Club Jason

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Lucy has been glued to the tv screen for the past week. "Lucy you can't watch this movie all week." Bruce said. Lucy has been watch the aristocats non stop. "Lucy." Bruce said. "Ladies Don't start fights but they sure can finish them." Lucy said at the same time Marie did. Bruce picked her up. "Nooo." Lucy whined. Bruce rubbed her back and took her into the kitchen. "No more Aristocats for you." Bruce said and sat her on the counter. "I told you he wasn't going to let you watch that movie all week." Jason said. "She tried." Tim said and drank his coffee. Lucy threw her slipper at Tim. "No more coffee for you." Lucy hissed.

"Why must you always throw something at me?" Tim asked as he ducked. "She's serious about that movie." Jason said while laughing. Tim sighed. "Lucy no." Bruce said. "They started it." Lucy said. "Lucy no hitting regardless of who started it. You need to rationalize. All you ever need to do is what's right." Bruce said. "Well it's right for me." Lucy said. "That's the problem. What's right to a child isn't always right. You as I said need to rationalize. You do what's right because it's right and that is the only reason you need." Bruce said. "Well I don't know what's right and what's wrong." Lucy said looking at Bruce.

Bruce sighed. Sadly it was true. Lucy doesn't know what's right and what's wrong. The way she was raised can show anyone that. Her parents didn't really teach her morals too much. "Master Bruce you need to head to the office you can't be late." Alfred said. Bruce sighed and kissed Lucy's head. "Behave." Bruce said looking at his three children in the kitchen. He walked out the kitchen and left out the front door. Lucy looked down. She only knew what she was taught and what she was taught wasn't society's standers or right. "Growing up with the big bat isn't sweet but you grow and learn. You manage to face your fear by having to deal with him." Jason said.

Tim nodded. Bruce even though busy with other things kept searching and searching trying to find the perfect family for Lucy. While he was searching he made sure him and the boys taught Lucy everything she needed to know. Well not everything but everything they could. Jason ruffled her hair. "Stop pouting. I say we go down to the batcave." Jason said. "What's so great about the batcave?" Tim asked. "The batmobile." Jason mumbled so Alfred didn't hear him. "Oh yeah the ba-" Jason covered Tim's mouth. "Yes the batcomputer. Let's go." Jason said.

He picked up Lucy and dragged Tim to the Batcave. When they got to the cave Jason smiled at the batmobile. "Honey I'm home." He said. Lucy giggled. "Jason we can't drive that it is broad daylight. Batman does nighttime unless something serious is going on during the day." Tim said. "Shh Timmy shhh. We are just driving in the back woods area. It's fine. A little speeding that's all." Jason said as he walked towards the car. Tim sighed and followed Jason. They got in the car and Lucy had to sit in the back where Batman normally keeps his criminals.

The batmobile buckled Lucy up. "Whoa." Lucy said. "Pretty cool I know." Jason said. "We are gonna be in so much trouble." Tim said. "Shhh shhh. Listen at Club Jason we live life a quarter mile at a time." Jason said and started up the car. "Club Jason?" Tim asked. "Just shut the fuck up. I got this. It's gonna be a nice and easy ride." Jason said. He put the car in drive and slammed his foot on the gas. "OH GOD!" Tim shouted. "Ahhhhh!" Lucy screamed. "See guys nice an easy!" Jason shouted. "Let me out!" Tim shouted. "Faster!" Lucy shouted. "See now she knows how to live life on the edge!" Jason shouted.

Bruce's phone went off and he checked it. Bruce sighed. His phone had a tracking device for the batmobile and it alerted him when it was on the move. Bruce didn't even need to guess who was driving the Batmobile right now. Bruce placed a call to the boys. Bruce's number was popping up on the screen of the car. "Ah shit." Jason said. Tim quickly answered the call. "Boys." Bruce said. "Hey Bruce." Jason said. "Where are you going?" He asked. "No where." Jason said. Bruce rubbed the temples of his forehead. "Jason." He said.

"Can we get ice cream?" Lucy asked. "Is that lucy?" Bruce asked. "No." Jason said. "Yes it's me!" Lucy shouted. "Jason turn the car around and go home. Lucy you can not have ice cream it is too early. Jason you are grounded and Tim I know you're there so you are grounded as well." Bruce said. "What about Lucy?" Tim asked. "What about her? She is five and doesn't know better yet. We still have a lot to teach her and you two aren't helping." Bruce said. "This isn't fair! I was technically technically kidnapped!" Tim shouted.

"Jason stop speeding. There is a five year old in the car. Tim you were not kidnapped. Go home. No coffee, no guns, no ice cream or cat movie whatever it's called." Bruce said. "But I wanna watch my movie and wanna have ice cream!" Lucy whined. "No. Now go home." Bruce said. "Fine." Jason said. Jason turned the car around and drove back to the Batcave. Jason pulled into the Batcave and parked the car. "Get out the car and go upstairs. None of you are allowed to be in the Batcave." Bruce said.

The boys get out of the car and Tim helped Lucy out of the back of the car. "I want my ice cream." Lucy said. "And I want coffee." Tim said. The kids went upstairs and Alfred was waiting for them. "Uh oh." Lucy said. "May I ask what were you two thinking?" Alfred asked. "There are three of us here." Tim said. "Why does she keep getting off scot free like what is this shit?" Jason asked. "She's a child. We have to teach her better. You guys can't just be like let's steal the batmobile and expect not to get in trouble." Barbara said as she walked in.

"Barbara!" Lucy shouted and hit Tim in the face so he would put her down. "THIS IS TIM ABUSE AND IM TIRED OF IT!" Tim shouted and gave Lucy to Barbara. "No one cares." Jason said and rubbed Tim's back. "I'm going to my room. Care packages are welcomed." Tim said as he went to his room. "Now Lucy. Don't let these dummies teach you." Barbara said. "Teach me what?" Lucy asked. "Anything." Barbara said. Lucy nodded. She took Lucy into the living room. "Now listen." Barbara said. Lucy nodded. Barbara talked and talked about things Lucy's brain didn't really care about. A lot of things went in one ear and out the other. She tried to listen but her brain just wouldn't let her.

"I'm home!" Dick shouted as he walked inside the manor. "Dick!" Lucy shouted and ran out the living room. Barbara sighed. Dick picked her up. "Hey Lulu." Dick said. "Dicky can I have ice cream please." Lucy said. "Of course yo-" "No she can not. Lucy is not allowed to have ice cream right now." Alfred said. Lucy pouted. "No one said she couldn't have a cookie though." Dick said. "Dick you spoil her." Barbara said. "But how can I not? Look at her." Dick said and squished Lucy's cheeks. Lucy laughed. "I know she's cute but she still needs discipline like the rest of us." Barbara said. "Cookies please." Lucy said. "See she said please so she knows her manners and that should be rewarded." Dick said.

"Dick no." Barbara said. "I think yes." Dick said and went into the kitchen. "JJ drove the batmobile." Lucy said as Dick sat her at the table. "You watched him drive it?" Dick asked. "I was in the car." Lucy said. "You were in the car?" Dick asked. "Yes that's what I said. JJ was driving really fast." Lucy said whole she waited for her cookies. "Why...where you in the front or back?" Dick asked. "Back. Tim was up front with JJ." Lucy said. "He's corrupting Tim and you." Dick said and shook his head.

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