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Oh May. Sweet sweet May. Mira and Lucy were counting the days till the tenth. "What do you want for your birthday?" Lucy asked. Mira shrugged. "A small party." Mira said. "Ok. Sounds good." Lucy said. With Lucy knowing that information she began to plan. She was gonna plan a small party at Titans Tower. With the help of Kory and Dick this party was gonna be great!

It was currently the ninth. Only a few minutes till midnight when it would finally be the tenth. Mira couldn't sleep she kept checking her phone. Lucy was right next her. She was spending the night. Lucy normally always spent the night at Mira's house the day before and the day of her birthday. Mira checked her phone again and saw that it was now officially the tenth! She hit lucy. Lucy turned over on to her left side and looked at Mira. "I'm legal." Mira said.

"Good for fucking you. Happy birthday, love you now fuck off." Lucy groaned and rolled back over. "I love you too." Mira said. The girls went to sleep and in the morning they had breakfast with Mira's parents. "So what's the plan for today?" Aria asked. "Small get together at a friends house." Lucy said. "That boy?" Adam asked. "Why must you call my boyfriend that boy?" Lucy asked and laughed. Adam shrugged. "But no not at his place. Our friend Raven, we are going to her place." Lucy said.

"Are you guys spending the night?" Aria asked. "Probably." Mira said. "Has that boy said anything to you?" Adam asked Mira. "No." She lied. "No happy birthday no nothing?" Adam asked. "I was sure he'd say something to you." Aria said. "Nope. It's still early though." Mira said. "JJ isn't a morning person." Lucy said. "Understandable then." Aria said.

The girls headed to the manor sometime around noon. "Happy birthday Mira!" Tim shouted and gave her a coffee mug. "Thank you Tim." She said and took the mug. It was a white mug with little blueberries painted on to it. "Happy birthday Lockwood." Damian said and placed his gift on the table. Mira opened the gift. "Ah!" Mira shouted. It was the newest sewing machine. Mira hugged the box. "Oh I love it!" She squealed. Damian nodded. "Thank you so much." She said. 

"Let's go." Lucy said. "Where's my present from you?" Mira asked. "It's at the party." Lucy said. They got Alfred to drive them to the tower. When they got there they all rushed inside. At the top floor everyone was waiting for them. Lucy lead Mira to the living room and once inside everyone popped out from the darkness. "Surprise!" They all shouted. Mira squealed. "Thank you!" She shouted. "Happiest of birthdays Mira." Kory said and gave her a hug.

"Thank you." Mira said and hugged her back. Everyone talked and ate cake after they sang to Mira. Which Beast Boy sang the loudest. Lucy gave Mira her gift. Mira opened the box and it was a pair of navy blue hills that had lace on the sides, crystals on the front and it was opened toed. "I love them." Mira said and hugged the box. She squealed. "You know me so well." Mira said. Lucy just nodded her head. "You love me so much." Mira said. "Yes, yes I do." Lucy said.

"Jason now is the time." Garfield said. "We really are waiting dad." Lucy said. Jason gave both Lucy and Garfield the middle finger. Garfield gasped. "Ask her pussy." Lucy said. "I will." Jason said. "We're waiting." Tim said. "No." Jason said. They all sat on the couch and watched movies. Lucy woke up on the couch and sat up. "Aye good morning Kanye!" Garfield shouted and looked at Lucy. Lucy looked at him with glowing eyes and her hair was a mess. "Shut the fuck up." Lucy said.

She flopped back down. "What happened to all of you?" Kara asked as she walked in. "We slept on the couch." Jaime said. Lucy sat back up once she smelled coffee. "Tim." Lucy said. "Oh god what is that?" Kara asked. Lucy scratched her head and glared at Kara. "Shut up and Tim get me some coffee." Lucy said. "Come get it." Tim said. Lucy groaned. She got up and went to go fix her coffee.

Damian came out his room. "Morning Dami." Kara said. Damian nodded. "You left me on the couch?" Lucy asked. "I woke up and took a shower." Damian said. Lucy drank her coffee and headed to Damian's room. "Where are you going?" Damian asked. "Shower." Lucy said. "Do you want me to show you how to turn it on?" Damian asked. "Yup." Lucy said. He went back into his room with her. She placed her cup down on his nightstand and looked through her duffle bag.

She found her clothes and towel. Damian lead her to the bathroom and turned on the shower for her. "Thank you." She said. Damian nodded and exited the bathroom. Lucy placed her things on the sink counter then took off her clothes. She grabbed her wash cloth and soap then stepped into the shower. She washed her body. "Lucy! Wanna try my waffles?" Garfield asked. "Get out of my room!" Damian shouted. "Tofu waffles! Do not eat!" Tim shouted.

"SHE MIGHT LIKE EM!" Garfield shouted. "No she won't!" Tim shouted. "She's taking a shower don't bother her." Raven said. "But I need to know if she wants waffles!" Garfield shouted. "She doesn't want them." Damian said. Lucy tried not to laugh and kept washing her body. When she was done she stepped out and wrapped her towel around her. Stepping out of the bathroom and into Damian's room. Mira peaked her head into Damian's room.

"Hey Lulu I'm back oh your naked." Mira said. "Where the fuck were you?!" Lucy shouted. Mira went into the room and closed the door behind her. "Did you wash your face?" Mira asked. "No but don't change the subject." Lucy said. Mira went into Lucy's bag and found her face wash and gave it to her. "I was just out." Mira said. "Out where?" Lucy asked as Mira shoved her back into the bathroom.

Lucy washed her face quickly and the dried her face with another towel Mira handed her. "Be gentle with your face." Mira said. Lucy nodded. "Waffles!" Garfield shouted. "No one wants them!" Damian shouted. "Once again where were you and where did that jacket come from?" Lucy asked. Mira was wearing a blue leather jacket. "Ummm Jason." Mira said. "Did he ask you?" Lucy asked. "Yeah and he took me out on a motorcycle ride. It was nice." Mira said and had a soft smile on her face.

"Awww." Lucy said. Mira blushed. "Anyways. Get dressed." She said waving lucy off. Lucy dried off her body. Mira handed Lucy her lotion, deodorant, clothes and perfume. Once lucy was done with that she brushed her teeth. "You know since I've never been on a motorcycle before I was nervous but I had fun. We got burgers, saw a drive in movie they only played Grease surprisingly." Mira said.

"He didn't like that did he?" Lucy asked. "No he didn't. But I don't care for that movie either so it was fine. Then he just drove me around the city and he was speeding sometimes so it scared the shit out of me but I liked it. Strange I know." Mira said. Lucy spit out her tooth paste and cleaned her mouth. "No not strange I understand." Lucy said cutting her off. "Then we sat in a park and just talked for hours." Mira said. "That's romantically disgusting." Lucy said and cleaned off the water dripping from her chin.

"Hush." Mira said and nudged lucy. Lucy put all her stuff away and they headed out of Damian's room. "Waffles." Garfield said and shoved them towards lucy and Mira. Lucy picked up a waffle and took a bite then passed it to Mira who did the same. They chewed and swallowed. Both scrunching up their noses. "No." Lucy said. "No indeed." Mira said and threw the waffle away. "I'm sorry Gar." Lucy said. "Me too." Mira said. Gar pouted. Lucy rubbed his back.

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