Lunch date

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The next day Zatanna of course explained to Dick that she just couldn't repress Lucy's magic. Lucy was in her room with Alfred getting ready for her lunch date with her soon to be parents. She wore a white dress with a pink bow tied in the front, white slippers, her hair down and pink bow in her hair. She made Bruce buy her this dress in particular because it reminded her of Marie. If she was going on a fancy date she was gonna dress as fancy as she possibly could.

Alfred took Lucy downstairs to Bruce who was waiting at the front door. "You can't take her yet!" Jason shouted running downstairs with Tim following. "Boys we are going to be late." Bruce said. "Just hang on." Tim said. Jason picked up Lucy. "You look great. If they have any issues with you remind them that they are losers. Don't be shy to use a little magic if they get on your nerves." Jason said mumbling the last part. Tim placed a listening devices on the bow that was wrapped around Lucy's dress. "Shhh. It's for us to know what's going on." Tim whispered to her.

Lucy nodded. Jason put her down and she ran off to Bruce. He held her hand and took her outside to the car. Bruce put Lucy in her car seat and made sure she was secure in her seat. Once that was done he got in the drivers seat and buckled up. Lucy tried to distract herself by playing with her fingers, counting trees, counting cars, and even by trying to use magic but due to the car moving she couldn't focus much on using magic. When they arrived at the restaurant Bruce parked and got Lucy out of the car.

"Do I always have to sit in the car seat?" Lucy asked. "Once I know you won't take your seatbelt off and crawl around the car then you won't sit in the car seat anymore." Bruce said. Lucy sighed. The two walked into the restaurant and quickly a woman with long black hair and blue eyes stood up. Lucy noticed her and Bruce was walking towards her. Lucy was getting nervous now. A man stood next to the woman stood up as well. Brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. "Hi Mr. Wayne." The woman said. "Hello Sabrina and please I've told you call me Bruce." He said.

Lucy looked down and played with her dress. "You must be Lucy. It's so nice to finally meet you." Sabrina said. Lucy looked up at her and she couldn't speak. All she could do was wave. "No need to be shy." The man besides Sabrina said. "Toby let her be. We are strangers to her let her warm up to us." Sabrina said. This Toby man nodded and shook Bruce's hand. "It's good to see you Bruce." He said. "You as well Toby. Let's sit shall we." Bruce said. They were sat in a booth and Lucy sat on the inside while Bruce on the outside.

Lucy once again did anything possible to keep herself distracted instead of focusing on the people in front of her. Maybe she should contact Zatanna just to have someone to talk to. That sounds like a good idea. "Lucy." Bruce called to her pulling her out of her thoughts. She turned her head to him. "Are you alright?" Bruce asked. Lucy nodded. She was being eerily quiet and it was worrying Bruce. Maybe this was a bad idea. "Lucy." Sabrina said. Lucy turned to her. "I heard you are a big fan of pop tarts." Sabrina said. Lucy couldn't help but smile when she heard pop tats.

"So am I. Favorite pop tart flavor?" Sabrina asked her. "I like brown sugar or cookies and cream. Oh oh or s'mores." Lucy said excitedly. "Brown sugar is a classic. But I must say I love chocolate chip cookie dough and hot fudge sundae." Sabrina said. Lucy turned her head. She was unfamiliar with the two flavors Sabrina had just mentioned. With the confused look on Lucy's face Sabrina knew that had meant one thing. "You've never had either of those have you?" Sabrina asked. Lucy looked down. "It's okay sweetie. I'll get you some. You'll love them." She said. "Okay." Lucy said with a smile.

Back home Jason and Tim were listening in on the conversation. "So far it's not that bad." Tim said. "I don't give a fuck if it's going good or not. This shouldn't be happening in the first place." Jason said. "Jason this is happening rather we like it or not. We are still gonna see her." Tim said. "We fucking better." Jason said. "We will." Tim said. "She's trying to bribe Lucy though." Jason said. "She's trying to get to know her Jason. Lucy was a bit uncomfortable with us as well but at least this lady is trying." Tim said.

Jason shrugged. Lucy and Sabrina did a lot of bonding at lunch. They colored, talked and Sabrina taught her little hand games. Bruce was happy to see Lucy happy. When lunch was over Bruce paid. Lucy tugged at Bruce. "Hm." He said and looked at Lucy. "Are we leaving now daddy?" Lucy whispered. Bruce nodded. Lucy scrunched up her nose a little. She liked Sabrina and wanted to have more play time with her. The men got up from the table and the girls followed behind them.

Lucy held Sabrina's hand. "Can we play again tomorrow?" Lucy asked. Sabrina looked down at Lucy and smiled real big. She was so excited and happy that Lucy wanted to spend more time with her. "Of course we can sweetie." Sabrina said. "Daddy." Lucy called to Bruce. Bruce looked at her. "Can I play with miss Sabrina again tomorrow?" Lucy asked him. "Is that alright with you?" Bruce asked Sabrina. "Of course it is." Sabrina said. "You can come over and we can play with my cars and my tea set oh and we can watch my favorite movie." Lucy said. "That sounds perfect." Sabrina said.

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