The day after

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The next morning Lucy woke up. Damian was already awake and getting ready. "Why didn't you wake me?" Lucy whined out. "I was going to when I finished getting ready." Damian said. Lucy nodded. "Did you sleep well Lucy?" Damian asked. "Mhm." Lucy said and rubbed her eyes. She sat up and sighed. "How did you sleep?" Lucy asked. "Fine." Damian said. He grabbed something from on top of his dresser and gave it to Lucy.

She took it and noticed it was clothes but not her own. His clothes. It was a black sweatshirt with a Robin logo on it. "Awww you want me to wear your logo?" Lucy asked. "You don't have to if you don't want to." Damian said quickly. Lucy laughed. "I mean I just picked something out." Damian said. Lucy smiled. "I have no undies." Lucy said. "Alfred did your laundry. He was confused on why I had female undergarments in my hamper but I explained they were yours but it only lead to more suspicion." Damian said.

"Oof. Well thanks. Wait! You saw my undies and you touched them." Lucy said and laughed. "I had to I me-never mind! Just get dressed I'll be downstairs." Damian said and quickly left the room. Lucy got out of bed and began to get ready. Brushing her teeth, she left her very messy pigtails alone and she had to use Damian's spray deodorant. Once she was dressed she put her socks on then left the room. She went down stairs in the sweater and sweatpants Damian gave her. "Your hair is a mess child." Jason said. "I don't have a brush." Lucy said and shrugged.

"Wait a minute. Is that? Oh so Damian you sharing clothes now?" Jason asked. "Shut up she had nothing else to wear." Damian said. "Thanks again." Lucy said and smiled at Damian. Damian nodded. Lucy and Damian ate breakfast together at the table while everyone else was at the island. Lucy watched Dick leave the kitchen. "Where Dicky goin?" Lucy asked. "To his room I think." Jason said. Lucy nodded then got up to make herself some coffee. "Lucy no." Bruce said. "What do you mean no? You gave me coffee while I was a child what's different now?" Lucy asked.

"Cause you don't need that much energy. That has espresso in it." Bruce said. "It's not gonna affect me much." Lucy said and fixed herself a cup. She prepared the coffee to her liking then took a sip. She waited a minute then scrunched up her nose. "You don't like it." They all said. "How the fuck do you guys know that? I haven't said anything yet." Lucy said. "You scrunched up your nose." They all said. Lucy sighed. She finished the coffee and Dick came downstairs with a brush. "Sit down for me." Dick said.

Lucy sat in her seat at the table and Dick took down one pigtail and brushed it. Lucy kicked her feet while Dick did her hair. When he finished her pigtails were all nice and pretty. "I told Kory I could do girl hair!" Dick shouted. "Kory?" Lucy asked. "His girlfriend." Jason said. Lucy nodded. "Time to head to school." Alfred said. Lucy groaned. Her and Damian put their dishes in the sink. "Guys...I don't have good shoes." Lucy said. "Do you think you'll fit into my shoes?" Tim asked. "Maybe." Lucy said. Tim got a pair of his shoes for Lucy from the closet.

He gave them to her and she put them on. Barley fitting on her feet. "Tie em tight and hope for the best kid." Tim said. Damian got two pairs of shoes from the closet and gave Lucy a pair. "Try these." Damian said. Lucy nodded and took off Tim's shoes then put on Damian's shoes. "Dude! They fit!" Lucy shouted. "He does have small feet." Jason said. "Shut up Todd." Damian said. Alfred took the teens to school which Lucy dreaded. She did not want to go! "Backpack." Lucy said. "Your mother dropped it off in the office." Alfred said. "Oh thank god." Lucy said. They got out the car and went into the school.

Her and Damian went to the office and Lucy picked up her backpack and her phone was in the bag as well! Her and Damian walked to class. When they were in class Lucy played with the large sleeves and laughed to herself. Damian smiled while he watched her be silly. "I'm not giving this back by the way." Lucy said. Damian nodded. "Mr. Wayne and Ms. Kane is there something you would like to share with the class?" The teacher asked. "Obviously not." Lucy said. "It seems as you do." The teacher said. "Fine if you must be so nosy I told Dami he's not getting his clothes back." Lucy said.

Some girls eyes widen surprised that lucy was wearing Damian's clothes. When they went to class with Mira she was starting at Lucy. "You don't own those clothes." Mira said. "You don't know that." Lucy said. "Lies. I've been through your closet more times than I can count on my fingers." Mira said. "Shut up." Lucy said. Mira laughed. "Oh by the way I'm gonna need to borrow you tomorrow I believe." Mira said. "For what?" Lucy asked. "Measurements and fittings." Mira said. "You have my measurements." Lucy said. "Lulu those measurements were from years ago." Mira said.

Lucy scratched the back of her head. "Really?" Lucy asked. Had it been that long since Mira measured her? "Yes really. Anyways tomorrow I need you to come by my house. A few other models will be there as well." Mira said. Lucy nodded. "This is very important Lulu. So don't squirm or wiggle around please." Mira begged. "I sorta promise." Lucy said. Mira sighed. "I'll take it." Mira said. Lucy smiled. "So those clothes I can only assume are yours Damian." Mira said. "Yes." He said. "Why?" Mira asked. "Because reasons Mimi." Lucy said.

Mira sighed. When the day ended Lucy went back to Wayne Manor with Damian. When they arrived Lucy's parents were there. "I'm hungry." Lucy said as she walked in and Damian followed behind her. "Car now. You are in a lot of trouble young lady." Toby said as he grabbed Lucy's arm. "Hey! Get off!" Lucy shouted and tried to pull away. "Do not pull away from me young lady. I've had it up to here with your attitude." Toby said and squeezed her arm. "Enough. Can we go home and talk about this." Sabrina hissed. "Why don't you sell me and buy a rabbit instead." Lucy said.

"You aren't very much sellable with that attitude of yours." Toby said. "You've got a shitty attitude as well." Lucy said. "Get in the car now Lucy." Toby said. Lucy snatched away from him and went towards the car. She got on and slammed the door shut. "You okay?" Sam asked. Lucy turned to him and smiled. "Yeah I'm fine." She lied. He sighed. "You don't have to lie. I'm not a baby anymore, you and dad don't like each other. Why?" Sam asked. "He doesn't like me for who I am nor does he like my real parents." Lucy said.

"Who are your real parents?" Sam asked. "Harley Quinn and The Joker." Lucy said and looked at her brother. "Dad said The Joker was scary." Sam said. "Scary is an understatement. The man is absolutely terrifying. Bone chilling terrifying. Pissing your pants feeling when you look at him." Lucy said. Sam looked away from his sister. "You never knew what that man was thinking. Lucy said. Lucy leaned her head back. "Never knew if he was gonna beat you, stab you, shock you or whatever." Lucy said. "Did he do tha-" "Yes he did that to me." Lucy said.

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