Saturday Night

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To say goodbye wasn't something she wanted to do but something she had to do. Packing her bags slowly and counting her days. "Lucy do you even care about Damian?" A girl asked Lucy while she was at her locker. "Mind your fucking business. Don't worry about me and him." Lucy snapped. "Or what you'll attack me like your therapist? What a joke. Such a psychopath." She said. "Yes I will hurt you like I did hurt my therapist. Does it look like I give a fuck?" Lucy asked.

"What's going on?" Mira asked as she walked up next to Lucy. "Your fake bestie is a psychopath and trying to threaten me." The girl said. "Do me a favor and start walking away before I hurt you myself." Mira said. "Excuse me?" She said. "You heard me bitch. Start walking. Now." Mira said. The girl walked away. "Thanks." Lucy said. "No problem." Mira said and wrapped her arm around Lucy. Lucy smiled and the two walked to class.

"Lucy! Mira! The best girls around." A guy said. "Hi Mason." The girls said in unison. "Party on Saturday. My place be there especially you Lucy. You haven't been at a party in forever." Mason said. "No she's" "We'll be there." Lucy said. "Great." Mason said and walked away. "Are you sure?" Mira asked. "This is gonna be my last party here. Mira school is ending soon so I just wanna enjoy a party." Lucy said. "Ok." Mira said. Lucy smiled. 

Lucy went to Damian's art class instead of her regular class. She walked in and smiled. "Hi miss Potter." Lucy said. "Hi Lucy how is my favorite free spirit?" Miss Potter asked. "I'm good, how are you?" Lucy asked. "I'm good. What brings you by?" She asked. "Oh you know just visiting." Lucy said. She nodded. Lucy saw Damian walk in. "Hi beloved." Lucy said. "Hello beloved." Damian said. Lucy kissed his cheek. "What are you doing here?" Damian asked. "Visiting. I don't wanna go to my class." Lucy said.

Damian looked at her. Lucy shrugged. "Go to class." Damian said. "I don't want to and I know Miss P doesn't mind." Lucy said. "I really don't mind. She's a free spirit." Miss Potter said. Lucy stuck out her tongue. Damian lead her to his seat and she next to him. She watched him draw and she even drew herself. She sorta drew a big flower petals. It wasn't very good.

She colored it in and smiled at her work. "This will be my first tattoo." Lucy said. Damian looked at her with wide eyes. Lucy laughed. "I'm only kidding." Lucy said. Damian shook his head. Lucy of course didn't tell Damian about the party on Saturday. She didn't want him to worry so she simply didn't tell him. On Saturday her and Mira got dressed up and Mira drove to Mason's place.

When they arrived Mira parked on the corner and the two walked hand and hand to the house. They saw people sitting outside the house. "Hey Lu long time no see." "Hey girlies." "Hey." Lucy said with a smile. She waved at others as she entered the house. "Stay close." Mira said. "I'll be fine." Lucy said. Mira nodded and went off on her own. Lucy went to find Mason to let him know she was there so he didn't talk about her on Monday.

She found him playing beer pong. "Hi Mason." Lucy said. "Luce! You're here." Mason said and gave Lucy a hug. "Yes I'm here." Lucy said and hugged him back. "You wanna play after me or you wanna play against me?" Mason asked. "It's been a long time since I've gone against you so let's play." She said. After about an hour Mira found lucy. "I am the champion you fucking losers!" Lucy shouted.

"So this is where you were." Mira said. Lucy smiled at her. "How much have you had?" Mira asked. "Ummm. Mason?" Lucy asked. Mason looked at Lucy. "Huh?" He asked. "How much has she had?" Mira asked. Mason shrugged. "You were suppose to be keeping track you loser." Lucy said. "Sorry." He said. "Hey Mira." Ben said. "Leave me alone." Mira said. Ben sighed and Lucy kept playing till she was tipsy. Mira made her sit down after her seventh game.

Mira then took her turn playing and also tried to babysit Lucy at the same time. Lucy kicked her feet. She was feeling good but she wanted more. Lucy stood up but Mira took noticed. She turned her head and snapped her finger at Lucy. "No. Don't even think about it." Mira said. "Bathroom." Lucy lied. "Wait till I'm done." Mira said. The girls never allowed each other to go to the bathroom alone.

Lucy pouted and sat back down. A girl with silver hair sat down next to Lucy. Lucy looked at her. "Hi." She said. "Hi." Lucy said and waved. "You ok?" She asked. Lucy nodded. "What's your name?" Lucy asked. "Rose." She said. "Lu-" "Lucy I know." Rose said cutting Lucy off. "How do you know?" Lucy asked. "Everyone talks about you." Rose said. Lucy nodded. "I've never seen you before." Lucy said. "Homeschooled." Rose said.

Lucy nodded. "I'll take you to the bathroom." Rose said. "I don't need the bathroom. I just want another drink." Lucy said. "Come on." Rose said and stood up. "I'm not allowed to leave. Mira said so." Lucy said. "Don't let that blueberry dictate your life." Rose said. Lucy shrugged and stood up. Rose and her got another drink. "So tell me about the Blueberry." Rose said.

"Mira is a good person. She kinda just wants the best for people." Lucy said. Rose rolled her eyes. "She's got a boyfriend right?" Rose asked. Lucy nodded. "Who is it?" Rose asked. "Can't tell you that." Lucy said. "Want another drink?" Rose asked and looked at Lucy. Lucy looked back at her and smirked. "I'm tipsy not drunk. I'm blonde but not dumb." Lucy said and finished her drink. Rose nodded. "Sure." Rose said.

Lucy went back to the couch. Mira finished her fourth game and sat down next to Lucy. "I got up." Lucy said. Mira sighed. "Where did you go?" Mira asked. "Drink." Lucy said. Mira shook her head. "Can we go outside. It's really hot in here." Lucy said. Mira nodded. The two got up and headed for the front door. They went outside and were greeted by cold air. "Fuck I didn't think it was that cold." Lucy said. "It's Gotham." Mira said.

Lucy nodded. Two figures were walking up to the house. Lucy couldn't really see due to it being dark. Mira took notice and grabbed on to Lucy's wrist ready to drag her back inside. "What are you doing here?" Jason asked. Lucy groaned. "Fuck." She said. "Oh JJ it's you." Mira said. "Do you wanna almost frown again?" Damian asked. "I'm fine." Lucy said. "You told them?" Mira whispered. Lucy nodded. Mira shook her head. Lucy shrugged.

"Come on. We are leaving." Damian said. "No I wanna stay a little longer." Lucy said. "It's one thirty in the morning Lucy." Damian said. "And." Lucy said. "You've been here long enough. I can smell the alcohol on you. Let's go." Damian said and rubbed Lucy's back. "I'm having fun you should try it." Lucy said. "I'm not going in there." Damian said. "Come on kid you and me can have some drinks at home." Jason said.

Lucy folded her arms. "Come on. Tequila at home. Your name is on the bottle kid." Jason said. Lucy's eyes widen and Mira laughed. "What?" Jason asked. "What's so funny?" Damian asked. "She can't have tequila." Mira said. "Why?" Damian asked. "Cause she" "Shut the fuck up!" Lucy shouted. "Ok. Ok. I'm sorry." Mira said and hugged Lucy. "I'll literally hurt." Lucy said.

Mira rolled her eyes and kissed Lucy's head. "Love you." Mira said. "Sure you do." Lucy said.

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