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December has made its way and Mira was still putting her final touches on her outfits while Lucy is still living with the Wayne boys. Her mother Sabrina and brother are currently living with their cousin Kate. Lucy visited them on her own time every now and then. Lucy was sitting on the couch with Damian. He was currently feeding her popcorn cause she was too lazy to use her hands.

There was a knock at the door and Lucy looked at Damian. He looked at her. "Go get it." Lucy said. "You go." Damian said. "This is your house." Lucy said. "You live here just like me." Damian said. "So?" Lucy asked. "That's means you can answer the door." Damian said. "But you've lived here longer." Lucy said. "Lucy. You have a visitor." Alfred said. Lucy turned her head and there was Selina.

"What are you doing here?" Lucy asked as she got off the couch. "I came to see you." She said. "Why?" Lucy asked. "Aren't you happy to see me kitten?" Selina asked as she walked closer to Lucy. "Yes." Lucy said. "Come on." Selina said and stuck out her hand. "Where are we going?" Lucy asked. "To talk." Selina said. "About my mom?" Lucy asked. "Maybe." She said. Lucy sighed and walked closer to Selina.

Selina took her hand and they went to the garden. "I know hearing this from me isn't what you want but I know your mom loves you. I think it's just hard for her to think about you because she's away from you." Selina said. "I guess." Lucy said. "Have you ever tried going to see her?" Selina asked. "A few times. Bruce said no, and my other parents said no. Everyone told me no." Lucy said. "Well I'm not." Selina said.

Lucy looked at her and turned her head. "Go." Selina said. "Can you go with me?" Lucy asked. "Of course I can." Selina said. Lucy smiled. The two left the garden and got into Selina's car. She drove to Arkham Asylum. On the way there Lucy was fidgeting. Shaking her leg aggressively and peeling the skin off her bottom lip. "Did you always use to do that?" Selina asked. Lucy shrugged. She's not even sure herself how long shes been doing that.

When they walked in Lucy couldn't shake her leg so she kept peeling at her lip. "Stop before you bleed." Selina said. Lucy could care less. "A little blood never hurt anyone." Lucy said. There was a guard and he looked Lucy and Selina up and down. "What are you doing here cat?" He asked. "I'm just here with my sweet little kitten." Selina said and removed Lucy's hand from her mouth and stroked her hair.

"What do you want?" He asked Lucy looking at her in disgust. Lucy glared at him. No longer was she afraid at this point oh no no no. She was pissed. "Look here. I'm here ta see my mommy and you're gonna bring me to her got it bub? My name is Lucy Quinn and you should obviously know who my mommy is so take me to her. Now." Lucy demanded. "Who do you think you are?" The guard asked.

"Did you not hear me? Ya deaf or somethin? I said my name is Lucy Quinn! Do ya need me ta spell it for ya? L-U-C-Y! Q-U-I-N-N! Now take me to her! Or so help me I'll break your arm." Lucy hissed. The guards eyes widen and so did the other guards. "Keep me waiting and my daddy won't be so happy. Do you know who my daddy is?" Lucy asked as she stepped closer to the men. "Uh uh." Was all the guard could say. "That's not my daddy's name. My daddy is anyone's worse nightmare. Even my own." Lucy said with a smile on her face.

"I'll tell you one more time before I put a bullet right between your ugly eyes. Take me to my mommy." Lucy said calmly. "Yeah right this way." A guard said and began to lead Lucy and Selina to where Harley was being kept. "I wasn't expecting that." Selina said with a hand on her hip as she walked. "He pissed me off." Lucy said. Selina nodded. The girls stood in front of a door.

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