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The night of the gala. Lucy was freaking out. "Come on Lu! We are gonna be late! Alfred is waiting for us out front." Mira huffed. Lucy refused to come out of Mira's bathroom. She was nervous. What if she made a fool of herself? She couldn't go! "Lucille Lucifer Quinzel! Get out of that bathroom! We have to go! I didn't spend hours making that dress for you to not strut your stuff at this gala!" Mira shouted.

Lucy rolled her eyes. "I SWEAR IF YOU ARE PICKING AT YOUR LIP NO MAGIC WILL SAVE YOU!" Mira shouted. Lucy looked into the mirror and her lip was a bleeding mess. "Shit." She mumbled. Mira sighed. "You're gonna be fine. Everything is gonna be fine. So perfect and pretty. So magical. Tonight will be fine." Mira said. Lucy cleaned her lip. "I'm here. It's gonna be ok." Mira said. Lucy nodded and opened the bathroom door.

"Goddamnit Lucy!" Mira shouted and squeezed Lucy's face. Her lipstick was nonexistent and a little bit on her face. She sighed and fixed Lucy's face. "It's fine you don't need it. Let's go." Mira said. The girls rushed down the stairs. "Bye!" The girls shouted. "Have fun!" Aria called. The girls ran out while the two parents watched. The girls got into the car. "Ah finally I was beginning to worry." Alfred said. "Sorry." They said. "No need to be. Is everything alright?" Alfred asked.

Mira looked at lucy. "Don't look at me like that." Lucy said. "She's nervous." Mira said. "Lucy everything is alright. You two look wonderful and I just know you two will have a great time." Alfred said. Lucy nodded. Alfred began to drive back to the manor. The closer they got the more Lucy's leg started to bounce. Mira tried to stop her but she really couldn't. When they got to the manor there was tons of people. Lucy whimpered. "Shhh. Shhh." Mira cooed and rubbed Lucy's back.

Lucy shook her head. "You've got this. Your mom is inside waiting for you. Just remember that ok?" Mira said. Lucy nodded. She pulled out her phone and texted Damian that she and Mira were here. The girls got out of the car and waited. There was a long red carpet that lead to the front door, a long white background and tons of people with cameras. Damian and Jason came out of the manor while people were coming in. Lucy held Mira's hand so she didn't pick at her lip.

Jason grabbed Damian and made him run past everyone on the red carpet. Ruining pictures as they ran by. The girls laughed while some people groaned and yelled as the boys ran by. "Hey princess. You look good." Jason said as he gave Mira a hug. "Hi JJ." She said and hugged him back. Damian looked at Lucy. "H-hi." Lucy stuttered. "Hello beloved. You look so beautiful." Damian said. "Thank you. You look beautiful too." Lucy said nervously. "Are you okay?" Damian asked. Lucy shook her head no. Jason hugged Lucy and kisses her head.

"Hey kiddo." Jason said. "Hi dad." She said softly. "You look great." Jason said. "Thanks." Lucy said. Jason and Mira walked ahead and went to get some pictures taken. "What's wrong?" Damian asked. "I'm just really nervous. As much as I fake being a social butterfly it's hard now for some reason. I don't know why but it is. I'm scared. I'm really scared." Lucy said. Damian hugged Lucy and stroked her hair. "I promise it's alright. I know it's scary but as you see I'm here, Todd, Lockwood and everyone else are here for you." Damian said. Lucy nodded.

"I'm gonna be fine. Everything is gonna be fine." She mumbled. He nodded. "Are you ready to take pictures? Or we can just run past everyone." Damian said. "I wanna take pictures." Lucy said. Damian nodded and the two walked the carpet. "Jason!" "Jason!" "Is that Adam Lockwood's daughter?" "My father is gonna kill me." Mira said through her teeth as she was smiling. The cameras were flashing and reports were asking questions. Jason chuckled.

Lucy laughed as they walked up to them. "Move Todd." Damian said. "No." Jason said. "Todd." Damian said. Jason smirked then shoved him a little. "Todd I swear." Damian said. Jason and Damian started to fight. "No no no no!" The girls shouted and pulled them apart. Jason laughed as they stopped and he began to walk away with Mira. Lucy sighed and tried to fix up Damian. "I'm gonna kill him in his sleep." Damian mumbled. "Please don't." Lucy said. "Who is she?" "Damian!" "Who is she?" "Fuck me." Lucy said.

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