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When Dick called Zatanna letting her know there was a small child with uncontrolled powers that needed help, she was on her way. The next day before Zatanna arrived the boys told Lucy she was coming over to help her. When Zatanna arrived Dick gave an introduction. "Lucy this is Zatanna. Zatanna this is Lucy." Dick said. Lucy waved. "Hi Lucy. I'm here to help you." Zatanna said. Lucy nodded. "So how did you get your powers?" Zatanna asked. Lucy shrugged. "No one is sure. Bruce hasn't spoke to her mother yet." Jason said. Zatanna nodded. "How bad can her powers get?" She asked.

Jason showed Zatanna a picture of the living room from the other day. "I see. Lucy why did you do this?" Zatanna asked. "JJ made me mad." Lucy said. The boys pulled Zatanna away from Lucy and mentioned to her that Lucy was getting adopted in two weeks so she needed to work fast. "Now I can't just make it so she can control her powers by today and boom we are done. It's gonna take time and that's not enough." She said. "So what do we do?" Tim asked. "I can repress them maybe for a while until I think she can handle them." Zatanna said. "If that's the best you can do then I say you do it." Jason said. Zatanna nodded.

"Bruce wants her to have a normal life anyways maybe this is best." Jason said. "Will it hurt her?" Tim asked. "No. I'd just prefer for her to be sleeping it'll make it easier. She'll be at her most relaxed." Zatanna said. "We'll put her down for a nap soon then." Jason said. "Alright." She said. Lucy was sitting on the couch not sure what was really going on. Why were they whispering and away from her? What the fuck was going on? Lucy got off the couch and went into the kitchen she needed some juice. When she got to the kitchen she stopped at the fridge.

Well that Zatanna lady is here to help Lucy with her powers so she should use them today! Lucy stepped back from the fridge and focused on it. The fridge opened but really slowly. "You could open a little faster." Lucy mumble. The fridge then opened all the way. She smiled. "Now juice." She said. Lucy looked at her apple juice. Glaring at it and focusing the juice came flying out and landed on the table island. Dick walked into the kitchen and Lucy was closing the fridge. "What are you doing?" Dick asked. "Juice." Lucy said. "Oh I'll get you a cup." Dick said and went to the cabinet. "Nooo!" Lucy shouted. "What?" Dick asked and looked at her.

"I can do it." Lucy said. "You can't reach." Jason said. "Shut up." Lucy said. She walked over to the cabinet and picked out which cup she wanted. Once she knew which one she wanted she glared and focused. She wanted that cup and she wanted it to go to the island table by the juice. "I don't want to be in this room." Tim quickly said and exited the kitchen. "Why?" Jason asked not realizing Lucy was using her magic. The cup came flying from the cabinet and landed by the juice just like she wanted. "See I did it." Lucy said to Dick. "You did do it. Good job." Dick said. Lucy was so proud of herself.

Zatanna felt bad for want to repress her powers due to Lucy actually not being so bad at it. "Were you focused on what you wanted?" Zatanna asked Lucy. Lucy nodded. Zatanna crouched down to Lucy. "Good. Always focus on what you want, your main objective. Don't let your emotions such as anger blind side you." Zatanna said. Lucy sorta understood what she meant. "Your magic is a gift. It is a part of you an extension of you. Use it for good things not to harm others." Zatanna said. "I don't want to do bad things. I don't mean too." Lucy said. "I know sweetie. Remember this for me. Your magic does not control you, you control it. Bend it to your will. Whatever you want it to do make it do it. Do you understand?" She asked.

Lucy thought about it for a minute. "I'm in charge. It does what I want it to do not what it wants to do." Lucy said. "Good girl. It's okay to be sad, angry, happy or whatever you feel at the moment but don't let your magic get ahold of your emotions cause then no one knows what could happen. You'll understand how to do that the more you use them and as you get older." Zatanna said. Lucy nodded. Zatanna couldn't repress her magic. She had to let Lucy keep them. Repressing Lucy's magic would only have one or two outcomes chaos or a broken girl. Zatanna couldn't have that.

"Do you wanna pour your juice or would you like me to do it?" Dick asked. "Can you do it please. I'm tired." Lucy said. "You're gonna get use to using your magic a lot it just takes time. You aren't use to it yet." Zatanna said. "Ohhh okay." Lucy said. "That's why you passed out after the whole tea party incident, you used more than your body was use to so you passed out." Zatanna said. "The next time I won't let that happen." Lucy said. "Jason eating the brownies or you exploding?" Tim asked as he walked back into the kitchen. "Both." Lucy said. Tim nodded. Dick gave Lucy her pink cup and she took it. "Thank you." Lucy said. "Sooo I say I teach you how to hack into shit." Tim said.

"Bruce will kill us." Dick said. "That's a risk I'm willing to take." Tim said. "What do I need to hack into?" Lucy asked. "Anything and everything." Tim said. "Tim no." Dick said. "Tim yes." Tim said. "No." Dick said. "Yes." Jason said. "Jason don't encourage this!" Dick shouted. "Why not?" He asked. "She's five she doesn't need to know how to do that." Dick said. "It's an important skill to have!" Tim shouted. Lucy and Zatanna listened to the boys argue. "Do they do this everyday?" Zatanna asked.

"Yup." Lucy said as she drank her juice. "If you ever need anything at all or just someone to talk to about all this magic stuff have Dick call me and I'll be here." Zatanna said. "Okay." Lucy said. "But I'm pretty sure we won't need him to be our middle man you'll contact me." Zatanna said. "How?" Lucy asked. With the boys still arguing Zatanna created a portal to take her back home. "With just a little magic." Zatanna said. Lucy smiled. Zatanna smiled herself. Lucy looked at Zatanna's hat without so much focus but more of a want the hat flew of Zatanna's head and on to Lucy's head.

"Just a little magic." Lucy said. Zatanna laughed. "Very cute and very good." Zatanna said. She reached out her hand and her hat came flying back to her. "I'll see you around." Zatanna said and walked through her portal. "See ya." Lucy said. The front door opened and Lucy opened the fridge placing her cup inside. She closed it and ran to the door. At the door stood Bruce Wayne. "Hi daddy!" Lucy shouted and ran towards Bruce. "Hello Lucy." Bruce said and patted her head. Lucy smiled. "Guess what." Lucy said. "What?" Bruce asked.

Lucy took his hand and lead him into the living room to tell him all about Zatanna and what happened. While the boys were still arguing about if teaching a five year old how to hack was a good or bad thing.

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