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When Lucy got home from the Wayne manor she was tired. She had so much fun! Lucy opened the front door and Sabrina was sitting on the couch. "Hi baby." Sabrina said and got up. "Hi mama." Lucy said and closed the door. "How was it?" Sabrina asked. "It was great. I had so much fun." Lucy said and locked the door. Sabrina nodded and walked over to Lucy. Lucy hugged her. "Damian has so many siblings and pets. But they are all so nice." Lucy said.

Sabrina hugged her back. "That's good. Did you meet his parents?" Sabrina asked. "Oh yeah I met his dad Bruce. He's really nice. You know I expected him to be a little rude or something cause you know he's rich or whatever." Lucy said. "Oh he is." Sabrina said. "Mhm. I mean he's Bruce Wayne." Lucy said. "You went to Wayne manor?" Sabrina asked. "Yeah." Lucy said. "Did you remember?" Sabrina asked. "Remember what mom?" Lucy asked.

"Oh baby." Sabrina said. "What?" Lucy asked. "It has been a long time. But when you were five and six years old you were Bruce Wayne's little girl. His sons were your siblings as well. You guys were a family but then Toby and I adopted you." Sabrina said. "What? Hold on." Lucy said. "It's all true. Hold on." Sabrina said. Sabrina went to the closet in the living room and grabbed a box from the top shelf. She pulled it down and opened it. She took out a letter and gave it to Lucy.

Lucy took it and opened the letter.

Dearest Lucy. I am sorry to inform you that we will not be able to attend your first day of first grade. We all apologize but we are all so busy. I'm so sorry my dear. Please forgive us. I hope that your school year goes well. I hope these few school items and stuffed animals make you happy. We miss you very much and hope to see you again soon.
Best wishes
Alfred Pennyworth.

"What the fuck." Lucy said. "That Marie plushie that's on your bed it's from them." Sabrina said. Lucy held the letter and her head and heart started to hurt. Her brain began to remember living with them and then not seeing anymore. They left her alone. Lucy gave Sabrina the letter back and went to her room. "Honey." Sabrina said. Lucy closed her door and dropped her things. She tossed her shoes in the closet and climbed in her bed.

She began to cry. She hated that she didn't remember them and hated that she did currently remember them. It hurts so much. Sabrina knocked on her door. "Lucy." Sabrina said. "Mom please." Lucy cried out. Sabrina sighed. She left her daughter to cry. Sabrina felt bad. She should have said something to her daughter long ago but didn't just because the Wayne's stopped talking to them and she couldn't bring herself to tell Lucy that. She just couldn't tell Lucy her only good father figure abandoned her.

She couldn't break her little heart like that. Granted even though on the news they talked about how the Wayne's haven't been seen back then. Sabrina just told Lucy that they left for a really long business trip and eventually Lucy just forgot them. She felt so bad. Lucy cried and cried in her room. She tried to stop but she just couldn't. She grabbed her phone and texted Damian asking him if she could come over again tomorrow. Now that she knew the truth she needed to talk to Bruce.

She then remembered why Alfred said her name when he saw her today. He remembered her. He knew who she was. Damian texted her back telling it was okay for her to come by again. Lucy cried herself to sleep. She woke up to the sound of her alarm. She turned it off and groaned. She was a mess. Lucy got out of bed and took a shower. She washed her body and face. When she was done she dried off and did other things.

When she was done she was dressed and ready for school. She grabbed all her things and put her shoes on then left her room. "Lucy come eat sweetie." Sabrina said. "No thanks I need to go. I'll be at Damian's house as well. I won't be long." Lucy said and left the house quickly before her mother could say anything to stop her. Lucy got in the car with Mira and pretended to be happy. They got coffee as usual then headed to school.

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