Don't take her

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Before the night was officially over Mira and Lucy got rushed by a report who had snuck into the garden. The two just wanted to get fresh air. "Mira Lockwood and Lucy Quinn. Tell us more about you two." Jack Rider said. "Uhh." Mira said. "Come on girls. What's it like dating two Wayne boys? Huh?" He asked. "I'm not dating Jason." Mira quickly stated. "Yeah sure. He does know you are a minor right? Jack asked.

"I'm not" "You don't need to lie. We all know you two are together. It's just strange that he's going for a minor, no self control huh." Jack said. "He's not" "So lucy you're the daughter of two psychopaths." "Okay look here you are gonna listen when we speak or so help me I will hurt you." Lucy said. "Feisty little thing." Jack said. "Shut up. Anyways. Yes he knows she's a minor but they aren't dating. He's being nice to her that's all. He's not with her." Lucy said. "Mhm." Jack said.

"This is over. Let's go." Lucy said. "You're father probably isn't too happy Lucy." Jack said. "He'll be proud when I drop kick the shit out of you." Lucy said as she and Mira walked back into the manor. "You ok?" Mira asked. "I want to kill someone." Lucy said. The girls made it back to the table. "Where were you guys?" Dick asked. "Out in the garden. There's a shitty report back there by the way." Lucy said. "Are you serious?" Jason asked. "Yeah he talked to us." Lucy said. "I'll be back." Jason said. He got up from the table and went to handle business.

Lucy saw Damian and Jon talking and laughing. She smiled. Seeing him happy just made her happy. "Lucy." Raven called. Lucy turned her attention to Raven. "Yeah." She said. "Don't mind Kara so much. She's just a little upset but don't let it get to you." Raven said. "She's upset cause he's not with her but that's not my fault." Lucy said. "I know that trust me but she's just gonna blame everyone and everything." Raven said. Lucy sighed. Mira rubbed Lucy's back. "So Raven. You and Garfield." Mira said. "No it's not like that well I mean." "We understand." Mira and Lucy said.

Raven sighed. "If you like him go for it." Mira encouraged. "It's not that easy." Raven said. "But Rae he already likes you. So all you have to do is tell him you feel the same way." Lucy said. "I'll think about it." Raven said. When the gala was over Lucy made sure to trade numbers with everyone except Kara of course. Jason took Mira home while Lucy went home with Harley. Harley's place was nothing too special it was just a nice cozy apartment. As Lucy walked around she was bombarded by two large animals. "Ah!" She shouted.

"No no! Back up boys! Be nice." Harley said as she rushed over and ushered the animals away from Lucy. Lucy sat up and shook her head. "The hell was that?" Lucy asked. Harley moved out of the way so her pets could be seen. "Bud and Lou!" Lucy shouted excitedly. The two hyenas ran back over to her and nuzzled her. "Oh I haven't seen you guys in forever." Lucy cooed. Harley smiled as her babies were getting along. "I missed you guys." Lucy said as she gave them belly rubs.

The mother daughter duo sat on the couch and watched tv. After some time Lucy started to feel a lot of discomfort in her neck. Harley noticed her daughter whining and rubbing her neck. "What's wrong?" Harley asked. "I don't know." Lucy said. Harley stroked her daughters hair and examined her neck. Nothing seemed wrong. Lucy soon started to shake uncontrollably. "LUCY!" Harley shouted. "Oh honey you're home." Joker said as he came out of Harley's bedroom. "Why can't you leave us alone!" Harley shouted. "I just want my girl back." Joker said as he looked at Lucy.

"BABIES!" Harley shouted. Bud and Lou jumped over the couch and ran right to Joker. Harley picked up Lucy and ran out of her apartment. As she was running someone grabbed her. "Get off!" She shouted. Her mouth was quickly covered and her daughter was taken out of her hands. As Harley tried to fight she was knocked out. Lucy was taken away.

When Lucy woke up she was in a sorta familiar setting. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. "Mommy?" She called. "Mommy's not here sweetie." Joker said as he entered the room. "Daddy." Lucy said. "Mhm." He said. "Where's my mommy?" She asked. "Oh don't worry about that. It's just gonna be you and me. A father daughter duo." Joker said. "I won't help you. I'm not like you." Lucy said. "That's where you are wrong." Joker said as he sat on Lucy's bed. "I'm not." Lucy said.

Joker laughed. "You've got my blood running through those veins of yours! You are my daughter. My one and only. You and I can cause so much trouble together. Don't you want to make your old man proud?" Joker asked. Lucy didn't say anything. "With my genius brain and your powers that I gifted to you we would be unstoppable. Father and daughter side by side! Ruling Gotham! Doesn't that sound fun?" Joker asked as he patted Lucy's leg. "I want my mommy." Lucy said. Joker rolled his eyes. "She's not apart of the plan." Joker said.

"There is no plan! I'm not working with you." Lucy said. "I didn't want to do this. Oh who am I kidding I've always wanted to do this! Hammer!" Joker shouted. A large man came into the room. "Lucy meet Hammer. Hammer meet my little Lucy." Joker said. "If he's suppose to scare me nice try." Lucy said. The man was tall, scars and bruises. He only had one arm. "Take her." Joker said as he got up from the bed. "Take me? Take me where?" Lucy asked. Hammer walked over to Lucy and picked her up. "NO!" Lucy shouted.

As her hands started to erupt in green flames they were quickly put out as a pair of cuffs were slapped on to her wrist. "Not these again!" Lucy shouted. "Come on Hammer." Joker said as he lead them out. Lucy had no idea where they were going and she didn't wanna know. All she could think about was her mother. Harley woke up . She sat up and rubbed her head. "Jeez Harls take it easy on the- LUCY!" Harley shouted a she jumped up.

Her daughter was missing. "Yeah!" Lucy shouted. Harley ran into her kitchen and her daughter was on the couch with her pets. "'re ok?" Harley asked. "Yeah. Are you ok?" Lucy asked. Harley walked over to the couch and hugged her daughter. It was just a nightmare like the rest of her life. Lucy hugged her mother back. "Mom?" Lucy asked. "Yeah." Harley said. "Are you okay?" Lucy asked. "I am now." Harley said and hugged her tighter.

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