Saturday Night pt 2

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The four sat in the kitchen. "Jason. How much have you been drinking?" Bruce asked as he walked into the kitchen. Jason pointed at Mira and Lucy. Bruce looked at the girls. Mira tried not to look at Bruce while Lucy just smiled at him. "What is wrong with the two of you?" Bruce asked. "Everything." Lucy said. "You two shouldn't be doing that." Bruce said. Mira just nodded. "Whatever you say Bruce." Lucy said. Bruce looked at her.

Jason laughed. "Lucy don't." Bruce said. "Don't what Bruce?" Lucy asked. Bruce sighed. "Oh I'm sorry do you want me to say Mr. Wayne?" Lucy asked. "Stop." Jason said and laughed. "What am I doing wrong? He's not my dad." Lucy said. "Lucy I'm really tired please let's not do this." Bruce said. "Do what?" Lucy asked. "You are my daughter and I'm just trying to do my best." Bruce said.

"Well I don't like it. I don't like being sent away." Lucy said. "I'm sending you to Blüdhaven for less distraction. I want you to be able to succeed." Bruce said. Lucy folded her arms. "I know. I know you want what's best for me, I know you want to do good for me, I know. But that doesn't mean that I'm not upset. I'm willing to give it a try and stuff. I had fun when I went, I have friends there so I'm ok but it's still hard to move from everything I know." Lucy said.

"I know and I'm sorry. You can always come home to visit I'll never stop you from doing that but you must live there for a while. It won't be forever." Bruce reassured her. Lucy nodded. "I'm sorry. I'll be good and I'll learn. I'll do better." Lucy said. Mira rubbed her head. "Water?" Lucy asked. Mira nodded. Both girls extended their arm to the fridge and door of the fridge dislocated from the hinges and flew on to the floor.

"Sorry." Both girls said. "Since when did you do magic?" Jason asked looking at Mira. Damian's eyes widen. "Can we talk about that when I wake up?" Mira asked. "No." Jason said. Mira pointed at Lucy. "All her life. She was born with them. She gets them from her mom." Lucy said. "Then let her mother teach you." Damian said. "We've tried that years ago. It didn't work for some reason." Lucy said with a shrug. "What?" Jason asked.

"I don't know. For some reason I had so much trouble." Lucy said. Jason nodded. "I'll have that fixed in the morning." Bruce groaned. "Sorry." The girls said again. Bruce just waved them off and went upstairs. He was tired. Jason got Mira a water bottle and gave it to her. Mira took it. "Thank you." Mira said. Jason nodded. "Do you think we can fix that?" Jason asked Damian. "Of course." Damian said.

Lucy and Mira both waved their hand at the fridge door and it slammed back into place. "Let me do it." Mira said. "No you let me do it." Lucy said. "We make it to aggressive when we do it together." Mira said. "I wanted to do it." Lucy said. Mira shook her head and opened her water bottle. "You know what this is not how you spend a drunken night. Come on." Jason said.

"Where are we going?" Lucy asked. "You'll see when we get there." Jason said and ran out the kitchen. They watched him go upstairs. "What the fuck?" Mira asked. "I don't even know." Damian said. They all stood up and exited the kitchen. "I don't wanna leave." Tim whined. "Shut the fuck up." Jason said as he carried Tim over his shoulder. "It's three in the morning where are we going?" Tim asked. "Shut up." Jason said. They came down the stairs.

"Let's go kids." Jason said as he opened the front door and walked out. The teens followed him out the door. Damian closing it behind them. Jason tossed Tim into the backseat of his car. "Get in." Jason said as he got into the drivers seat. They got into the car and buckled up. "Alright. This is Club Jason." Jason said. Lucy smiled. "WE LIVE A QUARTER MILE AT A TIME!" Lucy shouted. "That's right!" Jason shouted. "No! No! No! I'm not doing this again!" Tim shouted.

Tim reached for the door handle of the car to let himself out but Jason quickly locked the door. "Let's go." Jason said and started up the car. The radio blared and he started speeding out of Wayne Manor grounds. "Turn down the music!" Tim shouted. Jason turned down the music some. "Thank you." Tim said. "Play good music." Damian said. "Got it." Jason said with a smile. At a red light he pulled out his phone and changed the song. The vibes had begun when the song changed.

"Windmill, windmill for the land!" Lucy screamed. "Turn forever hand in hand take it all in on your stride It is ticking!" Tim shouted. "Falling down love forever, love is freely turned forever, you and me Windmill, windmill for the land Is everybody in?" Damian mumbled the next set of lyrics. Mira was mhm very familiar with Gorillaz but she enjoyed the song and danced in her seat.

The song finished and the next one played. "Another dollar, another day, I could use some change From this repetitive charade." Damian mumbled. He didn't wanna sing too loud but he still wanted to sing along to his favorite song. "It reads like a book, it's got me hooked but I can't find the last page I'd rather find an escape." Lucy sang. The car came to a stop and the music stopped. Everyone in the backseat looked out of Damian's window to see where they were.

"A restaurant?" Mira asked. "Listen when you have a drunken night you must eat burgers." Jason said. Lucy nodded. "IF YOU ARE DRUNK WHY ARE YOU DRIVING?!" Tim panicked. "I'm not drunk." Jason said and got out of his car. The others got out as well. "It's them." Damian said referring to his girlfriend and her best friend. Tim shook his head. The girls shrugged. They sat at a table and got menus placed in front of them.

Anyone walking by would just see normal kids having fun and that are obviously out too late. Eating burgers and laughing too loud. A night of normal living.

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