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The next day when Sabrina came over Alfred let her in. Lucy made sure to introduce Sabrina to everyone in the house and let it be known she had a new friend. Sabrina and Lucy were in the garden. Lucy was trying to catch butterflies while Sabrina sat and watched her. "Lucy can you come here please." Sabrina said. Lucy ran over to Sabrina and stood in front of her. "Yes." Lucy said. "I hope you are okay with Toby and I being your new parents. I know you must miss your real parents and I know we will never replace them but I can only hope you accept us." Sabrina said.

For awhile Lucy did forget that Sabrina was suppose to be her new mom. She just saw Sabrina as a nice lady who was willing to color and play games with her. A playmate. "Oh." Lucy said. "Oh?" Sabrina asked. "I like you. You're nice to me. My mommy would like that about you. I don't know if I'm ready to call you my mommy though." Lucy said. "Oh no no sweetie you don't have to call me that right now. Whenever you are ready to call me that you can. How about this? I hope you can accept me and Toby as your guardians. You don't have to call us mom and dad till you are ready. Whenever you are ready." Sabrina said.

Lucy smiled and hugged Sabrina. She really liked this lady a lot. She wasn't like her crazy mommy who she loved dearly but she knew Sabrina would love her just like her mommy does. Sabrina hugged her back real tight. The girls went inside and Alfred had made lunch for them. For Lucy a grilled cheese and for Sabrina a chicken grilled salad. "You like that green stuff like Dicky does." Lucy said and scrunched up her nose. "It's good for you." Sabrina said. "I don't like it." Lucy said as she took a bite of her sandwich. "I can tell by the way you scrunch up your nose." Sabrina said.

"I don't scrunch up my nose." Lucy said. "Yes you do honey." Sabrina said. "No." Lucy said. "Yes." Sabrina said. "No." Lucy said shaking her head. "Yes you do." Sabrina said. "No I don't. Wait do I really?" Lucy asked. "Yes you do but it's cute." Sabrina said. Lucy nodded. Sabrina got up from the table. "Where are you going?" Lucy asked. "Just to get some water." Sabrina said. "Oh I can get." Lucy said. "It's okay sweetie but I can get it myself." Sabrina said. "No no no let me." Lucy said. Sabrina nodded and sat back down. Lucy turned more to fridge so she could focus.

Her eyes glowing the fridge door opened. Sabrina's eyes widen. She wasn't expecting that. Bruce mentioned something about magic but she just for some reason she just couldn't picture lucy doing magic. She watched as Lucy had a water bottle flying there way and gently landing on the table. "There you go." Lucy said. "Thank you." Sabrina said. Lucy closed the fridge then went back to eating her sandwich. "Do you do that often?" Sabrina asked. "Um sorta. My mommy says not to use my magic but I use them now so I can do good." Lucy said. Sabrina smiled. "You are gonna do great things with your magic." Sabrina said.

Lucy smiled. "You think so?" Lucy asked. "I know so." Sabrina said. Lucy just couldn't help but smile more. "Bruce tells me his sons teach you." Sabrina said. "Mostly Timmy but Dicky and JJ help when they can oh and Babs. She teaches me English. Timmy teaches me history, math and science." Lucy said. "What does Jason and Dick teach you?" Sabrina asked. "Whatever lesson Timmy doesn't feel like teaching me." Lucy said. Sabrina laughed. "He can be lazy." Lucy said. Sabrina nodded. "So you aren't in kindergarten?" Sabrina asked. "No but Timmy says I should have been in there but since he and Babs are helping me I should be able to just go straight to first grade." Lucy said.

"You should be able to skip a grade?" Sabrina asked. "Mhm that's what Timmy says. He says I'm smarter then the regular kindergarteners and if you put me in school they will see that I'm smarter then the kids in there so they'll have to let me skip a grade." Lucy said. "Wow. You are learning from the best. They might as well keep you home schooled." Sabrina said. "I rather go to school. Just to see what its like. Timmy says I'll hate it but I hate about everything anyways." Lucy said. "School isn't all that fun trust me but sometimes you can find the right people to make it fun and you'll have a great time." Sabrina said.

"Did you have fun in school?" Lucy asked. "Not until middle school. Middle school through high school was a good time. I found my people and I had fun." Sabrina said. "My people are mentally insane people." Lucy said. Sabrina looked at Lucy. "The ones who think blowing up a building is fun never mind." Lucy quickly said. "Do you think it's fun?" Sabrina asked. "Umm noooo." Lucy lied. "Why do you?" Sabrina asked. "I don't know I just do. The building goes boom! Daddy laughs, mommy laughs and I laugh. We laugh together and not at each other." Lucy said.

"Then thats why it's fun. You are with your parents and for what feels like once everything is right in the world. All of you together having a moment." Sabrina said. "But it's not suppose to be fun." Lucy said. "It's not. It's dangerous but I can at least try to understand why you think it's fun." Sabrina said. Lucy nodded. At least Sabrina tried to understand Lucy instead of just pushing her away. "Are you gonna be okay with moving in with me and Toby?" Sabrina asked. "I guess so." Lucy said. "I know it's gonna be hard since you are so use to this place but I can only hope we make you comfortable at our home." Sabrina said.

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