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When Friday came along the small trio were sitting in class. They had gotten sorta closer as the months passed by. "Hey do you want me to come over on Saturday?" Mira asked. "Oh if you want to. I thought you were just going to stay home and sew." Lucy said. "I do but if you don't wanna be alone I'll come over or you can come over to my place." Mira said. "I think I wanna sleep all day on Saturday." Lucy said. "Of course." Mira said. "I need sleep." Lucy said. "I know you do." Mira said. "Dami you look dead inside are you ok?" Lucy asked.

"I'm fine." Damian said. "You sure? You look more tired than I do." Lucy said. "Just didn't get enough sleep that's all." Damian said. Lucy nodded. "The both of you need a good sleep schedule." Mira said. "Hush ray of disgusting sunshine." Lucy said. Mira laughed. When school ended instead of getting a ride with Mira, her mom was picking her up. Damian and Lucy waited up front for their rides. "Do you need a ride home?" Damian asked under his breath. "Huh?" Lucy asked. "I said do you need a ride." Damian said.

"Oh thanks but no thanks but my mom is picking me up today." Lucy said. "Oh." Damian said. "I'll take a ride from you next time." Lucy said. Damian nodded. "Hey give me your phone for second." Lucy said. "Why?" Damian asked. "So I can give you my phone number duh." Lucy said. "Why do I need your phone number?" Damian asked. "Cause we are totally besties and need to text each other everyday." Lucy said. "We aren't besties or whatever." Damian said but reached into his pocket and gave Lucy his phone.

Lucy took it. "See if we aren't besties you wouldn't have given me your phone." Lucy said. "This has nothing to do with us being besties." Damian said. "But you know we are." Lucy said. She added her number to his phone and a few emojis by her name then gave her phone to him. He put his number in but no emojis by his name. "Dude no emojis really." Lucy said when he gave her the phone back. "I don't care for them." Damian said. Soon a car pulled up. "I'll text you later." Lucy said as Damian got into his car.

Soon Sabrina pulled up and Lucy got in the car. She climbed in the front seat while her brother was in the back. "Hey Sammy." Lucy said. "Hey Lulu." Sam said. "How was school?" Lucy said. "Okay. I had fun with my friends." Sam said. Sam was now currently twelve years old and in the sixth grade. Sabrina was taking her children to see Kate. Their cousin. Lucy didn't care to go but did she have a choice? No. No she didn't. When they got to Kate's place Lucy was dreading getting out the car.

"Come on." Sabrina said. Lucy groaned and they all got out the car. They went up to Kate's apartment and Lucy sat on the couch. "So kids how have you been?" Kate asked. "Okay." Lucy said. "Good." Sam said. "So lucy you started your senior year right?" Kate asked. "Junior." Lucy corrected her. "Oh right sorry." Kate said and ruffled Lucy's hair. "It's fine." Lucy said. Kate and Sabrina talked while Lucy pulled out her phone. She guess now was a better time to text Damian then never.

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