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As the school days went by of course lucy didn't care. She was currently skipping school. She had convinced Bart to pick her up so she could at least see Bludhaven and what she was in store for. Bart convinced Jon, Wally and Jaime to come join them. "Lucy meet Wally. Wally meet Lucy." Bart said. Lucy smiled and waved at Wally. "Hi." Wally said. "Hi." She said. "Okay! Now that's outta the way! Let's go do stuff!" Bart shouted. "What should we do first?" Lucy asked.

"I'm starving so Big Belly Burger." Bart said. They walked to the closet restaurant and sat in a booth together. Lucy sat in between Wally and Jon. "Is Damian worried about you?" Jon asked. "Why would he be?" Lucy asked. "Well you know, you're here and he's at school." Jon said. "Oh he doesn't know I'm here." Lucy said. "What?" Jon asked. "He doesn't know I'm here." Lucy said. "He's gonna kill us all." Jon said in terror and laid his on the table.

"Oh don't worry so much." Lucy said. "Aye listen no offense to your boyfriend but he's a demon and the way he looks at you and treats you, if we are seen with you while he thinks your missing we are gonna get hurt." Jaime said. "DamiBear won't do such a thing." Lucy said and rolled her eyes. "Lucy. He loves you he wouldn't hurt you but us, he doesn't care about us." Bart said. "Guys it's fine. I'll make sure he won't hurt you I swear." Lucy said. "You promise?" Bart asked. "I promise. DamiBear won't be hurting anyone." Lucy said.

The boys nodded. "How did you and Damian start dating? He always seemed like he could never have a girlfriend." Wally said. "We understand each other. The pain, the tournament, the trauma. We understand it all. We can talk about it without judgement and we bring out the good in each other. We bring out everything in each other." Lucy said with a soft smile. Bart started sniffling. Lucy looked at him. "That's beautiful." He said. Lucy laughed. "I guess so." Lucy said. "Damian's only really opened up to Dick." Jon said. "It's easy to open up to dad. He listens and doesn't judge. He's a good shoulder to cry on." Lucy said.

"You've had a crying session with Dick too?" Jon asked. "Not really. Maybe one day though." Lucy said. "Why are you moving here?" Wally asked. "I can't control myself." Lucy said. "What?" Wally asked. "I'm not that in control of my powers." Lucy said in a hush tone. "Understandable." Wally said. The boys nodded. They all sorta knew what it was like not being able to control their powers especially Jaime with his scarab. "How are you suppose to learn here?" Wally asked. "Zatanna." Lucy said. "She doesn't like Raven." Jon said.

"That I know. Raven told me." Lucy said. "Why don't they like each other again?" Jon asked. "Zatanna blames Raven for her dad going away." Jaime said. "Huh?" Lucy asked. "I feel as if Raven should tell you that story." Jaime said. Lucy nodded. She'll have to ask her other magical bestie to tell her the story. "Well I'll make sure you enjoy your time here in Bludhaven." Wally said with a big grin on his face. Lucy smiled.

After shoving their faces with food the boys took lucy to the mall. They went into a book store cause Lucy dragged them in there. The boys looked around while Lucy went off on her own in the large store. She made her way to the back of the store and looked at the shelf's. "Where's Lucy?" Jaime asked. "I don't wanna die today." Jon said. "We'll find her. No worries! It's okay." Bart said in a panic tone. "How did we lose her? It's only been what five minutes?" Wally asked. "Ten probably." Jaime said.

"Hey there." Someone said to Lucy. She looked at the person speaking to her. "Hi." She said. "I'm Max Wilson and you are?" He asked as he had his hands in his jacket pocket. "Lucy Quinn please ta meet ya." Lucy said and winked at Max. Max smirked. "Can I help you with something?" Lucy asked as she played with her hair. "No you just seem like an interesting person to talk to." Max said. "Really?" Lucy asked. "Yeah." Max said. Lucy laughed. "What?" Max asked. "No ones ever really said that ta me before I think." Lucy said.

