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Lucy was in Bruce's office sitting in a spinning chair. Spinning herself around and laughing. "Lucy." Bruce called. "Huh?" Lucy said and looked at him. "I need you to look at this list of names." Bruce said. "Why?" Lucy asked. "It's for the up coming gala on New Years." Bruce said. Lucy groaned. "I'm gonna say some names every name I say cross it off the list. It means they got their invitation to the gala." Bruce said. "That's boring." Lucy said.

"I know but it's apart of your job." Bruce said. Lucy pouted. Bruce started listing off names and lucy started crossing names off the list. Lucy didn't mind work it was easy. "How many more hospital bills am I paying for?" Lucy asked. "Three." Bruce said. "You said it was two last time." Lucy said. "Doctor Young." Bruce said. "You added her to my list?" Lucy asked. "Yes I did." Bruce said. "Why?" Lucy asked.

"You know what you did." Bruce said. "I didn't think you would charge me for it." Lucy said. "Well I am. You caused her face damage and someone has to pay for that." Bruce said. Lucy sighed. "She deserved it." Lucy said. "That's what you say." Bruce said. Lucy rolled her eyes. Once they finished lucy went back to spinning in her seat. "Barbara has to take you dress shopping." Bruce said. "Huh?" Lucy asked. "Barbara had to take you dress shopping." Bruce said

"Why?" Lucy asked. "You need a dress for the gala." Bruce said. "Noooo." Lucy whined. "Yes." Bruce said. "I don't wanna go to that stupid thing." Lucy said. "You have to go." Bruce said. "No." Lucy said. "Yes you do. There is no negotiations. You are going to the gala like everyone else in the household." Bruce said. Lucy groaned. "I know how you feel." Tim said. "We could just kill each other and then we don't have to go." Lucy said. "You think of death too much." Tim said.

Lucy shrugged. "Can my mom come to the gala?" Lucy asked. "I already invited Sabrina." Bruce said. "No Harley." Lucy said. "Oh. I can send her an invitation." Bruce said. Lucy smiled. Lucy and Tim went to his office and she sat on the couch. "Sooo who are you bringing to the gala?" Lucy asked. "Kon." Tim said. "Kon?" Lucy asked. "My friend. He's sort of related to Jon." Tim said. "Why wasn't he at Christmas?" Lucy asked. "He was working." Tim said. "But Christmas." Lucy said. Tim shrugged. "Are you guys gay for each other?" Lucy asked.

"What?!" Tim shouted. Lucy laughed. "What? I just wanna know." Lucy said. "No. Maybe. I'm not gay but but if I had to pick a boyfriend it would be him." Tim said. Lucy nodded. "I'm not gay but if I had to pick a girlfriend it would be bumble bee." Lucy said. "Wait wait wait. You know her? Since when?" Tim asked. "Don't know her personally. I've seen her in magazines and on Instagram but trust me if I ever had the chance to be with her I would." Lucy said.

"I think I can introduce you guys to each other." Tim said. "Really? Can you actually bring her to the gala?" Lucy asked. "No. You are gonna flirt with her." Tim said. "A little flirting never hurt anyone." Lucy said. Tim shook his head. "I take that back. If Damian was flirting with someone else I'd kill him." Lucy said. Tim nodded. "So yeah don't bring her please. I'm excited to meet Kon though. Is Jon coming?" Lucy asked. "I can tell Kon to bring him." Tim said.

"Dami needs a friend there." Lucy said. "You're his friend." Tim said. "Girlfriend." Lucy corrected him. "Yes girlfriend." Tim said. "Is Dicky gonna bring his girlfriend?" Lucy asked. "Yeah he does every year." Tim said. "I can't wait to meet her. Wait why wasn't she at Christmas?" Lucy asked. "She was with the Titans." Tim said in a hush tone. Lucy nodded.  "Are they coming as well? Dami needs friends." Lucy said. "I can invite them." Tim said. "Yay." Lucy said.

When work was over Lucy crashed on her and Damian's shared bed. She curled up in bed and saw Titus at the door. "Come in baby." Lucy cooed at him and patted a spot on the bed. Titus ran in and jumped on the bed. Pennyworth and Ace walked in. "Come on everyone in." Lucy said and patted the bed again. The pets jumped in and got comfortable on the bed. Lucy closed her eyes and let sleep take over.

She woke up to something rubbing against her face. She shook her head then opened her eyes. It was Pennyworth. He was just being an affectionate fur ball. Lucy scratched his head and he purred. "Awake now I see." Damian said. He was sitting on the floor with a sketch pad and pencil in hand. Lucy nodded. "Whatcha drawing?" Lucy asked. "You." He said. "Me?" She asked. "Yes you beloved." Damian said and went back to sketching.

"Why?" Lucy asked. "Why what?" He asked. "Do you draw me?" Lucy asked. "You're my muse beloved." Damian said. "Am I really?" Lucy asked. Damian nodded. "You inspire me to be better and to love more even when it's hard to do." Damian said. Lucy smiled. "Can I see?" Lucy asked. "It's not done yet." Damian said. Lucy pouted. "Can you lay your head down please." Damian said. Lucy rolled on to her side. She placed her arm on the pillow and laid her head on her arm. She looked at him.

Damian mumbled something Lucy didn't understand. She raised an eyebrow. He kept mumbling but she didn't know what he was saying. "What?" Lucy asked. "Nothing beloved." Damian said. Lucy shook her head. She closed her eyes and just relaxed. "How long have you been sitting on the floor?" She asked. "For an hour or two I lost track of time." Damian said. "Oh." Lucy said. Lucy felt fur in her face again. "Pennyworth move so I can see please." Damian said. Lucy opened her eyes and indeed Pennyworth was there.

"Can mommy help you?" Lucy asked. Pennyworth just looked up at her with his big eyes and slowly blinked at her. She copied his actions and slowly blinked as well. "I know you love and trust me. I love and trust you too." Lucy said. "You use me for my pets." Damian said. "Just a little bit." Lucy said. Damian shook his head. Lucy smiled. She scratched Pennyworth's head again.

Titus barked. "What's the matter baby?" Lucy cooed. He wanted his turn of attention so he flopped down on to Lucy. "Oof!" Lucy groaned. "Titus." Damian said in a stern tone. "Big baby. Mommy sees you." Lucy said and gave Titus pets. Pennyworth got down off the bed and walked over to Damian. He walked around Damian and nuzzled him. Damian rubbed him. "Hello Pennyworth." Damian said.

"Did you know about the up coming gala?" Lucy asked. "Yes of course." Damian said. "Then why didn't I know until today? The gala is literally a few days away and I have nothing to wear even though I don't wanna go." Lucy said. "You'll look so beautiful." Damian said. "I hope so." Lucy said.

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