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Tim was sitting in front of Lucy at the table. "Now Lucy if you have fou-....Lucy focus." Tim said. "Huh?" Lucy asked. Tim was currently trying to help Lucy with her math skills. "If you have four cookies and I give you seven, how many do you have?" Tim asked. "Eleven." Lucy said. "Good. Now how about this, fifteen minus eight." Tim said. "Seven." Lucy said. Tim pulled out some sheets of paper and gave Lucy a pencil. Lucy looked over all the math problems on the sheet and scrunched up her nose.

"What's wrong?" Tim asked. "I don't wanna do this." Lucy said. "Well you have to. When you go to school they will make you do this." Tim said. "School?" Lucy asked. "Yup. You're gonna go to school one day. You should be in school but your parents didn't put you in school." Tim said. Lucy should have been in kindergarten right now but as Tim said her parents didn't put her in school. Lucy grabbed her pencil and began to do the problems that she could. Certain ones she had to skip cause the numbers were too big and she needed extra room to do those. When she finished the small numbers she looked up at Tim.

"Can I have a piece of paper please?" Lucy asked. Tim nodded and gave her a blank sheet of paper. "Thank you." Lucy said and began to work on doing the bigger problems. "You're welcome." Tim said. After sometime Lucy finished and gave her papers to Tim to check. Tim went over her work. She got a few wrong but mostly she did good. If Tim had to really grade her work he would give her a B. "You did good but you missed these one." Tim said and pointed out the ones she did wrong. Lucy pouted and took back her paper. She fixed the ones she did wrong and gave it back to Tim. He looked at them. "Okay well now you get an A." Tim said.

Lucy smiled really big. "Can I have a pop tart?" Lucy asked. "Sure." Tim said. Lucy smiled real big. "How's math going?" Bruce asked as he walked into the kitchen. "Good." Tim said as he got up to get her a pop tart . "I got an A." Lucy said. "You did? That's very good Lucy." Bruce said. "Can...can I go to the library?" Lucy asked. "You wanna go to the library?" Tim asked. "Yes." Lucy mumbled. "Sure I can take you later." Bruce said. Lucy smiled. "I'll take her you've got a meeting." Tim said. Bruce sighed. "I think I can afford to skip that one. It's with Lex." Bruce said. "I can go instead." Tim suggested.

"The last time you took a meeting with a not so good person I believe you threatened them." Bruce said. "It was just a little threat." Tim said. "Go ahead." Bruce said. "Great. I'll go prep." Tim said. He gave Lucy a pop tart then rushed out the kitchen. When Lucy finished eating she went to her room. She needed to change she was still in her pjs. Lucy put on a pink fury hoodie that had teddy bear like ears on the hood then put on pink sweatpants. She brushed her hair then went into the bathroom. The boys had to get Lucy something to stand on so she could really see herself in the mirror.

She could only see the top of her head to her nose without her stool to step on. She climbed up and started the water. She brushed her teeth and made sure her teeth were nice and clean. Her mother always made sure she brushed her teeth really good but even though her mom wasn't there she still made sure to brush them good. When Lucy finished she put her hood on then went downstairs. "I'm ready." Lucy said and went into the living room. "Who bought her that?" Jason asked. "I did!" Dick shouted. "I like it." Lucy said. "See! She looks so cute." Dick said. "Wait where are you going?" Jason asked.

"To the library." Bruce said. "We have a whole library in the house!" Jason shouted. "There aren't children books in there." Lucy said. "Oh shit you're right." Jason said. "Let's put some shoes on first before we go." Bruce said. Lucy nodded. Bruce took her hand and lead her to the closet that had a few of her shoes in it. He helped her put them on then they left. Bruce had to buy a car seat for Lucy because one simple seatbelt isn't not enough for that child. Lucy will not hesitate to take it off and crawl around the car just touching things cause she's bored. So a car seat with multiple buckles and clips is a good thing to keep her in place.

Lucy kicked her feet while she looked out the window as Bruce drove. "So you have an interest in books now?" Bruce asked as he looked in the review mirror at her. Lucy nodded. "Barbara did say you are a very good reader. You do read highly above your age level which is good." Bruce said. Lucy smiled. "Are you looking for picture books?" Bruce asked. "No. I just got bored of Tom Sawyer. I want to read a Christmas Carol." Lucy said. "It's not Christmas yet." Bruce said. "So?" Lucy asked. Bruce nodded. "Anything else?" Bruce asked. "A series of unfortunate events." Lucy said. "Tim use to read that. I think we have one of the books in the house." Bruce said.

Lucy nodded. "I saw it but it was the third book." Lucy said. Bruce nodded. "I can buy the books for you if you want." Bruce said. "Not yet. I wanna borrow them first just in case I don't like them." Lucy said. Bruce nodded. When they arrived to the library Bruce let Lucy drag him around and around looking for what she wanted. She soon noticed other books that she wanted. "You can pick up whatever you want." Bruce told her. Lucy nodded. She grabbed a few Franny K Stein books that caught her eye. Lucy gave them to Bruce to hold. He held them for her.

A few people noticed Bruce and gasped. They were surprised to see a new child with him. Lucy was unaware of the stares and that's how Bruce wanted to keep it. Bruce had to grab a Christmas Carol for Lucy due to it being higher up on the shelves. She even grabbed the first two books of a Series of Unfortunate Events. When Lucy was done Bruce took her to front of the library were the librarian was so Lucy could get her books checked out. No one had approached the pair due to Bruce giving off this intimidating aura. The librarian felt very nervous due to the aura Bruce was giving off.

So he decided to move quickly and scan the books as fast as possible. Bruce pulled out his wallet and showed his library card that he had. Yes Bruce Wayne had a library card because when his boys were younger they also wanted to go to the library like Lucy did cause Bruce's library didn't have something that they wanted to read. When they were done Bruce took the books and Lucy back to the car. He unlocked the car and placed the books inside. Then he put Lucy in her car seat and strapped her in.

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