"You know you're really pretty." Max said. "I know." Lucy said with a smirk. "Lucy!" Bart shouted. "Shhh." Someone hissed. "It's not a library honey." Wally said. Lucy laughed. "I gotta go." Lucy said and began to walk away. "Hopefully we run into each other again." Max said. "We might." Lucy said as she walked. Max smiled. Jon saw Lucy and hugged her. "We thought we lost you." Jon said. "We technically did lose her." Jaime said. "Well we found her." Bart said. "She found us." Wally said. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." Bart said.

Back at school Damian and Mira were walking around together. "I can't believe she's not here." Mira said. "She said she's sick." Damian said. "Bullshit. She never gets sick." Mira said. "Really?" Damian asked. "It's rare she gets sick and if she does it's normally the twenty four hour flu." Mira said. "Hm." Damian said. "She's not sick. So where is she?" Mira asked. "I don't know but I'll find out." Damian said. Mira nodded. "You and Todd?" Damian asked. "Shut up." Mira said. "Your father doesn't approve." Damian said. Mira sighed.

"After the whole gala, he saw us together obviously and then stupid bottom feeding low life Jack Ryder made things worse by saying he got actual evidence of me and JJ being a couple even though he doesn't." Mira said. Damian rolled his eyes. "Jack Ryder is scum. He says anything to stay relevant." Damian said. "Definitely." Mira said. Damian shook his head. "How are you and Lucy holding up?" Mira asked. "What are you talking about?" Damian asked. "You haven't seen the tabloids?" Mira asked.

Damian raised a brow. "That's a no. Well they are saying how did Bruce allow his son to date a psychopath? And how is he okay with her attacking her therapist and psychiatrist." Mira said. "No one was suppose to know that happened." Damian groaned. "Wait she really did that? I thought Jason was joking." Mira groaned. "No they pissed her off and she just lost it." Damian said. "Well they obviously weren't given enough hush money or a good scare to keep their mouths shut." Mira said. "What do you know about scaring someone?" Damian asked. "I don't do the scaring. My dad does. He does it when bad people threaten the business." Mira said.

Damian nodded. "Still how did they even know which therapist and psychiatrist she went to?" Mira asked as she stopped at Damian's class. "They must have hacked some records for all therapist and psychiatrist." Damian said. "I'm glad she doesn't know about this. It'll only hurt her." Mira said. "She won't stay in the dark about this forever. She'll see it or hear it from somewhere." Damian said. "Maybe we should tell her." Mira said. "Maybe." Damian said. "We can tell her about it when we find her." Mira said.

"Give me till the end of the period and I'll find her." Damian said. Mira nodded and went off to her sewing class. Damian tracked Lucy down while in art class. Her location said Bludhaven. Why was she there? Was she moving already? No that's not possible. They were finishing the year together. She also wouldn't leave without saying goodbye.

When school was over Damian and Mira headed to Bludhaven. Lucy was on the swings  with the boys around her. "Oh god I see him!" Jon shouted. "Don't show fear! He can smell it!" Bart shouted. "What?" Lucy asked Jaime. He was leaning against the pole of the swing set. "Your boyfriend is here." He said. "He is?" Lucy asked excitedly. Indeed her boyfriend was there along with her best friend. Lucy got off the swing and ran to Damian.

She gave him a hug and a kiss. "Hi baby." She said softly. "What are you doing here beloved?" Damian asked. Lucy was gonna answer him but saw her best friend behind him. She pushed him aside and hugged Mira. "Hi Mimi." Lucy said. "Hi Lulu." Mira said. "Kent." Damian said. "I was dragged into this." Jon said. "Lucy! You promised!" Bart shouted. "Oh hold on a second." Lucy said. Mira nodded. Lucy ran over to Damian.

"DamiBear don't hurt them. I just wanted to see Bludhaven and what I'm in store for. This was my idea." Lucy said. Damian nodded.

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