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When they arrived at the manor Lucy went inside and gave Tim his drinks. "YOU CARE ABOUT ME!" Tim shouted. "Mhm." Lucy said. She went to Damian's room and laid down on his bed. She was tired. Waking up early just isn't her thing. "HI! LETS START SHOPPING!" Mira shouted. Lucy turned her head. She saw her mother's, Selina, Mira and Barbara. "Who let you people in?!" Lucy shouted. "Mama's baby." Harley cooed as she sat on the bed next to lucy. "Come on honey." Sabrina said. "Noooooo." Lucy whined. "Bruce says you have to get a new dress." Barbara said.

"I don't wanna!" Lucy shouted. "You don't have a choice." Mira said. "I just wanna sleep." Lucy said. "After." Mira said. "Mama." Lucy whined. "What?" Sabrina and Harley asked. "I don't wanna." She whined. "Come on baby." Harley said. "Don't you wanna look nice for Damian." Mira teased. "Shut up." Lucy said. "Don't you wanna wear something green to catch your boyfriends eye?" Barbara asked. "Leave me alone." Lucy said as she was blushing.

"Boyfriend?" Harley asked. Lucy's eyes widen. She never did tell her mother she was in a relationship. "You assholes! You snitched!" Lucy shouted. "We didn't know that they didn't know!" Mira shouted. Harley spanked Lucy. "Ow!" She shouted. "Who said you could have a boyfriend?" Harley asked. "I did." Lucy said. Harley shook her head. "Come on let's go." Mira said. "I don't wanna!" Lucy shouted. "Okay." Mira said and walked over to Lucy. "No not okay." Barbara said.

"Excuse me." Mira said to Harley. Harley got off the bed. Mira grabbed both of Lucy's ankles and a pulled her as hard as she could. "AHHHHH!" Lucy shouted as she yanked off the bed. "We are leaving. NOW!" Mira shouted. Lucy fell on to the floor with a thud. She whined. "You don't love me!" She shouted. "Lucille now." Mira said. Lucy got up and folded her arms. "Wow." Barbara said. "This isn't my first rodeo with her." Mira said as she walked out the room. Lucy put on her shoes and grabbed her things.

"You ok baby?" Harley asked. "Yeah." Lucy said. Sabrina rubbed Lucy's back. She sighed and they left the room. Bruce caught the women walking down the stairs. "Where are you all going?" Bruce asked. "Dress shopping." Lucy said with a roll of her eyes. Bruce walked over to her and kissed her head. "Behave." He said. "Mhm." Lucy said. "I mean it Lucy." Bruce said. "Whatever you say dad." She said with a smile. He shook his head. The girls exited the manor and all getting into Harley's mini van.

"Mommy where did you get this from?" Lucy asked. "Ohhh I stole this a long time ago." Harley said. "Why a mini van?" Selina asked. "I don't know." Harley said as she drove to the mall. "Soooo. Jason." Lucy said and looked at Mira. "Hush." Mira said. "Why?" Lucy asked. "I can't help it okay. I don't know what it was but the minute I saw him......I was in love." Mira said. "Ewwww you had a love at first sight moment. You disgust me." Lucy said.

Mira laughed and shoved Lucy. "Of course you had one of those you're a fucking princess." Lucy said. "What do you mean?" Mira asked. "About every princess has a love at first sight moment." Lucy said. "You aren't wrong but I thought it was love when I saw other boys." Mira said. "I saw the way you looked at Jason. It was different. I can't explain it but it wasn't the same way as you looked at other boys." Lucy said. "I like him a lot." Mira said with a soft smile on her face. "I know you do." Lucy said.

"He's funny, really smart, caring, and he listens to me and doesn't just nod his head. He cares." Mira said. "Sooo like imma just say for the wedding I refuse to wear orange." Lucy said. "We aren't even getting married." Mira said. "I know there's still a long way ahead of you two but I'm just saying now. No orange." Lucy said. "Deal." Mira said. Lucy smiled.

Mira had to drag lucy around the mall. "Come on. Be invested. You need a dress." Mira said. "I don't know what I wanna wear." Lucy said. "Something pink?" Mira asked. "No." Lucy said. "Something purple?" Mira asked. "Maybe." "Red?" "Maybe." "White?" "Maybe." "Lucy." Barbara said. "What? I don't know." Lucy said. "Okay well you said maybe to red, purple and white. So let's start there." Mira said. Lucy nodded. "You gotta find something baby." Harley said.

Lucy nodded. Mira took her into a store and they looked around. "You should wear white. Mhm yes white." Mira said. "Okay." Lucy said. Mira was looking around for a white dress but she couldn't find anything she liked for lucy to wear. "Hey Mimi." Lucy said. "Yes honeybun." Mira said as she was looking through a rack of dresses. "Why don't you make my dress?" Lucy asked. "Yes. Yes! Exactly that's exactly what I'll do!" Mira shouted excitedly. "Let's find a dress for you." Lucy said.

Mira nodded. "Wear red." Lucy said. "Hmm." Mira said. "Jason likes red." Lucy said. "Shut up." Mira said and nudged lucy a little. "Just saying." Lucy said. Mira and lucy kept looking around. "How are you doing?" Selina asked Harley. "Oh ya know kitty." Harley said. "I don't know Harley." Selina said. "I'm just tryin to get better for her." Harley said. "You are doing your best and Lucy appreciates that. She's happy to have her mother back." Selina said.

Harley nodded. "But I'll never be.....her." Harley said softly and looked at Sabrina who was next to Lucy talking. "Harley." Selina said softly. "They are so close. I feel as if I'm not enough kitty." Harley said. "Harley, lucy loves you more than anything. She has space in her heart for you and her. All lucy has ever wanted is to be with you again. Do you not remember when we came to see you? Don't worry so much." Selina said and rubbed Harley's back.

"Mimi." Lucy said. "Yeah." Mira said and turned to lucy. Lucy held up a black dress with red roses on them with white polkadots. "I love it." Mira said. "This is definitely for you." Lucy said. Mira took it. "Definitely." Mira said with a big smile on her face.

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