That doesn't work

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Joker was put in Arkham Asylum but with tons of injuries. Bruce beat him pretty badly but didn't kill him of course. Lucy was put into therapy. She didn't like it at all. "When I was five my dad hung me from a banister." Lucy said. The doctors eyes widen in shock. "It's okay you can laugh. It's funny." Lucy said. "Ms. Kane that is not funny at all." The doctor said.

"You're boring." Lucy said. "I'm trying to help you." He said. "Meh." Lucy said. The doctor sighed. "I really don't care. Can I go home?" Lucy asked. "No. We still have time." He said. Lucy groaned. "Your family just wants what's best for you." He said. "Mhm." Lucy said. "Lucy please talk to me." He said. "I'm fine! There's nothing wrong with me!" Lucy shouted. "Y-your e-eyes." The doctor stuttered. Her eyes were glowing. Lucy quickly got up and left.

She caught a cab back to Wayne Manor. She unlocked the door with a key she had. "What are you doing back so early?" Bruce asked. "I got angry." Lucy mumbled. "What?" Bruce asked. "I got angry." Lucy said. "So you ran away?" Bruce asked. "If I had stayed I would have killed him." Lucy said. Bruce sighed. "Listen I get you are worried about me but I'm fine." Lucy said. She was lying through her teeth and he knew that. "Just try." Bruce said. "I did." Lucy said. "No you didn't." Bruce said.

"Why don't you go to therapy? Why doesn't everyone in this house go?" Lucy asked. "This isn't about everyone else. It is about you, how we can help you cope and get better." Bruce said. "Maybe I don't wanna get better! Maybe I like how fucked up I am. Maybe I wanna stay this way for the rest of my life!" Lucy shouted. "Don't say that. I will not allow you to be this way." Bruce said. "It's in my dna to be fucked up. No matter what I've got my dads dna running through me, I was born to be this way." Lucy said with a shrug.

"You weren't born this way. No matter who your parents are you can always turn your life around. They get no say in who you are and who you are meant to be. That is on you. It is your choice." Bruce said. "Is it really? When you've got his voice in your head telling you one thing, then I have you in my head, then I have both my mothers and I don't know where I am! Everyone is telling me so many things and I don't know where I am!" Lucy shouted. Bruce walked over to her and hugged her.

"I wanna be a good daughter but to who? To you? My mom? My other mom? My dad? Who? Who do I go to?" Lucy asked. "You are already a good daughter. We all love you in our own ways. You don't have to worry about us. Your mothers and I want you to be the best you. We want you to find you, don't let us define you." Bruce said. Lucy nodded. "You can be whoever you wanna be." Bruce said. "Thank you." Lucy said. "You're welcome." Bruce said.

Lucy looked up at him and smiled. "Now how about we go into the kitchen? Alfred made cookies." Bruce said. She smiled even bigger and took his hand, dragging him into the kitchen. They ate cookies and talked. The next day Lucy had to go to a psychiatrist. "So Ms. Kane. Let's play a game." She said. "I like games." Lucy said and swung her feet. She nodded. "I'm gonna say a word and you tell me the first thing that comes to your mind." She said. Lucy nodded. "My mommy use to do this to her new comers all the time." Lucy said.

"I was unaware that your mother was a psychiatrist." The doctor said. "My mommy is or well was a psychiatrist. She was really good at her job but she got the wrong patient one day and it just went all down hill." Lucy said with a shrug. "It does say on your file you are adopted so I assume you aren't talking about your adopted mother." She said. "Nope." Lucy said. "Harley Quinn." She said. "Oh doctor Young you sure are smart." Lucy said. "I heard she's out of jail now." Young said. "Umm sorta." Lucy said. "Sorta?" Young asked.

