Kory said. The girls helped Lucy to Damian's room at the tower.

They laid her down and kept a close watch on her. Lucy slept until the next day. She got out of bed and went to the living room. "What is she doing here?" Kara asked. "Morning to you too." Lucy said. "You wanna try my waffles?!" Garfield asked excitedly. "Tofu waffles. Don't eat." Raven said. Lucy laughed. "She might like them!" Garfield shouted. "Morning Lucy." Jamie said. "Morning and sure I will try your waffles Gar." Lucy said.

Garfield squealed. "Ah yeah!" He shouted and gave her a plate of waffles. "Thanks." Lucy said. "Once again what is she doing here?" Kara asked. "Just visiting." Lucy lied. Raven nodded. She sat down and tried Garfield's waffles. "Well?" He questioned. "Not much of a fan but hey if you like em good for you." Lucy said and pushed the plate away. "Aw man." Garfield said. "Told you." Raven said. "Why you gotta be so cold mama's?" Garfield asked Raven. Lucy laughed. "Where's Damian?" Kara asked.

"Yeah where is he?" Jamie asked. "Home. I came here by myself well Raven actually came and got me." Lucy said. Raven nodded. "If I knew we were gonna have lucy over we could have had movie night!" Garfield said. "You have horrible movie taste Garfield." Jamie said. "I do not!" Garfield shouted. "Lucy." Kory called. Lucy turned around and saw Bruce standing next to Kory. "Oh daddy you've come to get me." Lucy said and rushed over to him.

"Let's go." Bruce said and he began to walk towards the elevator. "Bye bye! I'll see you guys later! We'll have movie night soon I promise." Lucy said with a big smile on her face. She waved goodbye and went to the elevator. When they got to the car Lucy had to sit in the front. Bruce wasn't going to let her sit in the back. "What did you do?" Bruce asked. Lucy buckled herself up. "I let it out." She said. "Let what out?" Bruce asked. "Anger. I feel better." Lucy said.

"I need you to go to Bludhaven." Bruce said. "What?" Lucy asked. "Zatanna will be there and she will help you control yourself." Bruce said. "I'm not going." Lucy said. "You will have your mother, Dick and Kory as well. You will be ok." Bruce said. "I don't wanna go. My whole life is here!" Lucy shouted. "I know but this is what's best for you. When I know you can control yourself you can come back but until then you don't have a choice but to go to Bludhaven." Bruce said.

"Just gonna send me away. AGAIN! Why am I surprised?" Lucy asked herself. "I'm not gonna argue with you." Bruce said. Lucy shook her head.

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