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"Lucy." Mira said. "Yeah." Lucy said. "Have you seen the tabloids?" Mira asked. "Huh?" Lucy asked. "That's a no as well." Mira said. "Tell me." Lucy said. "Bottom feeders aren't much of a fan of you." Mira said. "What do you mean?" Lucy asked. "Well you are being called a psychopath and have been outed for attacking your therapist and psychiatrist." Mira said.

Lucy folded her arm. "Beloved." Damian said. "I don't care. They can suck my entire dick." Lucy said with a roll of her eyes. "Lucy." Mira gasped. "What?" She asked. Damian shook his head. "How was Bludhaven?" Mira asked. "I enjoyed myself and I have friends there now so I'll be ok I guess." Lucy said. Mira nodded. "Are you guys gonna be okay without me?" Lucy asked. "No." Mira said. Damian shook his head. "I'm not gonna be okay either." Lucy confessed.

Mira gave Lucy a hug. The girls held each other. Mira reached out to Damian and pulled him into the hug. They were gonna miss her so they were gonna hug her together. When they got back to Wayne manor Bruce and Adam were talking in the kitchen. Mira saw her father. "Why do you do this to me?" She asked him. "Hello princess." He said. "Hi Adam." Lucy said cheerfully. "No." Mira said and pinched lucy.

"Ow!" She shouted. "Bad Goldie." Mira whispered. Lucy gasped. "Why?" Damian asked. "Why did you pinch her?" Adam asked. "Bad Bubbles." Lucy whispered and pinched Mira back. "Ow!" Mira shouted. "Girls." Bruce said. They looked at Bruce. "Enough." He said. "She started it." Lucy said. "So." Mira said. "Come on princess your mother is waiting on us." Adam said. Mira nodded. "Bye bye Mimi." Lucy said. "Do you need a ride home lucy?" Adam asked. "Hmmm. Oh! No but I wanna come over. I wanna stay the night." Lucy said.

"WHAT ABOUT US!" Tim shouted from the staircase. Lucy looked over to the staircase. "No Timmy. I lived here for a short time you guys have had me enough." Lucy said. "But still." Jason said. "No." Lucy said. "Let's go." Mira said. Lucy gave Damian a kiss. "Bye bye." She said. "Bye. I love you." Damian mumbled. "I love you." Lucy said as she walked out the kitchen with Mira. "Huh?" Mira asked.

"Nothing." Lucy said. "When did this happen?" Mira asked. "When we went to the arcade." Lucy said. Mira nodded. "Still why wasn't I told about this earlier." Mira asked as she walked out the door. "Bye princess!" Jason shouted. Mira quickly turned around and glared at him. Lucy pushed Mira out the door. "Bye JJ!" Lucy shouted.

When the girls got to Mira's house they rushed up to her room. The girls laid on her bed. "So you love him?" Mira asked. "Yes. I love him." Lucy said. "I never thought you would be in love." Mira teased. Lucy covered her face. "I'm happy for you Goldie." Mira teased even more. "Hush Bubbles." Lucy said. Mira laughed.

"I'm in love with Damian." Lucy said as she looked up at Mira's ceiling. "And I'm falling for Jason. He keeps me at arms length but I know he wants to pull me close." Mira said. "I always thought you would date someone more like a prince." Lucy said. "He's not a prince in anyway but I don't care I like him." Mira said. "No liking him." Adam said as he walked by Mira's open door. "Daddy." Mira whined. "Let her like him! You're older than me." Aria said. "She's not a consenting adult and when you and I got together you were a consenting adult." Adam said.

"She's not dating him. Just liking him but, if she starts dating him then there's a problem." Aria said. "He doesn't even flirt with me! I like him and he's waiting we literally only have like two months left till I'm eighteen." Mira said. "I only have three months left." Lucy said softly. Mira felt her heart sink. "I'll miss you." She whispered. "I'll miss you too." Lucy said. "He better keep waiting." Adam said. Lucy and Mira laughed. "Goodnight parents." Mira said.

She got up from her bed. "Goodnight girls." Aria and Adam said. "Night parents." Lucy said. Mira closed her door. "Anyways. Only a few more months." Lucy said. "I'm excited. I wonder what our first date will be like." Mira laughed. The girls took turns taking a shower and Mira gave lucy some clothes to wear. "I don't like Kara." Mira said as she sat at her vanity. Lucy sat on Mira's lap. "I don't like her either." Lucy said.

"Why does Damian hang out with her?" Mira asked. "Well cause Jon." Lucy said. "I guess but like still." Mira said. Lucy shrugged. "Do they work together too?" Mira asked. "Yeah I mean Dami is apart of the Titans and so is she." Lucy said. Mira rolled her eyes and looked on her desk for something. "Where is it?" Mira mumbled. "She had her chance." Lucy said. "I think she wanted Damian to confess first Lulu." Mira said.

"Understandable but sometimes you gotta give in." Lucy said. "True. If you really like him and he's just not asking you it's time to put on your lace panties and ask him." Mira said. She looked at her drawer to her left. "Why lace panties?" Lucy asked. "Cause they make you feel good. At least they make me feel good." Mira shrugged. She reached out her hand and her lotion flew into her hand. "I don't own any of those." Lucy said.

Mira opened the jar of lotion. "We are going shopping." Mira said. "Do I need lace panties?" Lucy asked. "No but they are good to have." Mira said and scooped a little of the lotion on to her fingers then handed the jar to lucy. "What if they go up my ass a lot?" Lucy asked. Mira gasped then laughed uncontrollably. "I'm being serious Mimi." Lucy said. Mira kept laughing. Lucy sighed and scooped a little of the lotion as well.

She placed the jar down on the tabled and rubbed the lotion into her hand a bit then rubbed it on to her face. "I mean if you find the right ones they won't really go up your ass honey." Mira said. "Are you sure?" Lucy asked. "Yes." Mira said and copied lucy with the lotion. Lucy's phone rang. She got up and went to her phone. Tim's name flashed on her screen. She grabbed her phone and answered his call. "Hello." Lucy said. "Ummm your boyfriend is going feral." Tim said. "What?" Lucy asked.

"YOU WANNA GO YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Jason shouted in the background. "PLEASE STOP!" Dick screamed. "Him and Jason are fighting. We don't know what to do. Send help. Please. Bruce isn't answering our calls." Tim said. "Just give Damian the phone." Lucy said and placed her hand on her forehead. "What's going on?" Mira asked as she stood up and closed the jar. "I'm not getting close to him!" Tim shouted.

"DAMIAN NO! DONT KICK HIS FACE!" Dick shouted. "My boyfriend and your potential boyfriend are fighting. Tim just tell him I wanna talk to him." Lucy said. "AYE! Demon! Your girlfriend is on the phone!" Tim shouted. "Why?" Mira asked as she sat on the bed. "I have no idea why." Lucy said. She heard some shuffling and cursing on the other end. "Yes." Damian said. "What's wrong with you beloved?" Lucy asked. "He keeps bringing up that he had sexual relations with my mother." Damian said.

"AND I WOULD DO IT AGAIN BITCH!" Jason shouted. "Damian don't kill him please. Just go upstairs." Lucy said. "I'll be right back." Damian said. "Ight. Make sure to break his nose." Lucy whispered. "What was that?" Mira asked. "Nothing Mimi." Lucy said. "Damian stop!" Dick shouted. "You were suppose to calm him down." Tim said. "Nah." Lucy said.

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