"They told mommy if she behaves during her own therapy/psychiatric treatment and sessions she can officially leave and be with me." Lucy said. "Your father escaped prison." She said. "I know that." Lucy said with a roll of her eyes. She nodded. "Can we start now? I'm getting bored." Lucy said as she began to pick at her lip. "You'll bleed." Young said. "I know. A little blood never hurt anyone." Lucy said. "Pain." Young said. "Oh we are starting yay! Ummm I don't know." Lucy said while laughing. "Let's try again and this time focus." Young said. "Yeah yeah yeah." Lucy said.

"Pain." She said. "My life story." Lucy said. "Trust." "What's that?" "Love." "Have." "Hate." "Him." "Clown." "Me. Haha." "Card." "Deck." "Father." "Something I sorta don't have." "Friends." "Love." "Drink." "Getting drunk." "Do you have an alcohol addiction?" Young asked. "That's not how this game works." Lucy said rolling her eyes. "Alcoholic." Young said. "Nope." Lucy lied. "Alone." "How I feel." "Fear." "The clown." "Helpless." Lucy felt her heart rate quicken. She hated that word and that feeling. "Helpless." Young said again.

"No." Lucy said. Young nodded. "Yes." Lucy said. "Yes?" Young asked. "I don't know." Lucy said and gripped the couch cushions. "Joker." Young said. "Daddy." Lucy said. "You still call  him your father after all he's done to your mother? You still see him as a father figure? Interesting." Young said. Lucy's eyes widen. She jumped on Young and started to hit her. "Ahhh! Get off of me!" Young screamed in terror. The door quickly flew open and there was Bruce. He ran over to Lucy and grabbed her. Lucy wasn't done with Young. She had a good grip on her hair. "Let go Lucy." Bruce said.

Lucy let go and glared at Young. Young looked at Lucy with fear in her eyes. Lucy smirked. Young had scratches on her face and was bleeding. "I'm sorry. I apologize." Bruce said. He really wasn't even sure what to be saying. "Get that monster out of here!" Young shouted. Bruce took Lucy outside and put her in the back seat. He got in the front and drove home. He didn't even know what to say! He wasn't expecting any of that to happen. Lucy looked at her fingers and could see Young's blood on her hands. It didn't bother her. She thought seeing blood would freak her out.

Unfazed by the blood she just looked out the window. When they got home Bruce dragged her out the car and into the house. "What were you thinking?" Bruce asked. "I wasn't. I saw red and I made red." Lucy said and showed Bruce her blood covered hands. "Are you proud of this? Are you proud?" Bruce asked and shoved Lucy's hands in front of her face she could really look at the blood. "I guess. It doesn't bother me." Lucy said. "What happened?" Tim asked as he stuck his head out of the kitchen. "Why are you back early?" Dick asked copying Tim.

"Stay out of this." Bruce said. Lucy snatched away from Bruce. "I almost killed my psychiatrist." Lucy said and walked into the kitchen showing off her blood covered hands. "What the fuck?" Tim asked. "Lucy." Dick said. "I didn't like what she said to me so I saw red and I made red." Lucy said. She washed her hands in the sink. "Did you feel anything? You just attacked her?" Dick asked. "All I felt was anger or maybe nothing. I don't know but what I do know is she deserved it. If you could only have seen her face." Lucy said with a smirk. She dried off her hands. "She was afraid. Terrified and I loved it. Is that why you dress up as a bat and scare the shit out of people? Do you get off on it?" Lucy asked

"I strike fear into people's heart because I'm trying to protect people." Bruce growled. "Okay dad." Lucy said. "You enjoyed what you did because of h-" "because of my dad? Yeah I know. I liked it and I won't deny it. I'd do it again and again to her." Lucy said and looked at Bruce. "Okay so seeing a psychiatrist is not an option anymore. How about she starts training." Dick said. "So she can have more skill to kill someone? I don't think so." Bruce said. "I'm not gonna kill anyone and I don't need you to teach me. I can happily find someone else." Lucy said.

"It's best if we train her Bruce. Another way to help her with her anger and pain." Tim said. Bruce sighed. "Fine but she is not allowed to go out with us at night. She has to earn that." Bruce said. Lucy nodded.

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