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When it was time for Lucy to go to first grade the Wayne family was no where to be found for her. Spending Saturday's together had stopped due to the family not being seen by anyone really. It seems to the world like they had just gone missing. Poof. "Oh look at my pretty girl." Sabrina cooed. Lucy smiled. She was officially six and her baby brother Sam was now one. She was also officially Lucy Kane. No longer Lucy Quinzel.

She did receive a package though it was from Alfred. It was school supplies, clothes, and little stuffed animals but that's all. It was the only recent thing she got from the Wayne's since she doesn't see them anymore. All she could think is where did they go? Why did they leave her behind? Why couldn't she go wherever they went too? Why was she always alone?

Her family walked her into the school and to her class. They sat with her and listened to stuff the teacher said. Lucy began to feel uncomfortable. She wanted to go home. A bunch of kids talked to each other while she talked to no one. So she turned to her baby brother who couldn't really even talk yet but still. She played with him and focused on him to keep herself occupied. When parents finally had to leave Lucy held tightly on to Sabrina.

"Baby I have to go." Sabrina said. "No." Lucy said. "You are gonna be just fine baby I promise." Sabrina said. Lucy nodded and let her go. As time went on a blue haired girl walked over to Lucy and sat next to her. Lucy looked at the girl then looked away. She didn't know why she was sitting next to her. "I'm Mira Lockwood. Who are you?" The girl asked as she looked at Lucy. Lucy looked back at her. "Lucy Kane." She said.

"Nice to meet you. So how come I've never seen you before?" Mira asked. "I just started going to school." Lucy said. "You've been homeschooled?" Mira asked. "Sorta." Lucy said. "Sorta?" Mira asked. "I don't need preschool or kindergarten. My family is really smart. So I got some smart genes in me and I had some help from cousins. They taught me a lot." Lucy said. She was and wasn't technically lying. Her family is smart. Her mother Harley has a PHD! Her dad Joker has a evil genius level intellect! They are very smart people!

Now her cousins..well she really meant her brothers and sister. Timmy, JJ, Babs and Dicky. They helped her bring out her well smartness. "Ohhh I see." Mira said. Lucy nodded. "Why is your hair blue?" Lucy asked. "Oh I get it from my mom. She's got blue hair." Mira said. Blue hair isn't natural but lucy  liked it! She liked not natural things. She liked things that were different like herself. Lucy nodded. "Do you like it?" Mira asked. "Love it." Lucy said. Mira smiled.

The girls spent the rest of the day talking and playing. When school ended the girls waited outside with the teacher and other kids. When Mira's parents came she held Lucy's hand and walked over to them. Lucy's parents well guardians walked over to the girls. "Mommy can Lulu come over on Saturday?" Mira asked. "That's up to her parents." Mira's mother said. Lucy saw her guardians and went straight for Sabrina. Sabrina gave her a hug. "Hey Lu did you have a good day?" Sabrina asked. Lucy nodded.

Sam babbled a few things himself. He was excited to see his sister. He hadn't seen her almost all day! "Can I go to Mimi's house on Saturday?" Lucy asked as she pointed at Mira. "You made a friend I see." Sabrina said. They walked over to Mira's parents and the adults talked. "Hi I'm Aria Lockwood." Mira's mom said. Her mother did indeed have blue hair like she said. "Sabrina Kane." She said. "You have such a cute baby boy." Aria cooed at Sam. Sam smiled and opened and closed his hand at Aria.

"This is my husband Adam." Aria said. "This is my husband Toby." Sabrina said. The men shook hands. "Your baby brother is cute." Mira said. "Mhm." Lucy said. The women talked and so did the girls. "Well I think it's ok for them to have a play date if that's okay with you." Sabrina said. "Of course it is." Aria said. The women traded numbers and then went separate ways. Sabrina held Lucy's hand as they walked to the car. "See I told you would be fine baby. You made a friend and I'm so happy for you." Sabrina said.

"I'm happy for me too." Lucy said. When the day of the play date came Lucy was so excited! Sabrina and Lucy where in the car on the way to Mira's house. Lucy was bouncing in her seat. "So excited I see." Sabrina said as she looked into the review mirror. Lucy nodded. "I can't wait." Lucy said. "We are almost there." Sabrina said. Lucy nodded. When they arrived Sabrina parked her car in the driveway. "Her house is big." Lucy said. "Very big." Sabrina said.

Sabrina got Lucy out the car and the two walked to the front door. Sabrina rang the doorbell and they waited a minute. Aria came to the door and opened it but quickly turned her head. "Mi. Enough now please." Aria said. Lucy turned her head confused on what Mira's mother was talking about. "Please come in ladies." Aria said and stepped inside letting the two in. The girls walked inside. "Lulu!" Mira shouted and hugged Lucy. "Ah!" Lucy shouted as she stumbled a little bit. "Careful girls." Aria said.

"Hi Mimi." Lucy said and hugged her back. "Hi Lucy's mom." Mira said. "Hi sweetie." Sabrina said. "Thank you for having me over." Lucy said to Aria. "Oh you're welcome honey. Would you like some tea Sabrina?" Aria asked. "Oh I would love some." Sabrina said. Mira grabbed Lucy's hand and dragged her upstairs to her room. Mira showed Lucy all her toys and then they played with them and watched tv.

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