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Christmas Day arrived. Lucy and Tim were dragged out of bed and placed in front of the Christmas tree just like Jason and Damian. "It's too early!" Lucy shouted. "It's eight am." Dick said. Lucy rolled her eyes. "Bruce! Come on!" Dick shouted. "Does this happen every year?" Lucy asked. "Yes." Damian said. Bruce walked into the living room. His face all made up and coffee in his hand.

There was a knock at the door. "Who the hell is that?" Lucy asked. Damian sighed. "The Kent's." Damian said. Lucy turned her head. Alfred opened the door. "Hi Alfred! Hi uncle Bruce! Hi Dick! Hi Tim! Hi Jason! Hi Titus! Hi Pennyworth! Hi Ace! Hi Damian!" Jon shouted as he zoomed into the living room. "Hello Jon." Damian, Tim, Jason and Bruce said in a very monotone voice. "Hi Jon!" Dick shouted.

"It's too early for this shit." Lucy mumbled. "Agreed." Damian said and wrapped his arm around Lucy. "This is our first Christmas together." Lucy said and looked at Damian. He nodded and he kissed her head. She smiled. "Damian has a girlfriend?!" Jon shouted. "Jon hush." Damian said. "Hi Jonny. I'm Lucy please ta meet ya." Lucy said with a big smile on her face.

Clark looked at Lucy then at Bruce. "Nice to meet you too lucy." Jon said. "Lucyfer." Tim said. "Shut up orphan." Lucy said. Jason laughed. "Lucy be nice!" Dick shouted. "He just called me Lucyfer that's not nice." Lucy said. "Daddy knows sweetie but still." Dick said. "Daddy." Lucy said and tugged at Jason. "Yes mini me." Jason said. "Timmy hurt my feelings." Lucy said while pouting.

"Alright Tim time to die." Jason said as he got up. "Boys." Bruce growled. "Oh okay." Tim said and curled up on the floor. Jason sat back down. "But daddy." Lucy said and looked at Bruce. "No." Bruce said. Lucy folded her arms. "I'll kill him later." Damian whispered in her ear. She giggled. "Is she-" "leave my baby alone Clark." Bruce said. Clark looked at Bruce. Lois walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

"Hi Lucy I'm Lois." She said. "Hi Lois." Lucy said. The front door opened again and this time it was Selina. "Aunty!" Lucy squealed. "Hi kitten." Selina cooed. Lucy smiled. Selina gave Bruce a kiss on the cheek. "Hello boys." Selina said then took a seat on the couch. "Lucy where are your parents?" Jon asked. "Oh! My parents are at the asylum." Lucy said. "So she is!" Clark shouted. Bruce face palmed. "Are you okay Daddy?" Lucy asked.

"Fine." Bruce said. "Clark what are you talking about?" Lois asked. "Uhh nothing." Clark said. "Liar." Lucy said. "It's um just they all know?" Clark asked Bruce. Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose. He was tired of Clark's shit. "Yes Clark everyone in here knows except your family." Bruce said. "Oh okay." Clark said. "What?" Jon asked. "Her parents." Clark said. "What about them?" Jon asked. "They are um..I don't think it's appropriate if I say it." Clark said. Lucy finally understood what he was getting at.

"Oh! My mommy is Harley Quinn and my daddy is the Joker." Lucy said. Jon's and Lois eyes widen. Four more people came into the house. "My heart." Talia cooed at Damian. "Mother." Damian said and smiled at him mom. "Lucy!" Sam shouted. "Sammy!" Lucy shouted and ran over to him. They hugged. "I missed you." Sam said. "I missed you too." Lucy said. "No hug for me?" Sabrina asked. "Mom!" Lucy shouted. She hugged Sabrina. "What about me?" Kate asked. Lucy hugged Kate.

"Kate what are you doing here?" Bruce asked. "Hi cousin." Kate said. "Wait wait." Lucy said. "YOU AND DAMIAN ARE COUSINS!" Tim shouted. "I don't even wanna celebrate Christmas anymore." Lucy said. "Sweet home Ala-" "SHUT UP!" Damian and Lucy shouted. "I will literally slit your throat Tim. Shut the fuck up." Lucy said. "What?" Kate asked. "She's a Kane and her and Damian are dating now so it's "incest"." Tim said.

Of course it wasn't actually incest. It was a joke but still ew. Damian went into the kitchen. "Aww he's in his feelings." Tim said. A knife soon came flying out the kitchen and at Tim. It barely missed him. "Damian!" Bruce shouted. "My hand slipped!" Damian shouted. Lucy smiled. "That's my baby." Lucy said. "Your baby is a murderous psychopath." Tim said. "I know. That's why I love him." Lucy said. "Lucy no!" Dick shouted.

"Uhhh." Jon said. "Oh so now you two are dating?" Talia asked. "Yes." Lucy said softly. "My baby has a boyfriend now." Sabrina said. "No." Sam said. "What do you mean no?" Lucy asked. "You can't have a boyfriend." Sam said. "Sammy." Lucy said. "I don't like him." Sam said. Lucy laughed. Damian came back into the living room and sat next to Lucy.

"Can we start opening the gifts now? I kinda wanna go back to bed." Jason said. "Hold on we have one more guest." Dick said. "Who?" Bruce said. "Merry Christmas everyone!" Mira shouted as she walked in. "The ray of fucking disgusting sunshine." Lucy said. "Thanks for inviting me." Mira said as she walked into the living room. "No problem." Dick said. "Hey princess." Jason said. "Hi JJ." Mira said. Everyone who didn't know each other introduced themselves.

"Can we start now?" Tim asked. "Oldest kids first." Jason said. "Babies first." Lucy said and pointed at the pets. "Oh by the way Damian, Jerry is doing good and he didn't wanna leave the farm. He tried to attack me every time I tried to get him in the car." Jon said. Damian sighed. "Ah man I want to meet Jerry." Lucy said. "One day." Damian said. Lucy pouted. "We start." Jason said and looked for a gift with his name on it.

Alfred placed a tray of hot chocolate down on the table then sat down. The kids passed around gifts. "This is for you Jon." Lucy said and gave him a box. "Thanks." He said. Jason opened a box and saw a black leather jacket. "Yes I needed a new one. Who did this?" Jason asked. "You're welcome." Damian said. "Thanks." Jason said. "Ahhh!" Tim shouted. "What?" Dick asked. Tim held up a card that said free coffee grounds for a year. "Who did this?" He asked as tears were filling his eyes. "You're welcome." Jason said.

"I love you." Tim said. Jason just nodded. "Wow! I got a nerf gun!" Sam shouted. "Why does he get a nerf gun?" Lucy whined. "You don't need one." Damian said. "Yes I do." Lucy said. She opened a gift. "Oh shit I got pink boxing gloves! WHO DO I GET TO PUNCH IN THE FACE?!" She shouted. "Those are for self defense training purposes." Bruce said. "Thanks daddy." Lucy said. "Holy shit." Damian said as he had gotten a set of green throwing knives. "You're welcome." Lucy said. "Thank you beloved." Damian said and kisses her head. "Awww." Mira said.

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