Home with you

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Eventually Toby and Sabrina came home. They found their daughter looking out the window. "Did you go out today baby?" Sabrina asked as she took off her shoes and coat. "Nope." Lucy said. Lucy was picking at the skin of her lip. "Stop." Sabrina said as she grabbed Lucy's hand. Lucy just nodded. Sabrina went into the kitchen. "Did you eat?" Sabrina asked. "Pop tart." Lucy said. "You can't live off pop tarts." Sabrina said as she walked over to Lucy and stroked her hair. Lucy shrugged. "I'm surprised you aren't in your room with your door locked." Toby said.

"I said I'll stop when you knock." Lucy said. "Toby we talked about you knocking on her and Sam's door even. It's not that hard." Sabrina said. Toby didn't respond. Sabrina shook her head. "You have to eat something honey. What do you want me to cook?" Sabrina asked. "How was your date?" Lucy asked as she went back to picking at her lip. "Fine. What do you wanna eat?" Sabrina asked as she moved Lucy's hand from her lip. "You need to stop that." Toby said. "I can't help it." Lucy said.

"Food." Sabrina said. "I'm not hungry." Lucy said. "Pizza? Spaghetti? Shrimp pasta? Anything sweetie." Sabrina said. "Pasta." Lucy said. Sabrina nodded and went back to the kitchen. Lucy of course went back to picking at her lip. She couldn't help it. It was just something she did rather she knew it or not. Eventually she left the living room to go to her room. She called Mira and sat on her bed. "Hey." Mira said. "Party?" Lucy asked. "Are you asking me did I go?" Mira asked. Lucy nodded. Mira didn't respond for a second. "Honey I can't see you." Mira said. "Oh right. Yes." Lucy said.

"I went to one for a little while and it was boring. Went to another one boring as fuck and yeah after then I just came home. I'm currently sewing." Mira said. "Sewing what?" Lucy asked. "A dress." Mira said. "Ohhhh." Lucy said. "Mhm you know that the Gotham amateur fashion show is next month and I could use another model." Mira said. "No." Lucy said. "Why not?" Mira asked. "I don't do fashion shows." Lucy said. "You'll be so pretty and there's food involved." Mira said. "Maybe." Lucy said. "Yes." Mira said. "Fine." Lucy said. "Yes! You are gonna look so good." Mira said.

"I hate my life." Lucy said. "You are gonna do great. You'll be the prettiest girl there." Mira said. "Mhm." Lucy said. When Monday rolled back around all Lucy could think about was seeing Damian's pets. She reminded her mother about her not coming straight home and going to Damian's house. Mira of course came to pick Lucy up for school. They got coffee before they made it to school. Lucy bought at least three cups of iced coffee. "You don't need that much coffee." Mira said. "I need to survive." Lucy said.

When they got to school they went to their lockers. Taking things they need out and putting things they didn't need into the locker. Lucy went to class and sat in her seat. Damian soon walked in and she waved at him. He sat next to her. "Do you need that much coffee?" Damian asked. "Yes." Lucy said. He didn't think that someone actually drank a lot of coffee like Drake or his father. Lucy offered him one that she hadn't drank yet. Damian shook his head. "Take it. Coffee is the way of life." Lucy said. Damian took a sip and he tasted lots of sugar. He quickly gave it back to Lucy.

"What?" Lucy asked. "How do you drink that?" Damian asked. "Too much sugar for you?" Lucy asked. "Obviously. Tt." Damian said. "The more sugar the more alive I am." Lucy said as she drank her coffee. Damian shook his head. The day dragged on with test and notes. Lucy wanted to die. Even with all the caffeine she had in her she still was tired. Lucy hated school! But who didn't? Even though she was smart and this came to her with ease she still hated it. As she walked the halls with Damian girls would try to talk to him while a bunch of other people talked to her.

She always tried to be a social butterfly so she wasn't alone. Even if all these friends were fake it was better than being alone. "Lucy we missed you at the party!" A guy shouted from down the hall. "I'll be at the next one!" She shouted back. "Tell Mira to talk to me please." Ben begged Lucy. "Dude she's over you. Let it go." Lucy said. While in her next period with Damian and Mira, she didn't focus at all. So instead of listening she decided to do some magic. She was bored!

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